Energy HEALING Mastery: Life-Changing ENERGY Healing Techniques That CHANGES LIVES! | Richard Gordon

Published 2022-06-11
FREE Video Course: Discover Richard Gordon's Quantum Touch Energy Medicine

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Richard Gordon, founder of Quantum-Touch Organization, is a visionary and a pioneer. With over 40 years of experience in the field of energy medicine, Richard is the best-selling author of ‘Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal’ and ‘Your Healing Hands - The Polarity Experience.’

While attending Christos School of Natural Healing in Taos, New Mexico in the 70’s, Richard discovered the power of working with energy and hands-on healing. This work led to a wide range of further discoveries as Richard began to explore all the energies around his hands. He eventually met an awe-inspiring healer named Bob Rasmussen, who had an extraordinary ability to heal people’s bodies with his hands. Richard began apprenticing with him and this is how his work was born.

Richard founded the Quantum-Touch organization more than 20 years ago. The organization currently has more than 1,000 certified practitioners in 50+ countries around the globe. Their vision and mission is to help improve the health and quality of life for many people using simple, easy to learn energy healing techniques.

With his expertise and passion for sharing the message about hands-on healing, Richard has travelled around the globe to speak at medical centers, conferences, and chiropractic colleges. He was faculty at Heartwood Institute and the Holistic Health Institute.

Other books written by Richard Gordon include:

* ‘Quantum-Touch 2.0 - The New Human’ which explores the convergence of science, technology, and the power of the human energy field.

* ‘The Secret Nature of Matter’ — a fascinating investigation of the profound relationship between matter and consciousness.

* ‘Hacking the Law of Attraction’ — a fresh perspective on the Law of Attraction.

Dr. C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. (Founding President of the American Holistic Medical Association) endorsed Richard’s work, calling it, “The first technique that may truly allow us all to become healers.”

“Quantum Touch is a method of natural healing that works with the life force energy of the body to promote optimal wellness. Quantum Touch teaches us how to focus, amplify, and direct this energy for a wide range of benefits with surprising and often extraordinary results.” - Richard Gordon, Quantum-Touch Organization Founder

