Stephen Law: Could God be Evil? Belief in the Supernatural & The Evil God Challenge

Published 2024-05-11
Stephen Law is a Philosopher and Author. Currently director of Philosophy and Course Director of the Certificate of Higher Education at the Department of Continuing Education at Oxford University, he was formerly Reader in Philosophy at Heythrop College, University of London. He attained his BSc in Philosophy at City University in London, a BPhil at Trinity College, Oxford, and was for three years Junior Research Fellow at The Queen’s College, Oxford, where he obtained his PhD. He researches primarily in the fields of philosophy of religion, philosophy of mind, Ludwig Wittgenstein, and essentialism. His popular books include The Philosophy Gym (2003), The Complete Philosophy Files (2000), and Believing Bullshit (2011). He is also editor of Think, the Royal Institute of Philosophy journal.

0:00 - Introduction
0:22 - The Mind-Body Problem & Consciousness
6:13 - Free Will
10:34 - Belief in the Supernatural
15:56 - Arguments for and against God's existence
22:57 - The Evil God Challenge explained
32:14 - Skeptical Theism
42:49 - The use of Analogies to counter Cognitive Dissonances
52:00 - What made Stephen question God?
56:10 - Stephen's book recommendations for those questioning God
1:01:11 - Philosophy of Science & Armchair Philosophy
1:07:13 - What is currently on Stephen's mind? (Wittgenstein & Illusionism)
1:18:04 - Conclusion

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#StephenLaw #God #Good #Evil

All Comments (9)
  • @drtevinnaidu
    FYI: This podcast was recorded towards the end of last year - prior to my 6 month hiatus from the podcast. After a refreshing break, I'm excited to get back to tackling the "Big Questions" and "Hard Problems" in science, philosophy, and beyond! Lots of great thinkers and world leading experts lined up for the channel! If you enjoy the show, please like, subscribe, and join me on this quest to conquer the mind-body problem and take one step closer to the mind-body solution!
  • @watchman2866
    Could an evil God have any good traits? Is evil a state of mind, or an object state of nature? Evil would completely destroy such a God. This God would have to stop existing.
  • @andystewart9701
    Great interview! Interesting he is leaning towards illusionism!
  • @HarryNicNicholas
    check out the gospel of judas, the bible was edited (it doesn't specify how many books it should contain) it's an interesting read.
  • @ALavin-en1kr
    Good and evil are dual. God, or Cosmic Consciousness, in order to be God has to be Unity,; One, Transcendent. God as the supreme good can manifest duality in which both good and evil play a part. In order to have something manifest it has to be dual as the Transcendent does not manifest. The Eastern view that what manifests is God’s dream is the most realistic perspective. Now modern physics sees the apparently real as more of a mirage or a dream having no substance, more a play of ideas on substance, All being consciousness and mind dividing consciousness into the magnetism, electromagnetism, electricity, forces, and elements that make up the macro elements, the micro elements, and forms.
  • @coolumesque
    God frequently takes me out of my body & I find that I am still fully conscious & every atom or spec of my being is fully conscious & can see in all directions at the same time. It's like I am a conscious form that is not in any way limited by the usual material senses. I can see all the different levels of the heavens or universe at the same time & see God or the creator. Then God slowly places me back into my body & I experience my vast universal consciousness being squeezed into a vessel made from senses & my consciousness can only perceive through those senses. It's like if you place a light bulb that is shining in every direction into a box with a few small holes in it & the light then can only shine out through those small holes & is limited in that way. Coming back into the body & experiencing my consciousness being forced to perceive only what the material senses allow me to perceive is like being squeezed into a highly restrictive suit, complete with a helmet that only permits extreme tunnel vision, that restricts all my movements & my life perceptions & thoughts in an absolutely crippling way. It's like an eagle that is living a free life in the sky suddenly being turned into a microbe living under a rock at the bottom of a deep dark hole. So when a fully conscious soul is placed into a material body it is absolutely restrained by that body & its senses & can only perceive what the body & senses allow it to perceive. So if you do something to the body or brain it directly effects the consciousness of the soul inside of it. This would lead scientists to assume that the consciousness is simply a part of the material body & can be controlled by controlling the material body. There is a lot more to it than that from what God has demonstrated to me, but that is just one point I wanted to make as I have just started watching your video. * PS Also God shows me my future every day & it all comes true within a matter of hours. This shows me the life events that are going to take place & gives me the freedom to avoid getting caught up in those events when they happen. It's like if God tells me there is going to be a bus crash that day then I can choose not to take that bus & when it crashes I am not onboard because God warned me beforehand. So while it may appear that there is no free will in life & we all act according to various material influences that affect us, knowing God & being able to listen to God gives you free will to step outside of that set system of action everyone else is caught up in. So it appears that people do not have free will, while you do because you are in full contact with God who shows you the exact course of life events that are going to take place in the future; & that gives you the freedom to make choices that you would not normally make. So knowing God gives you free will! That's what I have experienced in my life
  • @Jack_Parsons-666
    God likes to make a mole hill out of a mountain. Awww, your sun went supernova? NBD, there's a trillion other suns out there. I'm sure the right sun will come along when you're ready, champ!