Understanding Linguistics | Noam Chomsky | Talks at Google

Published 2014-04-08
Professor Noam Chomsky visits Google Cambridge to answer the following questions from Googlers:

1. Your early view of the potential abuse of the Internet as a political medium seemed to convey a wait and see attitude. How has your view evolved and where do you think the balance of power is headed? 2:43

2. What is the most interesting insight the science of Linguistics has revealed but that the public at large seems not to know about or appreciate? 13:00

3. In "Hopes and Prospects" you mention your colleague Kenneth Hale and his work with Native Americans. In your opinion, how important is the problem of language extinction? That is, how important is it - for humanity to preserve the current level of linguistic diversity? 18:03

4. Can you comment on the contribution of research in statistical natural language processing to linguistics? 30:00

5. What, in your opinion, are the most effective strategies for building a more just and peaceful world? And in your view, what are the most significant takeaways from Occupy, the Arab Spring, and the Ukrainian "Euromaidan" uprising? 35:11

6. In "Hopes and Prospects" you compare Obama with Bush2. It's 4 years later now. What would you say today? 41:39

All Comments (21)
  • @Poopchute
    Gotta love the balls of Noam Chomsky first question at a Google interview he says Google is undermining the privacy of it's users. Really how much more genuine and uncompromising can you be
  • @Ullbritt
    lol i love how he attacks google within the first minute xD
  • @Pianistos
    I hate to see this great man getting old.
  • @RobertPatrizi
    This man is remarkable. He gets asked good questions here, but how he answers is truly admirable. Translates a superficial question, in his mind, broadens the meaning of it to not only a bigger picture, but the biggest picture. One step towards his thinking would be a success for everybody
  • @thamyth13
    I love Noam, I only regret that i didn't discover him earlier in my life. He has changed my view on the world and continues to do so. May he live forever!
  • @ienjoyapples
    Chomsky: "Screw your questions Google, I'm talking about Cuba."
  • @farazkhan9358
    Noam Chomsky! I think I'm totally in love with you! You are an ocean of knowledge!
  • @crowmangone
    such an erudite sane intelligent humble man.
  • @sajidullah
    He has spread a lot of awareness and his life was worth it ..May he live a long life.
    Lots of smiling faces in the Google audience is a good indicator that Google employees are largely sympathetic to Noam's viewpoint, despite his direct dig at Google's submission to government demands for sharing personal user data.  Google should stand up to the US Gov Inc.  It's employees should speak out about this!
  • @BillSalem
    As a teacher Chomsky seems essentially to be providing the listener with what they need to know in order to think in a meaningful way about the world and its political systems and operations.  
  • @OdqMike
    you dont interview Noam Chomsky, you unleash him ^^.
  • @rapauli
    It is nice to hear from Noam Chomsky a combination of politics and linguistics.   Really helps with understanding the man.    Thanks to Google for hosting. 
  • @r.leib.9857
    I've never found an intellectual that I feel is more trustworthy than Noam Chomsky.  (No one's perfect, but) his level of honesty and genuineness is pretty profound.   A wannabe intellectual like Richard Dawkins would shit his pants over the terror he would be experiencing discussing half the topics (particularly related to power and imperialism) that someone like Chomsky has dedicated his life towards. And Hitchens was just attracted to US power, in my opinion.
  • @spof84
    I like how he gives a subtle stab at Google at the beginning saying that they undermine privacy rights.
  • @MoerreNoseshine
    He says something very insightful beginning at @32:40:"You do not get discoveries in the sciences by taking huge amounts of data and throwing them in a computer". I need that quote because nobody would believe anything I would say, because obviously I'm stupid if so many headlines and businesses are about "big data".
  • @26monkeygod
    Mr. Chomsky, I just hope you know that the younger generations will always regard your wisdom and continue your legacy, and question the ways of the world, in terms of sovereign states and leaders. You have inspired a generation of thinkers, and given hope and motivation to many.. I love you.
  • I had heard about Professor Chomsky when I was a college student in the late 70's and 80's. When Chomsky opens his mouth the world listens . Most famous man to be identified by a mere surname. May God bless you,sir, with good longevity.