24 Marble Survival : Water

Published 2023-08-19

All Comments (21)
  • @Josiah77777
    4:00 I will remember green as a friend. He sacrificed for my favorite color black
  • @Josiah77777
    3:38 The way black goes straight to the pipe is funny and interesting at the same time.
  • Maroon-Темно красный Red-Красный Pink-Розовый Brown-Коричневый Orange-Оранжевый Coral-Коралловый Olive-Оливка Yellow-Желтый Gream-Крем Green-Зелёный Lime-Лаймовый Mint-Мята Teal-Сине голубой Turquose-Бирюзовый Cyan-Голубой Navy-Морской Blue-Синий Ice-Лёд Purple-Фиолетовый Magenta-Маджента Lavender-Лаванда Grey-Серый Black-Черный White-Бёлый
  • Let's goooo! Blue made it far and placed 3rd. I'm so proud of him. I can't wait for the next 24 Marble Race. I have some ideas for the next 24 Marble Races: 1. Western Race 2. Cave Race 3. Shape Race 4. Cloud Race 5. Art Race
  • @hehefish538
    Lets Cyan Lime Cream Gray Turquiose Yellow Red Green White Teal Orange Navy Blue Purple Win
  • @oscarchu2
    Rest in peace mint the savior of saviors. 2023 - 2023
  • @62049
    The clutch as 3:31 was amazing. Bro really said "I ain't done yet"
  • @30-50FeralHogs
    Imagine how many marbles that saved other marbles and died as a result were actually trying to get themselves to safety but failed and people are like "oh this marble is so brave for that"
  • @hihello1794
    Is no one going to talk about how olive just ran down the wall vertically and died after he interacted with the spinner at 4:36