Why I'm Worried About Elder Scrolls 6

Published 2023-12-11
Why I'm Worried About Elder Scrolls 6

Well guys, now that Starfield has come and gone, it's time to start looking towards the future. Bethesda has had a messy 10 years, but with Skyrim's follow up The Elder Scrolls 6 soon to be on the way, can their reputation be salvaged? With the mediocre receptions of Fallout 4, the abysmal state for Fallout 76 and the sad reality that is Starfield, I'm a bit worried. Let me know what you guys think, no hate to my fellow game developers. I just wanna see a company that I love succeed, I know they are capable of it.

All Comments (21)
  • @joshsmith6995
    I'm so happy to see Starfield tank. We cannot approve of mediocrity from Bethesda anymore.
  • @scen0x541
    It was hilarious watching Tod not win a single award for his game this year😂 Let's be honest starfield was overhyped trashđŸ€”
  • @Edd25164605
    Consider, It's Been FIVE YEARS since the announcement trailer!
  • @chrisandrews3979
    When has a game studio being acquired by a larger company ever worked out? All creativity dies when it happens.
  • @TheSpiderbridge
    I am 43 now and I have aged past the point of playing any game that doesn’t immediately hook me. Life is too short, man. Nothing can possibly stack up to a 15 year (or longer) wait. Sad to say that I no longer care as much as I once did; I used to do a regular search for any scrap of news!
  • @daizenmarcurio
    As long as emil pagliarulo is still there then we have every right to be worried. Most of the Top TES writers are gone too sadly
  • Based on Starfield, I'm worried this is the wake of The Elder Scrolls. Like we're gonna watch it get prepared, put in a casket, attend the funeral, and watch it get lowered down into the pit. All in slow motion too.
  • @rons3634
    I used to care. Now I'm just curious if it will be released before I'm dead (I'm 60yrs old). On the bright side, even if it sucks, I still have Skyrim, which I've been playing faithfully for 8 years now.
  • @chadharger9323
    One of biggest issues is a lot of the TES and Fallout story and lore writers are no longer at Bethesdsa. One of the biggest draws for Bethesda games is the expansive lore. It's something that Starfield sorely lacks.
  • @nygomi8652
    I think after 76 and Starfield's middling standing, ES6 has suddenly become a do-or-die game for this studio. BGS will need to reinvent the wheel for it to get their reputation back. I just hope it will be worth the wait when it comes out for my kids to enjoy.
  • @537monster
    Honestly the well is poisoned. On one had you have a developer who’s pathologically afraid of taking risks and overelies on modding to make their games playable. Then on the other hand, you have a group of “fans” on the internet who are ready to tear down a game before they’ve even seen it.
  • @Wveth
    As someone who enjoyed Morrowind, I was very worried about ESVI when I played Skyrim. It was fun, I put a lot of hours into it, but after Morrowind I expected half-decent writing, worldbuilding that made sense, a compelling antagonist and a dirth of characters with interesting motivations and personalities. That last thing is the only one of those Skyrim even has, but those good characters are few and far between. In terms of mechanics and exploration, Skyrim can be very engaging. Morrowind made me expect a higher standard in the creative writing department, and Bethesda has only gotten worse since then. The writing has been their biggest failing since Oblivion in my opinion.
  • @grievetan
    i am worried about TES VI because gaming (especially on PC) is in sad, miserable state right now. The fact that Baldurs Gate 3 with it's sheer quality has made others game developers worried is both hilarious and concerning. Modern game companies stopped treating games as art, and treating it right now merely as a product.
  • bethesda rethinking their formula is how we got 1000 procedural planets with nothing on them Bethesda needs to look at what made their games great and crack it up to 11
  • @UltrEgoVegeta
    Stanfield showed us just how outdated brokethesda has become.
  • Honestly I'm terrified for ES6. Looking across the Elder Scrolls series, they're clearly toning down the unique and fantastical elements with every installment, and now their new franchise is being criticized for having boring, empty planets and uninteresting lore. The teaser they released shows us the most bland, vanilla map imaginable, situated either in northern Hammerfell or High Rock - literally the two least interesting areas of Tamriel. No sentient jungles, no crystal towers, no migrating tree cities, just a f***ing field. That's what Bethesda thinks will make fans drool. The Elder Scrolls is a beloved franchise to me, and I can't bear the thought of ES6 being a boring, generic, empty RPG whose main selling point is a world with 300 billion quadrillion square kilometers to "explore." I hope Starfield is a wake-up call for Bethesda but they just seem to have no idea what fans want or why their older games were popular.
  • @drizzo4669
    I wouldn't credit Skyrim without mentioning Morrowind and Oblivion. I spent countless hours in Morrowind climbing mountains, finding random holes, exploring their depths and being excited because I found a book. Then Id actually read tge book, page by page, in real time.
  • I think Starfield should have cut down the bloat and focused on just creating a few planets that were packed with as much density, objectives, and things to do as the Skyrim map. I think I was in a bit of denial when I got FO76 on day one, thinking that maybe this was just a misstep for Bethesda and they would learn their lesson from putting out such a lazy, unpolished release. But no. It’s pretty much been all downhill since then. I’m also worried about ES6 as Skyrim is probably one of my favorite games, despite its flaws.
  • That’s why I’m still playing Skyrim and not even worrying about es6
  • @TailsxNobody
    If you have Skyrim on PC (Steam). There is a free "game" called Enderal. Technically it is a " Is Total Immersion Mode". But it really it is it's own stand alone game. It has its own leveling mechanics, story, lore, big open world, and even new mechanics. Best I can describe it is that it feels like playing Skyrim for the first time, not knowing what to expect with a story far deeper than Skyrim.