My Autism Diagnosis Paperwork

Published 2023-09-21

All Comments (21)
  • @SarahA-sj7yg
    I am going to receive the assessment result tomorrow, wish me luck.
  • @amandamills6181
    Your character is just fine! None of those comments means you're a bad kid! I've realized I'm happier with just a few trustworthy, kind friends. There's nothing wrong with not enjoying all the rigamarole that comes along with socializing. Take care of yourself!
  • @cherylyoke4872
    When I got my diagnosis papers and read the summary, tears rolled down my face, because it said some things about me which I did not believe really described me, and I felt hurt. However when I looked at page 2 and saw the scores from testing, I was relieved to see I was at last getting a diagnosis and that there have been good reasons for many symptoms over the years. I’ve done pretty well coping, getting an education, and working in a neurotypical world and now allow myself to just relax and accept myself.
  • @nitt3rz
    I have thought about getting an official AuDHD assessment, but every-time I hear what happens at one, I get stressed out at the thought of 3 hours of awkwardness & confusion.
  • @sarahgibbons9737
    Can confirm LOTR is In my diagnostic assessment, among other things ☺️
  • @pixelmotte
    I'm currently on a waiting list and had to fill out 4 old and badly translated(like recognise translated with remember in the AQ-Test, or understand translated with appreciate in the EQ-Test) versions of diagnostic tests before being put on the waiting list. There was even an "empathy test" and I find the thought really weird, that someone might be excluded from diagnostic and questions like "do you care if you see an animal suffer", "do you care if you're late when meeting with a friend", or "did you used to cut earthworms in half as a child" could have been the deciding factor. Then again, the ICD-10-GM is still in use and probably will be for as long as legaly possible.
  • @miezepups15
    This was so helpful! Thank you for sharing.
  • I just got my report the day before yesterday, even though I live in the Netherlands and it’s 2023, the report is so similar! Interesting!
  • @N.Electronika
    thank you for making this video! i’m currently waiting to receive my assessment (which was promised to be done by the end of this week… its currently friday here, 5:28pm, still haven’t fucking received it 🙄)… my session with the psychiatrist i saw seemed really… brief, and weird, he asked me so many seemingly irrelevant questions which totally derailed me… I’m nonbinary and he even questioned me on that, and when i answered, in a way that related to my neurodivergency, because like… thats relevant, thats what i’m here to talk about, he was like… “Ok, but how do you feel about your body?!” he wanted to know if i experienced dysphoria… but like… who cares!? it was so none of his business and totally irrelevant? i feel like he thought i wasn’t transgender enough, and that i just felt weird and different because of my autism. like what the hell..? it was a 40 minute session… and i don’t think he asked me nearly enough questions about my childhood, though i don’t think every diagnostic session should be solely about that, most kind of are? so i found it weird that he didn’t seem to care so much about that? also, no one ever asked me to bring a parent with me, which is like, great in one regard, i never felt infantilised by them, which is great! but i also have a shit memory, and i know there are so many things i missed that would have given them a lot more info to work with. its also kinda valuable learning all these things that parents have always glossed over or overlooked. anyways. have a lovely day Dana, keep on trucking along. i think you’re doing amazingly 😸 these videos are quite inspiring to me. just the way you talk and live your life and how strong you seem. much much love 💗🫂
  • @Deathoutofhell
    Very similiar to what I experienced a few months ago. Except that I could not have my mom come with me so they took most of the clues from my school records and a letter my teacher had written to the school psychiatrist when I was 9 or 10 .. and what I had to report remembering or having been told by my family. Thank you for sharing. In all honesty, the kind of chaos and messiness of your report somewhat gave me a sense of calm about my own diagnosis process.
  • I'm dreading being told I have to bring a parent to mine! I've not really spoken to them in a few years & I wouldn't feel comfortable disclosing that I'm going for assessment to them. I hope my memories & remembered anecdotes will be enough. I have at least another 6 months to wait - there was a minimum 2 year wait when I went on the list 🙄
  • @user-bp3ez2sj9y
    Sadly, I was not asked about my special interests, but I did bring them up so maybe they thought that was all. It was not. I would say maybe the Foo Fighters tattoo on my hand was enough to let them know about that, but I’m pretty sure I brought up that I had two Foo Fighters tattoos and had just seen them in September and had loved them for 26 years and so on. Then LotR did come up when I was talking about tattoos because I was talking about my son and how he was getting a LotR sleeve because he was into it like me and I also thought he needed to be assessed, but would have to check his insurance. Also, they didn’t have a parent come to mine. They sent my mom a questionnaire which was surprisingly short and didn’t ask very many questions that I thought were too relevant. That was frustrating. I still have 13 days to wait until I get my results though.
  • @Broccomonster
    They sent you a physical copy!? All I got was a pdf file!
  • @Dani.P.F.
    That is really interesting, thanks for sharing. There's is really no 'norm' for what the diagnosis process and the paperwork are like. Mine were very different and the reason why I questioned the diagnosis for so long. Do you think it should be standardized?
  • @djpatt81
    Oh I find support for adults is a ball ache they send telephone details and having contact them I don’t like phoning usually get a silly robot press 1 for this 2 for that 3 etc I get frustrated
  • I was diagnosed in 2011, and Asperger's was still an official thing, so I received two diagnoses on two papers, one said Asperger's Syndrome, and the other said "Autistic Disorder". Since the DSM-IV was being used, my diagnosis appears unclear to people for some reason.
  • @Catlily5
    That was interesting but very different from the one I got in the USA. Did they give you any tests?