Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League | Fully Ramblomatic

Published 2024-02-21

All Comments (21)
    Shockingly Harleen quinzel isn't even the most egregious superwhatever name, my favourite is a guy called "blackbolt" whose real name is "Blackagar Boltagon"
  • It’s not that “Superman-Turns-Evil” is the only way to make him interesting, it’s more that “Superman-Turns-Evil” seems to be the is the only plot that massive, committee-designed corporate moneypits of this caliber will approve of. The old comics industry chestnut of “we can only do cool and interesting ideas if it’s a small project and the bosses don’t know/don’t care” seems to follow superheroes into movies and now games as well
  • @Le-cp9tr
    This game did the impossible: made Arkham City fans and Arkham Knight fans agree on something
  • @grfrjiglstan
    I love that the game jumps right into "kill the Justice League" instead of "kill the one guy who's hypnotizing the Justice League, because obviously killing off all of our heroes is a really bad idea".
  • @supereldinho
    I remember reading on TV Tropes where someone pointed out that one of the main problems with the 2016 Suicide Squad was its villain Enchantress, who clashed so hard tonally with the movie's otherwise down-to-earth premise, that watching the titular squad fight her was akin to watching the Dirty Dozen fight Rita Repulsa. I get the feeling some of the game's writers looked at that and went "we can do even worse". Watching Superman get gunned down by a bunch of jobbers that Batman could take out in his sleep was beyond surreal...and then there was Batman's ignominius end at the hands of Harley who had the gall to accuse HIM of inflicting emotional and psychological damage on his enemies. Not even Garth Ennis could write something so vile.
  • I watched some gameplay videos of the Batman sections and ever since I’ve been obsessed with the idea of a survival horror game where you play as some no-name, street level thug trying to escape Arkham Asylum in the midst of a mass breakout while trying to avoid The Batman. Like Alien: Isolation or Amnesia but in a rundown insane asylum with a madman in a bat costume sneaking through the vents.
  • @blackdragoncyrus
    I sure love that the bosses can so easily defeat the four main characters, but are content to just not do that, and not go all out against you.
  • @samlast4776
    I always recommend Grant Morrison’s Superman series as to why he’s only boring when written by unimaginative people. He’s great because he has no reason to care, but does. It’s sad that “sincerely good person trying to make things better” keeps being corrupted because it just shows a laziness of writing. There’s so many good superman stories, they just require a vulnerability and sincerity that triple A art undercuts at every turn.
  • @chrisavenell3172
    With the lead rocksteady devs jumping ship maybe the burning down of the arkham universe is there way of saying "better blow it up before someone else gets there hands on it"
  • @Silverfirefly1
    The older i get, the more i appreciate wholesome characters. After a few decades you start to realise that the people are few and far between, that have managed to drag themselves across this existence for any length of time with that quality intact. Villains with gritty backstories are two-a-penny and sulking in an eternal edging of losing ones humanity should be seen as the most basic of reactions towards dealing with...well, humanity. Give me someone that knows this place and its inhabitants and still remains intact, and I'll show you my list of questions about how on Earth they've managed to achieve this. Even superman had to be an outsider to be so sincere, which is kind of a tradgedy for us, no?
  • @VincentTheBadGuy
    I respectfully disagree with the "Superman is only interesting when he's evil" bit, but still glad to see the game get some extra stomps on it.
  • @nielsjensen4185
    Something that makes Superman interesting is the animated movie "Superman vs the Elite" since it focuses on the man behind Superman, Clark Kent. All good Superman stories focus on the humanity of Clark Kent over the godlike powers of Superman. Just look at "My Adventures With Superman."
  • @wertyppl
    Superman is already an interesting character, he just needs good writers. Recent animated series My adventures with Superman pulled off really well. "Evil Superman" is so overused now that it became boring now.
  • @Ashurman666
    You know, it's amazing when a friggin LEGO game took this exact same concept but made it GOOD years ago
  • @Rayjaya
    Accusing rocksteady of weapons weaponized incompetence hits especially hard when they have just dropped an update that functionaly just made the game impossible to play solo, and you haven't been able to play co op in 3 weeks because the connection to the servers is so bad that if you can connect its lagging.
  • So did Rocksteady forget about all the legal issues Batman was facing after he got doxxed in Arkham Knight?
  • @sterling7
    So our hypothesis is that Rocksteady got their arm twisted behind their back to make something they didn't want, and intentionally made a bad one, a la Redfall or Matrix Resurrections ? I don't know. It seems like there's a lot of bad-to-mediocre in the AAA space, these days, regardless of the amount of time and money thrown at the products. "We made a bad product ironically " may just be the latest semi-plausible excuse for running out of juice.
  • @mathismohr1356
    Yahtzee you need to give reviews of Live Service games a higher priority. They keep dying faster than you can give them a good kicking.
  • Didn't expect this review to give me the old age thing, but Arkham City is (checks Google) 11-12 years old. And the Mr Freeze fight is still fondly remembered in that game.
  • I just… nothing can compare to the disappointment I felt when I went from “holy shit, the Arkham devs are making a four player co-op Suicide Squad game?!?! The variety in combat, the bosses, the gadgets, this sounds mindblowingly amazing!!!” to “oh. Another Looter-Shooter Live Service. Fuck.”