Silverale talks about the VShojo girls

Published 2023-04-26

All Comments (21)
  • @BeelzFlyLord
    1. Silver has specifically stated multiple times that she is not going to join OTK 2. I grabbed these clips from her Twitch without watching the full stream, so clip may be out of order, or out of context. For full context, watch the full stream here:
  • @godzilann
    Let's be clear, she deliberately chose to answer those questions on stream. She knows what she said and how she phrased her answers. Silver is not a rookie streamer.
  • @AceArata
    Girls: "I think a friend is someone who talks to you more than once every six months." Guys after sharing one beer with a stranger, never seeing them again: "I would die for this man."
  • Aside from the occasional game show hosted VShojo's channel, not many of the members really seemed to be doing much work together, on screen at least, as when the group first started. Streaming careers are wild, people will make new friends and lost old ones as they go through that career. Froot has opened up into a newer friend group as she's become more and more of an Apex streamer, if you hear that Ironmouse is going to collab you can probably assume that it's with CDawg, Melody and Filian have been hitting it off, Vei and Chance are together, Nyan and Aethal are together, Silver did a collab with Asmon in Diablo 4. To be honest, besides all of the branding and merchandising, VShojo as a whole could probably dissolve and we wouldn't really see a difference in the content they each make or the people they collab and interact with.
  • @IRatchetI
    Geez this is really going to cause a stir between a few of the girls. Especially that whole "he's not my boyfriend" comment. If they are actually dating then it should be up to them to tell people if and when they want to, not for Silver to reveal.
  • @inferatus
    ive literally not spoken with friends for years, and if they suddenly showed up we would talk like that time never happened, you dont need to speak with people everyday or even everyweek to be friends with them.
  • @MrHidePatten
    “Are you still friends with the other other girls?” Anything beyond: “yes” has so many layers to it. Invites a lot of sleuths and arm chair psychologists and relationship dynamics experts. Didn’t see that bit at the end. Ho boy.
  • To be honest, I never really considered Vei as Vshojo. It felt like hey your friends of this person, so you are part of Vshojo now. At the time it felt out of placed and forced in a way. With Silvervale I understand because they like the 4 OGs (Zen, Melody, Ironmouse, and Silvervale)
  • @rigierish3807
    You can't except to be friend with everybody you work with because, let's not forget what they do is a job, they got hired by a company which have employees, making them their colleagues. And in most job, you're generally not friend or expected to be friend with everybody who's working with you or is in the same company. So if you expect that, I guess restarting as an indie vtuber and collab only with who you want is the best decision she could've made.
  • Hold up you're telling me that a group of content creators that market themselves as outlandish characters aren't all best friends behind the scenes????? This is such a revelation.
  • @firestorm1088
    Let’s remember, VShojo isn’t the first creator group to have these kinds of troubles in their first few years. It’s bound to happen when you’re still figuring out which personalities mesh and which don’t.
  • Everyone has their own preferences in friend communication. I barely speak to my friends or hang out and months fly by but when we have the chance or remember to speak to each other lol we get along pretty well like the long gap was nothing. A lot of people are like this now a days it seems and as long as everyone is fine with eachother and the way things are between friends, it's alright.
  • @Pegasus54321
    I feel her but the question is did Sliver ever reach out to Mouse? Communication is a 2 way street and if she's mad at Mouse for not reaching out to her when she also never reached out to Mouse that's the definition of hypocrisy. Who knows maybe Siver has dozens of messages to Mouse left on read but if not maybe it would've just been best to just say they're all still friends and let it be. Obviously i don't know Mouse personally but she dose seem like the type to be there for her friends especially since she did publicly defend Silver during the Hogwart's drama bs unless Silver is saying that was only for Vshojo's business
  • @Mr_wisk
    bro if not talking to a friend for 7 months makes them not your friend anymore then i dont know what a friend is, i have at least 3 friend that i talk 2 to 3 days every year, when we talk is like a update to how things have been and what is going on at the time, if i had to talk every single day to a person to be considered a friend it would be suffocating, almost a job at that point
  • @burezu9190
    I never really watched Silver or Vei that much and just hope they will still be successful as Indies, Vei will totally be since she is basically part of OTK (even though not officially ofc). But somehow this whole thing seems just sad. I mean she totally had her reasons to leave and all and everyone else tried to be respectful, wish her well and all but making a press conference type stream and questioning other people is so off. Also not talking to friends for a long time is not that weird tbh, especially when growing up and with different time zones.
  • "I'm friends with the ones who were friends with me" This implies there were some who did not put in an effort to be friends with her. Either they were actively rude to her or they were just indifferent towards her. It doesn't really matter about the specific dynamics, or how much effort Silver put in herself. This is just my interpretation of what I think she's implying. She was NOT friends with everyone, this much is clear by her implication. And she's clearing the air now that she's no longer obligated to pretend to be friends with everyone. "Some people are not the people that you think they are." This is definitely showing shade at SOMEONE. There are negative feelings she feels towards someone among vshojo. "He's not MY boyfriend, I don't care" This is 100% shade. Unless there's more context I don't know about, there's no way this comment is not shade. There are so many other thing she could have said. But imply she's someone else's boyfriend when everyone knows there's one member of vshojo he hangs out with pretty regularly, and who are at least publicly not in a relationship? Cmon.
  • @fiber2848
    I have friends that I don’t talk to often so I don’t agree that you have to talk every week or month to be friends, Silver said like 6 months which I think is kinda reasonable being they have their own careers and lives. Taking initiative is important if you want to speak with friends and if no one takes the initiative then it’ll stay like that. Also that last thing in the clip was just a weird thing to say
  • I'm generally not one for drama, so all the other stuff she said didn't really phase me, but the "he's not my boyfriend" part seemed really out of pocket for no real reason
  • @itskudini
    I don't think not speaking with someone for months diminishes the fact that you're a real friend to them and vice versa. I have several of my closest friends that I haven't seen or spoken to in years but once we do, we just pick up where we left off like it was just yesterday. I also have friends like "this" where they get upset and deliberately ignores us when we try to get in touch because of not speaking with them for months. In my experience, these are people with personal issues (not aware they have one) who projects it to their peers or even loved ones. What you can do for these type of friends is let them know that you still see them as your friend and it was never your intention to abandon them. Regardless of the reason why the communication stopped whether growing and meeting new people, work, or personal problem, just apologise to them. And then give them space. Fingers crossed that they mature and realize that people have their own lives and problems to deal with; have other set of people to spend time with aside from the friend group both of you are a part of. I hope people affected by this won't stress too much about it. It happens. If you understand that this is what's going on, be the bigger person and let the heavy feelings go. 😊
  • TL;DR, I feel she's blaming their poor personal relations on the other talents (Mousey) who were probably busy with personal projects when she herself never seemed to make any effort to bridge the gap. LOL well if she's only waiting for other people to talk to her first and not make her own efforts to reach out then, yeah, they're not friends 'cause she def thinks they're not. Not to say Mouse is blameless but you also gotta consider how busy she got recently, specifically the 7 months (and more) that Silvervale mentioned. There was the Streamy nominations and awards, the new model debuts, heck, the 3d concert?? There were also times her health wasn't very good. It takes two to tango, if they didn't talk for 7 months outside of work-related topics, Mouse (or any of the other talents) isn't the only reason because Silvervale herself can contact them. A lot of the other talents tried to be respectful and didn't want to share any info to respect her privacy but here she is making it seem like the other members only cared about her if it was for work when it seems like she was the same and never talked to them either.