Here’s how to respond to what happened at the Olympics opening ceremony

Published 2024-07-29

Here’s the message I dropped in the Olympics’ inbox. You should too…

Organizers have said they are sorry that the drag queens portraying one of the most sacred moments in Christian memory offended some, while also calling it a successful celebration of inclusivity.
You are aware that that’s not an actual apology, right?
What you need to say is that “this offense which was CLEARLY intended to EXCLUDE the world’s 2 billion+ Bible believers was wrong, and we are sorry.”
In an increasingly divided world, it’s increasingly urgent to create spaces…where EVERYONE (yes, including conservative Christians…who are not enemies of humanity) can come together in a genuinely human experience, without it being politicized, and without feeling ostracized.
The Olympics can and should be such a space, and you have failed at that.
But enough is enough.
Christians are tired of being the brunt of open derision and spite like this.
I have decided to boycott the Olympics until hearing an actual, and real apology.
I won’t be placated by a duplicitous one.

All Comments (21)
  • Everyone was invited to the olympics except for Christians... Gladly I say, for Jesus is my King and saviour for ever and ever, Amen!
  • Agreed. Not to mention, the Olympics used to be a safe space for our kids. This is not kid friendly material.
  • @christinevon3524
    The LGBTQ has determined the Catholic church to be it's enemy - The Dodgers Stadium, the funeral at St. Patrick's Cathedral, and now the Paris Olympics. I know a couple of trans people and have deep compassion for their inner pain and restlessness, but this has gone too far. On my way to adoration, we need to pray, fast, and make reparation to help them.
  • @tessmac3512
    My ‘feelings’ weren’t hurt, they insulted , they blasphemed the God of Creation, the God who died on the Cross to save us. Boycott the olympics and their sponsors.
  • @leighsirvent654
    It’s time for Christians to stand up and defend our beliefs. Thank you for doing that.
  • @paula9604
    Thank you for sharing your letter to the IOC. I am also boycotting the Olympics, but I am also canceling our trip to Europe next year which included visiting France. I no long want to support a country that mocks religion and fails to recognize their actions as insensitive and hypocritical, as well as deplorable, yet call themselves tolerant and inclusive. I pray their eyes and ears will be opened.
  • @ohwhataday7171
    They did this at a Dodgers game as well. The worst part is children get exposed to this. That especially upsets me. Thank you for your message Chris! 🙏❤️🙏❤️
  • @anonkurian
  • Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven. Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you.
  • @mariac4602
    Thank you, Chris, for sharing your thoughts and providing guidance on what to do. I appreciate your leadership.
  • @dealiahunter6560
    We have all that happening in NO masses. Bergolio loves it as you see his praise of the Olympics.
  • I agree. Thank you for supplying the email address. Sent the committee a quick note letting them know I will not be watching the Olympics this year.
  • @janicelolli1583
    Thank you for your spoken and written words. These will help me as I craft my own messages in response to this egregious display. Bishop Barron has exhorted Catholics not to be silent so I will speak. I’m also praying for all involved that minds and hearts will be changed.
  • @stephanie4949
    Wouldn't it be powerful if each of our bishops celebrated a Mass of reparation for this blasphemy -- and encouraged each of their parish priests to do the same?
  • @bluesky7226
    Thank you, Chris! Loving others is willing their good. We are called to do that. ❤
  • @hittingthewall
    Wow. You were much more civil in your message to the IOC than I was in mine. 😂 bless you for boycotting! ❤
  • @44esta44
    Excellent, your comment has a needed twist, one I haven't heard it before. The LGBTQ+ as a group is well-educated and well to do...and they use those attributes to their advantage.....Very much a part of Hollywood.