Homeless in the Heartland | Program |

Published 2011-03-02
[Original Airdate: January 31, 2007]

How did Milwaukee, Wisconsin end up as the "twelfth meanest city in America" on the National Coalition for the Homeless list? What does it mean to be homeless in Milwaukee and what factors contribute to this uninvited title? This exclusive documentary includes interviews with homeless individuals all from diverse backgrounds, as well as caregivers and others who share their experiences and thoughts on being homeless in Milwaukee. The program also explores some of the strategic options identified by the community to combat homelessness and a glimpse of what the future may hold for homeless individuals in Milwaukee. Produced by Gene Ferrara.

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All Comments (21)
  • It can happen to ANYONE too. No one comes into this world intending to be homeless or an addict or lost and lonely. Prayers for all those in need. And until one has walked miles in their shoes, no one should judge them.
  • @NotJessH
    I worked at a family owned Italian restaurant for years when I was younger and every Christmas we had a party for the less fortunate, not all homeless, many on public assistance and in section 8 housing, we served a proper Christmas dinner with leftovers to take home and even had Santa come in for a short appearance and gave away toys, clothes, school supplies, games/puzzles etc. I didn’t mind working on Christmas Day at all. I always decorated the previous night and didn’t mind helping clean up afterwards. It feels good to do something nice, no matter how small .
  • @suzrachel9036
    What has this world become ... No one should be homeless and starving in this day of age ! So sad indeed breaks my heart 😢
  • The homeless couple living in the abandoned factory (12:40) are a powerful testament to reaching out to another human-being with tenderness and love even in the most dehumanizing circumstances. Her tearful face as she says "This is not where I want to be" just tears at your heart.
  • This truly breaks my heart. I live in a small town about an hour away from Milwaukee. When I was in nursing school, for the last six weeks before graduation, we got to choose where to intern. One girl worked in a prison, another chose in-flight trauma nursing, and I chose to work at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission. Opened my eyes and ripped up my heart. I felt like I could not do enough. In addition to providing health care, which kept me quite busy, I tried to do whatever else I could. I scoured the thrift stores, bought them out of blankets. I spent hours making bag lunches. After my shifts at the Mission I would give out the blankets and lunches to those who weren't lucky enough to have a bed at the Mission. I cried my eyes out every day on the drive home...
  • @joew518
  • @snowblo1
    I can't stop crying. Oh Lord, help us all.
  • @CaptchaNeon
    I dealt with this for years before finally saving up enough money to buy my home cash and now I have my permanent residence. I had never used drugs, I don't have mental illness and I wasn't an alcoholic so don't make assumptions that everyone on the streets is because of their own choices. Everyone has the capability of becoming homeless and we need to stop waiting for the government to do something about it and we need to come together and help them ourselves
  • @robinh7267
    The plight of the homeless, breaks my heart and if I could, I would help them all. Helping one or two at a time, seems like nothing when so many are struggling. But, even Christ did not help or heal all who suffered. Instead, he focused on individuals, and inspired his followers to copy his example. So, I will do the same.
  • @bunnylady6758
    With covid now, this must be harder. God help these people and provide hope for them.
    I remember my mother asking me a question, at the time she was on hospice. Even in her last days of life she was concerned about me. She simply said to me "Sally who is going to take care of you when you get old"? I looked at my mom and simply responded, "Mommy, don't worry Jesus will take care of me. She simply smiled at me, and knew I was going to be all right. Till this day, no matter what problems that comes my way. Jesus has provided me with shelter, food, clothes and shoes. I'm grateful until the Lord. Being a born again believer Jesus made me a promise in his Word. He said many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord shall deliver him, out of them all. The Lord had kept his promise to me. People don't have hope. But I can truly testify that God is a keeper. I don't know how people make it in this world without him. I am not perfect, but I am a born again believer. I can only share what has been given to me. If you profess Christ with your mouth, and believe in your heart that Jesus Christ died for you and rose again on the 3rd day. Thou shalt be saved. It's that simple. Pray and believe, and watch God move. Lord remember your people in this difficult time and .ake a way for them. Thankyou Jesus fir hearing our prayers. Amen❣
  • I thank God for watching over me when I was homeless there are some real angels out there I will never forget the kind strangers that helped especially my best friend
  • @veganc5028
    So many of us are just a couple paycheques away from being homeless
  • @gegege7668
    We can bail out corporations and wall street and give out corporate welfare but we can't fix homelessness or hold our promises to our veterans, something is seriously amiss right now.
  • This is heartbreaking … my prayers go out to anyone that’s homeless….Many of us are just 1 miss paycheck away!
  • Found myself homeless at 17…knew I didn’t want to stay that way. Fast forward 46 years and I own my home as a retired man who traveled the world. You are the author of your life.
  • @LadyCoyKoi
    The homeless are the best people you could make friends with. They would not judge you. I have many experiences with them. Two of which stand out the most. One was a black lady at the bus stop at MDC-Wolfson Campus, who would talk to herself. She had a great conversation about unfair practices at the government level. At that time I was taking ethical government course for my Art Education degree, so I would ask her questions related to her conversation. She would answer them. It went on for a few days till one day she looked over at me and it was as if I brought her back down to Earth. I reached my hand out and introduced myself to her. Another was an old black man who would chat with me. I would have conversations with him too. By treating him like a human being with an intelligent mind and gifts, I was given a friend who looked after me, while I waited for my mom to pick me up. He was a smoker, so I would give him cigarettes and $5 for food (there are shops near-by the area for drinks and food). Being acknowledged is taken for granted by those who never understood or experienced what it is like to be ignored and forgotten. A simple conversation and acknowledgement of others makes the world a better place. Not perfect, but a little bit less sucky. Everyone has a story behind their eyes. Some rougher than others. Don't judge these folks, not all are bums. Many want a normal life, with a roof over their heads and warm meals in their bellies. The five basic essential necessities life should not be viewed as luxury items to be sold or make profit from, but to be free as God and Nature intended. We can do far better than this. Far, far better.