Why you're burned out of Genshin Impact

Published 2023-07-19
Genshin Impact is massively popular for a very good reason. It's world will captivate you like nothing else. Yet, after a lot of hours playing this game, the spark starts to die out. In this video, I aim to explore a few problems with the game and try to explain why our passion for it dies.

I didn't sensor my UID so in case you're a player on the NA server, feel free to add me as a friend!


00:00 - Introduction
00:42 - Intro Sequence
00:54 - Genshin was really fun
03:20 - Interlude
03:32 - What happened?
05:28 - Problems with Genshin
09:21 - Will Genshin improve?
10:30 - I will miss this game
11:53 - Outro Sequence

99 Problems with Genshin:    • 99 Problems in Genshin, How Many Got ...  

The songs I used were taken from this video:    • you put your pen down to daydream. "S...  

Harmonic Melody - Isaak Wolf, Nycto
Sharp Seas - Isaak Wolf
Delectation - Nycto
Catharsis - Nycto

All Comments (21)
  • @darlinlinq
    I will forever miss the first time I played Genshin. It was so magical and an amazing experience. I’m so sad that I’m burnt out of it now. Even with the new regions. :(
  • @Izanatte
    For me it’s a cycle of quitting bc of artifact and resource farming and coming back again for cool characters.
  • @zomebody5529
    It's magical that Genshin has gotten so many of us through dark times in our life And while it's not as enjoyable as it once was, I will always cherish the first few weeks of it that I experienced...
  • @TheRealLink
    Not burned out but have certainly taken breaks. I think that's the biggest challenge with Genshin; there's SO MUCH to do, but at the same time you can also feel really pressured to complete everything event-wise in time or simply even keep up the mountain of tasks and farming. I regularly raid in FFXIV and play a good handful of other games in the downtime so in a rush to complete the rest of Sumeru and Summer Paradise, I am certainly back to pushing Genshin hard again. It's certainly been an amazing game for better or worse!
  • @LazyCatOnTheRoof
    Genshin is definitely not a game you can grind every day and feel rewarded for it. It's a very casual game to log in when you want, do what you want to do, and log out. Unless you are like me, a person that enjoys pointless grinding every day for artifacts, achievements, lore, etc. I've played almost since launch, pretty much every day, and I still enjoy the game, events, abyss, combat mechanics, elemental reactions, etc.
  • @vichoe4589
    once I started treating genshin as a more casual game instead of a chore my interest on it has gradually been increasing back. I can now skip dailies without fear while enjoying the game
  • @lalamei1912
    Remember when you were running around Mondsdadt? Or the first time you saw wangshu inn with your 4 star main? The times below Ar40 were magical, I cant explain. Now all we care about is strong teams, op artifacts, meta 5 stars. its not wrong but exploring and quests were just something else. I wont quit genshin soon but im on a burnout break. Thank you for everything genshin, you were what helped me get through last year.
  • @delectablemimi
    The gaming format of Genshin is not to retain their old players, but to keep attracting large streams of new players.
  • @dishh
    Really well done video. You explained what a lot of players feel and weren't exactly able to put into words fully. From a content creator perspective, I FEEL the general tiredness of the playerbase (and viewerbase). We love the game, the universe, the story...we feel attached to it but don't feel like there is a meaningful way to engage with it right now, beyond limited events. I'm grateful for the work hoyo puts in to new areas and new stories but there is something so lacking in the daily repeatable content. I'm glad hoyo is working on it (they said so in patch notes) but it is wild how long its taken. same with all the bugs and strange design/UI issues. why doesn't our cooldown reset when you restart an abyss chamber? they restart with limited events so why cant they fix this? it feels like a lack of care. And if its all about story, why can't we access old limited quests? quests that are SO IMPORTANT to the lore and character development. It makes me wonder what the end goal of the game beyond money. And just to be clear, im not blaming writers, designers, artists, etc,. Its so clear how much love they pour into these stories and characters. A lot of these decisions gotta go down a massive flagpole before they get to us.
  • @notsxmebxdy
    I really miss how magical genshin felt. I was a player since 1.0 and everything was absolutely breathtaking. I miss those days.
  • @manhnolikecats6318
    I started playing on version 1.3. I saw my brother and friends playing it and decided i wanted too. I made some new friends, got closer with one of my classmates all thanks to the game. It used to be magical to me, it kinda helped me during the pandemic when i was quite lonely and chronically online. I was obsessed with the game, farmed for characters religiously, constantly comparing my account to my friends’ . I felt like it was never gonna be enough no matter how much time and effort i put in. My grades were faltering too. I was so burned out that even now I still can’t come back to the game. Hopefully some day I can play it casually again.
    This video really hit me. I think I just want Genshin to be something it wasn't and the expectation is killing me.
  • The reason so many people become burned out is that the game is designed to pull you in with it's early game content and then expects you to stay and grind well into the late game. It's hard to put into words exactly, but small problems become more apparent as you progress into mid and late game, and just simply compound on top of each other until it becomes too much for the player.
  • @paofushi
    i miss the pandemic era back then where genshin didn’t seem that overwhelming to play yet, i absolutely adore this game:(
  • @apache6111
