Annihilate + Till its over - Just Shapes And Beats

Published 2018-08-19
Game: Just Shapes And Beats

All Comments (20)
  • @robertw6894
    Moral of the story: Don't impale yourself with a Dorito.
  • @iamalive284
    7:00 Your attacks are in tune with the song You cannot be hurt Contact with you will only result in the enemy taking more damage from your blasts You're the boss battle this time around. Every boss has their own song, and this one is yours. I love this game
  • @mlgsmurb8266
    I love the way Annihilate contrasts literally everything Blixer was set up to be. You start off by basically fighting Blixer's puppeteered corpse, before morphing into Annihilate (I'm pretty sure that's what this form is called). Annihilate's attack patterns aren't wacky and animated like previous bosses. All he does is chomp on thin air, whilst showcasing his power using spiky magic bullshit that'd give a touhou character tears of joy. I especially like how as Till It's Over, the bossfight actually becomes more and more cartoony as the song progresses, with Annihilate's attack patterns becoming less and less intimidating with each phase. The final phase even goes back to using that one wave effect from the ground that saw plenty of use during previous bossfights. It's a nice way to show the life slowly being brought back to Fresh, and remember. Annihilate died after this final fight, but Fresh didn't die with him. Because Annihilate ain't exactly the Freshest guy in town.
  • @veemochi6530
    "its over......" Cube:Ha! you fell victim to one of the classic blunders!
    Everything about this last part of the game is wonderful. The detail is very clear. At 0:38, the triangle still flashed pink even though it was supposed to be cyan- cyan meaning it was uncorrupted- very nice foreshadowing. then at 0:52, they made creepy music by taking annihilate, slowing it down and reversing it! For actual annihilate, the tension rises as you play through the level. I can never forget that annihilate was the only level I had to retry, lol. After you beat annihilate, they make you feel like you just lost, permanently by saying you got a game over, and giving you the usual "press to retry". But instead, the pink boss doesnt allow you to retry, and if you give it a moment, a cutscene will start with your friends mourning over your death. But the cyan cube with cat ears is able to revive you, with more power this time, and you defeat the pink boss. The ending was emotional for me, I'll never forget this game tbh.
  • For those who dk: the song that plays when you obtain the triangles and uncorrupt Cube is Rainbow Road by Nanobi. When Blixer stabs himself with the corrupted triangle, the song that plays in the cutscene is a slowed down version with what must be different sound frequencies boosted to make it sound more creepy. In a sense, it's Blixer declaring his own victory even as he deals with the massive losses it comes with.
  • @domi642_
    Ok, but can I just point out how terrifiying the beggining is? You can see Blixer shoving the pointy end of hyperpowered triangle into his head, and he effectively turns into a SHELL infront of the player, with the background music distoring. This character has fallen mad and his end is the one thing he strived for: power. Despite all of it, his mind was too weak to handle it all. But then again I'm analyzing a character from a game about rythm bullet hell survival, maybe I'm looking too far into this.
  • Ok, but can we all just admit how fucking HYPE the last battle is? You get revived with godlike powers and completely destroy the last villain with epic dubstep about not giving up playing in the background. This is fucking brilliant honestly.
  • @Yoko_Grim
    Honestly hearing Till It's Over fade in, and seeing Cyan being revived. Brought me to tears.
  • @KidandSquid
    Nothing hurts more than Cyan's friends trying to wake him up with the way they said goodbye.
  • @BreadForYou
    Welcome to Just Shapes And Beats, the only game where you have three final boss fights!
  • @karzeuu3304
    The moments when those sawbugs are getting out of a holes in this kind of arena sounds epic on 2x
  • @sumbuddy4088
    Boss themes are often quite amazing, but this game takes it to a whole other level
  • @seistoYT
    Blixer: * Smashes cyan * Cyan: * revives * Blixer: * Smashes cyan again * Cyan: This time I choose not to revive Blixer: Aight I'mma head out * A few minutes later * Cyan: Sike
  • @newstreak
    anybody notice how the cubes attacks are synced with the song, taking damage only results in the boss being hurt, and you can’t die? every boss has a theme, and till’ it’s over is your (the player’s) theme
  • @Da_CrystalFrog
    The story of JSaB is actually a lot darker than it first seems. It's about a monster who craves power so much that it consumes the power of the most powerful object in the world, eventually leading to him going insane and stabbing himself in the head. But that doesn't kill him, it just turns him into a horrible diseased beast. During the boss fight, you can even see the arms wiggling as if he's trying to break free, only when he finally does, he doesn't even resemble his original body. all blixer wanted was the best life