Andrew Neil – 'I don't see how Macron recovers from this' | SpectatorTV

Published 2024-07-01
The first round of Macron’s snap election gamble has put Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party in pole position for a majority in France’s lower house. With the second round of voting still to come, can Emmanuel Macron come back from this? And with Jean-Luc Melenchon coming second, what kind of picture does it paint for the future of politics in France? Spectator Chairman Andrew Neil and journalist Anne-Elisabeth Moutet speak to Freddy Gray.

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All Comments (21)
  • What a ridiculous thing to say that there is “no good outcome for France”. Le Pen winning and getting rid of Macron would be incredible!!!!
  • @Vangough792
    Just goes to show how out of touch the political elites are.
  • @sn4831
    "It's time to punish the unvaccinated" - Andrew Neil Never forgive. Never forget.
  • Describing the Conservative Party as "the right" is laughable.
  • @Willopo100
    france is simply protecting borders. markets will love it.
  • Populist is just a word Neil likes to use for the working class.
  • @GolfWhisky
    Labour better build those millions of houses, reservoirs, power plants and train those GP’s. They can’t afford to be catastrophic failures like the previous Tory and Labour Governments. Rent slaves with no house, no family, no hope and no health care, will vote in ways that Starmer and the Establishment won’t like.
  • @Brookspirit
    There was a lot of fearmongering over Georgia Meloni, how did that work out?
  • @kalanos4660
    The managerial class are being given a bloody nose, and they're being reminded that power lies with the people. Whether they listen, or double down on their insanity, remains to be seen.
  • @BuddysSeeds
    We need Reform in the UK. Vote Reform Uk this coming Thursday
  • @lawLess-fs1qx
    Truss was naive. Andrew Bailey in conjunction with Treasury civil Servants screwed her on behalf of the Establishment. Hopefully Le Pen was watching.
  • @peteg8920
    So what exactly is the populist right ? Perhaps we should have a little less intellectual speculation , and a lttle more direct action.
  • @JD-Media
    His gamble made 0 sense to begin with, there was no evidence they would win.
  • @philiper07
    netzero, high immigration are not center positions...they're far left. The center have gone far left. They can bugger off as far as I'm concerned
  • 😂😂😂 the Centrist Global Uniparty Hegemony is smashed 😂😂😂
  • @robbie_
    Anne-Elisabeth Moutet is rather good isn't she.
  • @rmnair90
    @11:04. "All the major cities are labor ..." Were they not so for the past 200 years? The factories came up in towns and cities. Any villages they came up in did not remain villages. That's what the Industrial Revolution did. The communist manifesto was not meant for an agrarian economy. Not much labor in the countryside to pay for labor unions .