Forgive Me

Published 2022-05-13

All Comments (21)
  • @Avant_Garden
    “He’s not even Chief. He’s just John.” That line hit hard. It shows just how absolutely disappointed Charlie is.
  • @MaybeNextYear03
    The fact that they made the Halo show and admitted "We didn't go off the games or the books" just means that the name Halo shouldn't even be attached to it.
  • @tsayin2662
    They also broke the unspoken Halo rule: never show Chief’s face EVER And they did this several times
  • @Skwadley
    I feel like Arcane is one of the best examples of a game turned into a show/movie. It still kept its source material but added on more and more, making its own fully fleshed out world.
  • @atlasapathy7254
    This isn't even fanfic, because to write fanfic, you have to be a fan, and the people who made the show are proud of the fact that they've never played the games or read the books
  • @Ruxin34
    I don't think I have ever seen Charlie rant for 20 straight minutes... You know this show is BAD
  • @LennoxParsec
    The fucked up thing is that the show is full of little details and references to deep lore and real life stuff related to the games, so the minor writters or directors of the show actually know pretty damn well the franchise. Then WHY TF THE MAIN WRITTERS ARE WORST THAN A WATTPAD FANFIC?
  • Feels bad for the people who think this show is "good", they're huffing the strongest copium known to man
  • @nicielunar542
    I still remember that guy who said, “they made chief removed his helmet, his armor, what next, his clothes?”
  • @Goat-on-a-Stick
    Just using the name for a generic story that doesn't justify its own existence, made by people who don't even like the original story. That's so true, it hurts.
  • @soldio4143
    Spartan "SXE" was greatly debated and settled in 2010. That's right; 12 YEARS AGO. Spartans still have their dangly bits; However the extreme augmentation left them with 0 sex drive; along with absence of many other emotions due to hormonal and a slew of other chemical alterations. It's believed Male spartan 2's would have incredible difficulty to even get a half chub while a full salute was simply impossible. Out of the 150 Children candidates (75 of which were abducted) for the spartan 2 project; only 33 Survived; 12 were irreversibly crippled the rest died during the procedure; it was a multi procedure process that quite literally changed children into machines .
  • I am absolutely baffled at how Halo has a definitive bad guy, yet the show still uses the “human nature is the real bad guy” trope, because when fighting an almost unending legion of alien species, internal politics are the real issue. (God I hope they don’t even try the Flood.)
  • @TheHornswoggle
    The closest the chief was to sex, was when he teabagged the covenant after killing him. That line right there Charlie, is why I love you so much
  • @nartaga1624
    Company: "We bought the rights to this really hugely popular IP and are making a show/movie!" Everyone: "Oh that's awesome I've been a fan of that IP for a long time. I'm sure the fans would love to see an adaptation." Company: "Fuck the fans. This isn't for you. We don't need you." Everyone: "...K..."
  • @KapyBarra41
    Whoa, Charlie's acting skills just poured out of that performance as Master Chief. He was able to perfectly encapsulate the pain and struggle Master Chief is feeling at the loss of his memory and by extension his humanity. Charlie is able to capture all of that hurt in such a short demonstration because he is able to draw on his own experiences to breathe life into what could have been a shallow performance. He is truly the greatest acting talent of our generation.
  • @WalkinChristum
    I've been watching your for a while, and never seen you so pissed about a topic lol
  • @AcheOfHead
    “It’s not just ass in the show; the show is ass itself” Powerful words from the Moist Man himself
  • @ApolloDawn85
    Hearing that Master Chief claps cheeks made me physically grimace. Like isn’t the point that even though Master Chief is a hero to humanity that he is unable to have real relationships with others due to his upbringing as a child soldier? Isn’t that what makes his relationship with Cortana that much more important is that his only real relationship is with an AI and not a human? Like he isn’t supposed to be intimate with people that goes against everything that makes him tragic.
  • @navb0tactual
    My fears came true, this show went from mediocre at worst to absolute garbage within a few episodes... I WAS warming up to it, now I'm just torturing myself by watching it.