    When I gave Genshin a real try I fell in love with it, loved it's characters, story, voice acting, scenes, secondary quests, etc., got hooked and played it every single day to discover new things, understand how the combat worked, get the 100% of every region. Played the game my way, I was enjoying it as an RPG, not a gacha. But that magic started to fade away as soon as I realized that exact thing: playing it my way, with the characters I like the most, the way I liked the most, relaxed, enjoying the story, the narrative, the scenary and unlocking things slowly, was going to completely ruin my experience in the future. Ayaka was my first 5 star but couldn't get her a team because her best teammates weren't even close to be in the banner, didn't care and decided to wait till they were available, which took around 8 months btw, meanwhile I continued playing, enjoying as much as possible, and I really did, but when I realized I couldn't wait forever for the proper team, I focused on getting new characters to progress without issues and to remain having fun. That, without me noticing it, very slowly took me away from what I loved the most about this game in the first place, it started this non stop cycle of doing everything available to save as much primogems as possible to see if I was lucky enough to get the next character, or save enough till the one I needed for my team arrive, build them, try them in a team, repeat. As I said at first I didn't even noticed it, and was having lots of fun, but with time, Genshin became a game I played to grind instead of enjoying it's world as I did in the beginning. A clear symptom of it is when I finally got Shenhe on her rerun, the character I wanted the most since my early days in Genshin thanks to her story and character overall, I even got her C3 with her weapon, just to play for a couple of weeks more and don't touch the game ever since. Didn't feel the excitement I used to, it became that rush of having a character but after that you feel empty, bored. The efforts you do simply don't pay off, you grind for weeks for a character, if you planned ahead correctly then it means you have the proper team, play with that team and enjoy for a while but if you want to try something new, that means you have to repeat the cycle I wrote above again and again, meaning that you will be spending your whole time trying to get to enjoy the game, instead of enjoying the game in the process.
  • @Teegeisti
    I played Genshin every day (multiple hours even) since around 2.4 and loved it. It was my comfort game for a long time. I then startetd to feel very burnout at the end of 3.7 due to streaming it for 8 hours 3 times a week and didn't even log in to do dailies for 2 months. With the release of Fontaine I started to love the game again. I feel in love with the new characters and the underwater world. It was the first time in a while that I was just wandering(swimming) around and listened to the beautiful music
  • @Chrolllo.
    "Where did all the magic go?", "I miss the way that this game made me feel" Oh god, i relate to this so much. Started playing in 1.3, when xiao's banner dropped. I remember exploring monstadt and liyue, it was truly magical - the feeling of accomplishing quests and literally getting to greater heights, it was always breathtaking. That was where i felt the magic. When GAA dropped, personally, genshin's magic was at its peak, that's also the time i get to play with friends (and all of us needed each other's help since none of us have maxed out chars). It was one of the most fun i had in any game i played, so far. Inazuma dropped, the magic was still near its peak, but it took just a little dip. It was still magical - where liyue and mons still felt "logical", inazuma's magic was it's mind-boggling "world-building". Nothing made sense, and that's why it was beautiful. The story was soooo good too (archon quests of mons up to sumeru). It was always an adventure and u will always be in for a surprise. Patch 1.6 and 2.0 will always have a special place in my heart (the last patch i felt this magic was when enkanomiya dropped, but even then it wasn't in the same level as those 2 patches). The patches after that (2.1 or 2.2, and beyond), I was already feeling the magic (slowly but surely) fading away. I honestly dont know how i kept myself playing this game until the patch b4 Baizhu's banner dropped. Now that i think about it, 1 (of many) the things that made me quit was the 1st cardgame-heavy event. I just couldn' be bothered with it (this was also the time the college semester was getting harder for me). It was the perfect time to quit so i did. I didnt miss genshin when i was not playing it, tbh. I tried going back after the semester ended (just this current patch), but it really lost it's magic for me. I thought i would go back just for the story, but now, idk... I will always miss that "magic", it was one of the best experiences I had in life, even if it's "just" from a game.
  • @BaselardFE
    I also begun playing Genshin during Covid and it was absolutely magical. Stuck to it for the first year and a half but after that I begun taking hiatuses, and they became more frequent as time went on. Other things and other games that were more interesting popped up and I couldn't be bothered to play. It's such a shame because Fontaine is around the corner and I'm not even excited for it, or the new characters.
  • @marciefabreti
    Genshin also was my main pastime during the pandemic, and the game was SO IMPORTANT to me. I always felt such deep joy and connection with everything the game provided, and it certainly made the pandemic more bearable. Since I went back to the office at the beginning of the year, I was genuinely sad I didn't have enough time to "properly" enjoy the game anymore. It soon started feeling so overwhelming, and such a chore to log in every day just to do the same things over and over again. I used to love big events such as this last Klee/Eula one SO MUCH, I enjoyed everything about them. But this one was literally painful to play through. It was lore deep to the point where you can't do anything for like 5 minutes until characters stop info-dumping you. I was sad both because I couldn't enjoy the lore and also couldn't enjoy the game BECAUSE of the lore. I'm kinda heartbroken I couldn't care less about Fontaine.
  • @noahy828
    I‘m thankful for Genshin because I was going through the ugliest time of my life when it came out and I could just escape everything else. But it served its‘ purpose for me just like for everyone else. I quit the game almost a year ago and don‘t feel particular remorse. I just feel bad for those going through the same burn out right now that I was going through last year. It will become easier for you to accept that it‘s time to move on to something else (at least for now). You will feel a lot lighter too. Just be grateful for what this game gave you.