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All Comments (21)
  • @NextLevelSoul
    What is the biggest take away from this conversation with Richard Gordon?
  • I am glad to hear you about God’s energy',,, l am 87 with no pain because l use the energy God put in me when I came in to this world', I start from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet', l speak to every part of my body', my nerves,,‘vain s Skin and muscle
  • I truly believe that the biggest reason this technique hasn't been used more in the western world is because corporations can't make millions. Thank you Alex for doing what you do!!!
  • @CH-hm8ud
    When I was younger, I was in the hospital with my son, and there was this little girl crying in pain, the mom told me she was fifteen, she had fallen from bed and injured her brain. I felt so compassion about her, that I pray 🙏 in silence for God to let me put my hands over her and heal her. As soon mom got out of the room, I put my hand over her and ask God to pass her pain to me because I will desipate it from me. I felt an electric shock through my arm. I was in shock since I didn’t know what was going on! The little girl slept all night long. I couldn’t no more she has been for 3 days without sleeping!
  • to all who read this, and all who don't...sending you infinite peace, perfect health, abundant wealth, joyous freedom, and unconditional love... 🙏🏽💜💜💜💜💜🙌🏽
  • @JoeMcEvoy369
    It's shockingly amazing as well as relatively easy. After first reading Richard Gordon's book titled "Quantum Touch: The Power To Heal", I went into my usual meditation and asked for a twenty plus year neck injury to heal and instantly my neck bones started cracking. It wasn't like a chiropractic adjustment where you hear a series of cracking sounds in quick succession. It was a slow, methodical adjusting of the vertebra in the neck and I could hear and feel it instantly. I didn't believe it happened so easily and then breathed into another part of my body with pain and sent another energetic intention towards that physical extremity. That part was my lower right back and it was flared up and in pain for days from raking leaves two days in a row and over torquing one side of my body. As soon as I set this area to intention, I heard one loud crack and my hips moved and my entire sacrum was realigned instantly! I still was shocked and almost still disbelieving and when I got up from meditation, I was completely pain free. I realized a few hours later when I was driving and turned my head to check my blind spot while pulling out from the curb into traffic, that my neck mobility was radically improved to a point that it hadn't been in decades. The entire trajectory of my life has changed for the better since, and my purpose as well as my knowledge of what it means to be human has been greatly expanded. Thank you Richard Gordon and thank you to "Next Level Soul" for this great interview with a true, yet humble "Master" who with many other I have discovered worldwide, heals with the energy, frequency, and vibration that we are made of. They all use different methods from light boxes, to tuning forks, to sound frequencies, to channeling Chi from The Field into their patients, but when interviewed they all have three amazing parallels. The first is the message of the harmonizing effect of "Love". The second is that they admit they are not "special" and we all have this innate ability. The third is that they all have helped folks to heal themselves of "just over two hundred different types of ailments"! Something this simple yet so profound and life changing will take root soon worldwide during this current period of The Great Awakening. To create a "shift" in humanity's collective consciousness, a truth doesn't need a 51% majority to agree. It only needs a 3% collective to begin a movement that will snowball and grow rapidly throughout society. As long as that movement is based in truth, it will eventually come to the forefront in society and change the world for the better. Stay positive, as this shift as many here know is happening now, and it is a huge component to humankind's next great stage of evolution in this amazing transformational period of history we are living in.
  • @Emma-dl5ez
    Absolutely agree. My little Lilly dog would have trouble in her kennel at night. (I always kennel my dogs at night Incase something happens, I know where they are at) So, I decided to give her a full body massage and she would be like a little rag doll and sleep. Love and touch is so important to us. If, you don't have anyone to hug, hug yourself and tell yourself you Love yourself. Father in Heaven is full of love, he gave us love to love ourselves and others. It's healing. Thank you for sharing and caring. Blessings everyone.
  • @dinawalsh3988
    Thank You Alex for your channel, Love it.. I thought I would share my experience of a mole that miraculously disappeared. I had a mole on my body since I was a little girl that was turning cancerousb but I didn't know it was cancerous. It had gotten bigger over the years but I didnt think anything of it because it was always just there and grew with my body. After a pretty powerful healing which wasn't on that specifically, it just disappeared overnight. Let me tell you, it blew my whole worldview of myself and who I was at the time.. Lol, I must of searched for it for hr in my bed and on the floor before I went in and ask my guides what happened to it. I was told that the mole was a Karmic scar that was caused from guilt of being sexually abused when I was very young and blaming myself for not being strong enough to stop it. Anyways I was told that if it wasn't taken that it would have turned cancerous and that I had learned the lesson behind it. The CAUSE was the guilt and the lesson was that I let go of the guilt and forgave myself of something I had no control over. My husband can even validate that it was their and then not there. It was a profound experience that I will never forgot.
  • QT was the first energy modality I learned 10 years ago! Got the book, took a class and started doing the work, all in a week! Heaven sent. It's true!
  • Thank you for the interviews you do. I have listened to Richard Gordon many times and bought his first book. I am always inspired by his work.! He, Joe Dispenza, the Yuen Method, and Emotion/Body Code are the answers to all (in my opinion) imbalances that occur in the human condition. Also EFT, Bashar, too many more to mention. What could be more amazing and joy-inspiring than these amazing people who have brought these consciousness-raising methods to light for so many people. We are all blessed by them as well as Greg Braden and many others that are currently enabling us all to grow exponentially!!
  • @nanag7941
    This morning, prior to starting my day I meditated and I asked my angels and spirit guides to guide me to what I needed to know today, and I'm so grateful they guided me to this video. It was so enlightening and full of such useful information that I have been seeking on my spiritual journey. Thank you, Alex I've been watching you for the past couple of months and I'm never disappointed. Many blessings to you.
  • @Protesto2012
    Thank you Alex for all the guests you bring on your shows. 😊 I grew up Catholic but in the 70’s going into college got involved with Charismatic church and now that I listen to many of these lovely people, specially those in healing, I realize I have touched some of these aspects. Following the mystics, John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila etc. I got into healing and deep spiritual prayer. Lost my way somewhat with religion and now I am back to square one. Left religion because I want spirituality ❤❤
  • @Smartie1B
    Another book I have to read! Mind blown - I love it! I’m sure this is what Jesus was doing when everyone thought he was performing miracles.
  • This interview has truly excited me, inspired me, empowered me. Thank you Thank you Thank you 🙏🏼♥️
  • @sedaunlucay
    Richard, we met a few weeks ago at Cafe Amuleto in San Miguel! So happy to see you here on the show! What a fascinating and engaging conversation. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with us!
  • @beksblzr
    I twisted my ankle about 4 weeks ago and I've been using reiki energy healing on myself since the injury happened. Just listening to this interview has significantly reduced the pain that I've been able to relieve on my own so much! This has really expanded my understanding of how energy works to the next level for me to shift into. Thank you for sharing this information!
  • Energy is never ending, it flows continuously, so one doing this receives also. Intention is 95% of the flow since we are Energy anyway. It has always energized me. Throw Love into the mix, and it goes where it needs. Any energy healer is just a conduit. Step out of the way and let it flow.Then one will never be tired. Blessings for All in sending energy Namaste 🙏
  • @edalong1064
    Oh Wow Alex, Wehn I was 36 and a new massage therapist in TX, I found this Richard's first book. It totally changed the tragectory of my life and how I did massage. I taught classes for a couple of years and always urged students to get his book and to feel what they were doing as a holy opportunity to help people profoundly relax and heal from within. I have been a Body Worker and Massage Therapist over 38 years and loved every moment. Because of Richard Gordon, I never burned out, lost my intent and focus of working through my heart. Thank you so much for having him on the show. I am thrilled to follow up now with his newest teachings and where he is on his own journey. so love your podcasts. I love all the incredible people and topics and am an advid listener and spreader of your work with so many others! blessings and gratitude! Eda
  • Richards first book Your Hands Can Heal you, was the first i'd read on the matter. i was very excited, as i had always had an intuition to do this. he also introduced me to Maine Coon cats, but thats another subject. one tiny criticism; we must always be mindful of other peoples fears, especially regarding this pandemic, just because some understand this, does not mean most do. same with the fact that we don't have equal healthcare for all. so loving kindness is required too. just love people folks. we're all just doing the best we can, with the understanding we do have.
  • I was a PA and now health coach/QT Practitioner in FL and I found this modality so effective, especially combined with yoga or assisted stretch. I'm so grateful to Richard for sharing his knowledge, and sharing his passion for true health and wellness!!