Why should we pay attention to Václav Havel? || Interview with Professor Timothy Snyder

Published 2024-07-17
It was a great pleasure for Milan Babík to engage in conversation with Timothy Snyder. This time they focused not on Ukraine, but on Václav Havel. When did Timothy Snyder first come across Havel's ideas? What was his initial reaction to them, and how have they shaped his intellectual development? What does he find so valuable about them, where do they figure in his current work, and why should we continue to pay attention to them? In this interview, you will find answers to these and other questions.

All Comments (16)
  • @saraf842
    Excellent. I really must read, Power to the Powerless, next. During the course, The Making of Modern Ukraine," Professor Snyder mentions Havel and this book, I have it on my shelf from his discussion. After this conversation my understanding has grown and now I should get to it with no delay. I am reading Robert Musil, "The Man without Qualities," at the moment.
  • I am at 9:41 thus far, and I am in appreciation mode for this chapter of the larger whole - that is TS and his work. I think that the draw to Havel mentioned is a thread I have been hearing in the many hours of Timothy Snyder videos I have been watching. It is what draws me to come back for more. I am glad that this interview happened and is shared here. Thank you Timothy Snyder, Milan Babík, and Václav Havel Library.
  • So refreshing to listen to some serious Homo Sapiens. Thanks! Now for a walking meditation through the forest, not trying to think about old Heidegger on technology.
  • @SuperTazuki
    Havel seemed forgotten and historically obsolete just ten years ago when I was re-reading Power of the powerless. It was actually difficult to find his books that in early 199s were printed in large numbers. But in the last decade, he slowly became very relevant again. One of my favourite historical figures.
  • @Edo9River
    I’ve.taken Prof Snyder’s Yale class online regarding the history of Ukraine, listened to 2 of his books, listened to maybe 10 of his online interviews . You can say I’m a fanboy but only facetiously.
  • Thank you both ..... great interview . The preciousness of time ....... for contemplation ....
  • @earthsystem
    This interview gave me reflection on the deeper parts of myself, introduced me to a monumental historic figure I knew nothing of, have a great respect for your interview skills. I am the quirky deep thoughtful person that was drawn out in the listening to your conversation. Clearly I can see the way I have been shelved into a, well a simulacrum of a fully realized adult person. It's quite remarkable how the stresses of living in political upheaval in america, are leading me to reaching out for knowledge and blossoming into a more fully realized version of the limitless me I knew as a child
  • @earthsystem
    PS this past week, light dawned on me that many YouTube video threads are almost entirely botts. The realization began with me warning others in the thread not to waste time with the AI botts, and swiftly my understanding grew that I myself was one of those waste-time people! Simultaneous, I began noticing youtube personalities urging us to talk face-to-face, and Timothy Snyder of course was one of those voices urging face-to-face interactions, and I see now that I wasted much of my time these past years having meaningless interactions with things. I believe the sparks have critical mass and will inevitably grow to a bright light of co-awareness in the American population. I must believe that to make it true
  • @sbeckwit
    How did JD Vance come out of Yale? Is the law school that much of an enclave?
  • In my opinion Vaclav Havel`s most important speach : ,, Russia have a big problem ; it didn`t knows its own borders !" during Praha spring uprises.
  • Enlightenment Humanities equip the foundation of the U.S. Constitution both whose ignorance coterminally erodes
  • @Andres_1970
    Timothy Snyder is both knowledgeable and passional in equal terms; Pity I find his hand gesturing too distracting so I don't get to enjoy his live lectures/interviews so much as I would like...
  • The interviewer has a very ANNOYING habit to say repeatedly "mhm" while the other person is talking. Stop doing that!