Bicolline tour | Inside a medieval fantasy LARP town

Published 2022-08-15
I visited the 25th Grande Bataille of Bicolline, a medieval fantasy LARP in Canada. This video has information about the visitor experience and a tour of the Ordo Cervi camp of The Voyage North. Bicolline is a highly immersive medieval fantasy LARP site with hundreds of buildings housing numerous guilds and merchants. Each year, thousands of LARPers visit Bicolline for the Grand Battle during a week long LARP, where they play humans, elves, fairies, dwarves, and more. Bicolline 2022 was incredible!

Ceci est une visite du site pour le jeu de rôle grandeur nature Bicolline. Vous pouvez voir la belle ville et les bâtiments médiévaux fantastiques. Le GN Bicolline est au Québec, Canada, et a un environnement francophone. La grande bataille de Bicolline se déroule ici.

All Comments (21)
  • @hydewhyte4364
    Just to the left side of the fortress, in the woods, is a separate section for non-decorum camping. Many of the people of Bico are hard core purists, but for people that want a break from the adventure and sleep in a nice modern tent with modern lights, or even just to wear regular clothes for a few hours ... it's a welcome relief. Of course, your closest neighbours are the Orcs so ... sleep lightly.
  • Thanks for the video! I'm part of the guild Dwarven Engineer and we really appreciate it when we see videos like your. It took a lot of efforts and money to get there!
  • I am Eldrad Wolfbane, former moderator of the most excellent but very dead Shade's Larplist from the ancient age of the internet. A LARP Park was something that I dreamed of and made plans for and was what I though my life's goal and was told by MANY it was a foolish idea. I heard of Biccoline many decades ago on Shade's Larplist and saw that my dream could be a possibility. This at least shows that such a dream called foolish and stupid by so many is a brilliant idea. Even though my idea was murdered by very negative people (Muggles and Mudhuggers) in my life this proves that what I dreamed could be and CAN be real. Thank you for posting this because this at least it let's me believe that I dream I had that was crushed in me to the point of no hope, is a valid one.
  • @BurningOaks
    Thank you so much for this informative insight. No one ever shows the car lines and setup. I live in Minnesota and have been thinking of buying a period tent and making the drive with my son. I have been weighing out the cost of the Voyage North to owning the gear and the road trip so this little video was very helpful!
  • I wanted to thank you really quickly for making this video- last year, it popped up in my feed at random, and I decided to give it a watch- and was ENTHRALLED. Immediately after, I plunged myself into research about Bico, pooled all my resources into this newfound dream, and ended up going for the GB of 1023! I made a family while there- people who mean the world to me, who feel like kin, as though I've known them since childhood. Bicolline feels like home. So, I wanted to say hello, as a squire of Irendille! You made this possible for me, and I'm forever grateful. It changed my life!
  • Just came back from there too. It was an awesome time! Went with The Voyage North, but in a different guild than Ordo Cervi (you can see our tents in the the background of some shots in the camp). If you can get the money together for the package it helps give you direct access to whatever parts of the experience you want to try, and people to try them with. For a more introverted person like me it's perfect.
  • This is INCEDIBLE!!!! I would love to go to this! Thanks for making the video and letting us know that there are English/ bilingual guilds. I've gone to SCA events but nothing like this! Love the buildings....adds to the immersive experience and I like that fantasy elements can be involved as well....they don't go for that in the SCA. Know I know what I need to save up for!💚💚💚💚💚
  • Man, that was so informative. Most information one gets on Youtube is from the people that go with the Voyage North. This shows a completely different experience. Thanks a ton.
  • @wolf.maiden
    Nice view of everything! I got some snippets of the Duchy of Bicolline myself but not quite the same amount or things you did. I'm also at 5:59 in the Ordo camp with the glasses lol.
  • @elchronico
    This is on my bucket list for sure man. I dream of bringing my son with me one day
  • This was SWEET! Had no idea a LARP like this was running for so long back in my home country! I live in Southern California nowadays and there's a LARP running nearby in the city of Colton that has permanent buildings that runs a renfaire every year that uses their buildings, but it isn't as large and the buildings are more perfunctory. It's called Twin Mask, and it's been running for about 12 years, if I recall correctly. Sadly, their buildings aren't in anywhere near as good a condition as the ones shown in your Bicolline set up. They're rather run down, actually. I'd love to see some renovations done, if only for safety, frankly. Some of them aren't even all that old, but the heat and UV beat stuff to heck, here. LARP is a lot of fun, and I'm glad to see it getting some love as a more mainstream activity.
  • Very nice videos, It was my first time in Bico and this reminded me so much of what I saw and even more since you had access to some insides. I can't wait to go back! The Nain-génieurs town is awesome!
  • @WoodAndNoise
    I loved the video, thank you. Putting this on my bucket list.
  • Dude I have seen so many vid made here but never a tour. Thank you
  • Wow, great video. I liked seeing the inside and other aspect that the battles
  • @Espadajin
    This is the best informative Video I have seen on the event ( and I have been there myself) Thx you for the great promo! This is great work!