Published 2024-03-20
At The Pearly Gates Call Center Gabriella is ready to take on the day with a new look provided by her Guardian Angel friend Sharonda she is ready to take the day on but it seems that every call is out if her Tier and she has to constantly transfer calls to Michael, She wonders if Cherubim will like her new look? She also learns that she cannot play VR at her desk even if she is on her lunch break. One caller from Androidia called in very upset that she couldnt get God to give her the lotterys winning numbers so she stock up in Volcano Dew and a know Scammer is checking on his prayers to God to see if is Tax Fraud with the Internal Nueral Credit Services has been wiped clean whilst one man wants to know if he can marry his Cyborg since it doesnt say anything against it, and one lady wants to put a appeal in because she states she was born the wrong race and the drama between Makayla and Tony was a mess as she wants Tony to reliaze his Frequency Rhyming career is going nowhere and shes ready to be a wife! Gabriella is working hard to serve humans and help them in there crisis, if you feel like you could use some help please message her snd she will answer your call at 1800callJesus. #heavenlyhelpdesk #gabriella #nueralenergycredits #fruequencyrhymer #cmmcnation #cmmccandles #cmmc #crystlemarie

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