Pekoraria 12 Hour Stream Highlight#1

Published 2024-01-16

All Comments (21)
  • @jaballesteross
    Props for using the terraria font on the chat messages, great dedication
  • @Tiavals
    It's amazing that Pekora reads chainmail as criminal, but can read "Furious Abigail's Flower" without problem.
  • @lickagoat
    Once she said there 3 hearts, I knew what was about to unfold.
  • @ck88777
    my favorite ongoing bit (which I dont think is covered here) is how she kept saying "chin ore" (which sounds weird in japanese because "chin" means, well, you know. "ore" also means "me" or "mine", so it could be interpreted as "my wiener") at one point chat said "stop saying that thats weird" and she scolded chat for being so dirty minded (she knew exactly what she was doing)
  • @PhieFty
    Crimtane ore = Criminal Ore 😂 Hallowed bar = Hello neighbor 😂
  • @ReikiMaulana
    Been waiting for YEARS to finally be able to see the girls play Terraria..
  • @davidzoo8703
    She also got a slime staff with 0.01% drop rate at the end of the stream! Rabbit luck strikes again! Unfortunately it wasnt saved in the vod though
  • @pixelpastiche
    THANK YOU for covering these streams. Legit I was watching Pekora on and off dump hours into this game and wanted to know what was going on. She doesn’t really marathon games much so this had to be something special and it turned out to be just that!
  • @susantuna3434
    man i want to experience terraria like it was the first time watching pekora playing made me so happy
  • @SilverScizor753
    I love Marine being extremely serious about item management I'm so glad the JP girls are finally getting into Terraria too. I was happy Nerissa got some EN girls to join in sometimes, but I really wanted a full-on with a consistent group, letting time slip away as they get drawn into the greatness that is this game. Thanks for the subs!
  • @ton4323
    "Even snow hurts if you put a stone on it". I'm so proud of her 😭
  • @Youngphyconaut
    Seriously thanks for the translation! Seeing Pekora loving Terraria has been awesome it's one of my favorite games.
  • @Windyyyyyyyyy
    Thank you so much for this clip. Its amazing seeing this game take over Sankisei. Maybe Flare can join as well.
  • @Feuerhamster
    This is every Terraria multiplayer gang -The sociopath -The over-organizer -The clueless
  • @VBandit47
    Pekora immediately making her UI comically large was funny to me.
  • @DinnerForkTongue
    I don't watch Pekora much, but I love Terraria so I tuned in for all 3 streams for a little while. Has this butcher bunny ever sounded this full of sheer joy about any other game?
  • @Carforinus
    22:00 is such a relatable feeling lol, thank you for the clip! I love this game and seeing JP play it I am hoping for a big surge of holo playing it, it's super fun and I'd love to see a massive Collab of members trying to fight bosses
  • @rdokodr
    The chat messages TLs with the font editing is peak Thank you for the highlight
  • @CheesusCrusts
    Thank you king, please continue translating her Terraria streams. They give me the will to live 🙏