"Love escape: Narges shrewdly made Mohammad and Zainab escape

Published 2024-07-22
When a new morning began, Narges was busy with her daily work when suddenly Zainab and Mohammad entered the house. Narges was surprised to see Zainab in a wedding dress and Muhammad in a state of anxiety. Mohammad said in a calm and worried voice: "When Zainab's parents were planning to send her to Bakht House, I took Zainab in the car and we ran away."

Narges immediately took Zainab inside the house and quickly took off her wedding dress and dressed her in other clothes. "You have to leave here very quickly and go to a safe place. Zainab's father knows that you might come here, so you have to leave here," he said worriedly.

Zainab and Mohammad immediately got into the car and left the house. Narges, who was still in shock, realized that her son Jahan had fallen ill. He went to the city with the help of Reza to take Jahan to the doctor. With proper treatment, the doctor saved the world from the disease and Nargis returned home more peacefully.

As they approached the evening and reached home, Nargis faced a disturbing scene. Zainab's parents were standing in front of the entrance door. Narges calmly greeted them and asked: "Why are you standing here?"

"I'm looking for my daughter. I know she's here. Please give her to me," Zainab's father said in a violent voice.

Narges replied coldly: "I have no information about Zainab and Muhammad. If you don't believe me, you can search the whole house."

Zainab's father, who was extremely angry, searched the house but could not find any trace of Zainab. After failing to search, he threatened Nargis: "I will find them anyway. But don't help them and let me give Zainab to the boy I have in mind."

Narges calmly said: "Do whatever you want. I don't know anything about Mohammad and Zainab."

After Zainab's parents left, Narges pointed to Reza and secretly called Mohammad. "Zainab's parents are here. Don't come here," he said in a quiet voice.

Muhammad understood and said: "Okay" and hung up.

Narges worried about the future. Will these events be troublesome for Nargis? Will Muhammad and Zainab be safe? Only time will answer these questions.

#فرار_عروس #مخفيگاه_اشقان #narges_zark #forbidden_love #support_narges #escape_marriage #hiding_the_bride #narges_refuge #love_and_vigilance #lies_for_love

All Comments (21)
  • Они не воспитали свою дочь, не уследили её связь с Мехди, а теперь предъявляют претензии к людям, которые к их семье не имеют отношения!! Нашли стрелочника, и ещё судом грозит! А что ж они на Мехди в суд не подали, что он лишил невинности их дочь....???? Странная парочка))) почему Наргес не выгонит их со двора?!! Детям надо есть и спать, тем более, что мальчик болен, а этот мужик ставит ультиматум, что не уйдёт, пока дочь не увидит... Башкой своей не хочет подумать, что она действительно к Наргес не придёт и возможно её давно и в деревне-то нет, а он стоит и с наглой рожей ультиматум ставит и судом грозит!! Не позорились бы мамаша с папашей!!! Вызвала бы полицию и их выдворили бы в два счёта с чужого двора!!!
  • @Nizhoni830
    Worry about your sick son instead of arguing with those dumb parents that only want money by selling their daughter.
  • Почему полицию не вызвали. Пришли в чужой дом и командует. Гнать их поганой метлой.
  • Narges corre a esa gente! No tienes por qué dar explicaciones! No los dejes entrar a tu casa ! No tienen derecho! Cómo jefa de familia ten carácter ! 😡
  • Pobres niños,uno enfermo,y la otra bebé toda sucia. Ojalá y ya presten atención a la niña y al niño. Yo veo a varias mujeres nomadas de otros canales,muy dedicadas a sus hijos.
  • Зайнаб просто девица лёгкого поведения, сначала Мехди,потом Мохамед.Она рада лечь под первого попавшегося мужика. Родителям надо было на цепи её держаться, чтобы не бегать по чужим домам и не позориться. Нашелся дурак,который её подобрал,вот и порадовались бы.А то ведь совсем зашляется.
  • Every time your babies come home from their dads they're sick poor little babies
  • Wow Zainab great escape good for you and Mohammed, love wins always, I wish you a happy life together ❤️
  • Чтобы упала температура надо таблетки от температуры дать и побольше воды и обтирание холодной водой. Бедный ребёнок, тяжело дышит, сейчас и другой заразится
  • Dale al niño un buen baño con agua tibia eso baja la fiebre y dolor de cuerpo el agua es muy buena y ustedes parece no les gusta cuando barren el polvo deberían echar agua para que el polvo no suba y enferme
  • @WkPol
    Narges you deserve the house you built. Your children are very happy there. Mendi will find you wherever you go. Go to the police and let them know you are in danger of him,that way whenever he comes around they will arrest him. No matter how much you try to get away from him he will always find you. Stay and continue your life with your children
  • i’d have told them to get the Hell off my property, Nargis don’t owe them any explanation and they surely wouldn’t come into my house. those parents are ruthless and Zainab is old enough to do as she pleases, sent your extra large wife to work since you love money so much, selling your daughter to the highest bidder crazy people, and got the nerve to be smart talking
  • Наргес , ты хрупкая , маленькая женщина и борешься со всем злом мира ) Респект тебе . Только береги детей , они чувствуют и реагируют болезненно на весь негатив вокруг них идущий от взрослых .
  • Narges no tienen porque ir a molestarte a tu casa y menos a registrar tu casa ellos quieren vender a su hija como que fuera oveja y las autoridades no hacen nada en tu pais que trabaje ese señor no que quiere tener dinero de el cuerpo de su hija ridiculos .
  • I'm so glad I live in a country where you choose the path for your life. In America we have that freedom. I don't understand cultures that sell their daughters to the highest bidder. All for money. It's so sad.
  • Narges hola espero se encuentre bien y su hijo Jahan se recupere pronto ❤ por favor dígale a Zaineb y Muhammed que le devuelvan la tierra así usted puede venderla y comenzar a construir . Ellos se irán de ahí también xq van a huir y ya no les sirve eso. Cuídese mucho y suerte en su nueva aventura