Can Ukraine rely on its lenders for long-term defense? | DW News

Published 2024-07-05
Ukraine has less than four weeks to negotiate a new deal with its private creditors or risk a default that could affect its ability to fund its economic recovery. The country has a complicated structure of lenders, including multilateral institutions and individual countries, as well as private lenders. Much of its loans come with conditions related to implementing reforms. DW Business speaks with Tymofiy Mylovanov, president of the Kyiv School of Economics and Ukraine's former minister of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture.


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#ukraine #credit #russia

All Comments (21)
  • Unlike Russia, Ukraine has never defaulted😂😂😂. This guy still has the nieve to compare the economy of a dependent nation to a sovereign and strong economy like Russia?
  • Can Ukraine rely on its lenders for long-term defense? No. But it can rely on long term bancruptcy.
  • @Sziasztok742
    As long as there is still something to sell, ykraine will be completely divided.
  • It's preferable to fight a war till you run out of money than to fight a war till you run out of men.
  • @antons1097
    If that's Ukraine's best economist no wonder they couldn't grow their economy in the last 30 years of independence.
  • @roycrosby4941
    How quickly people forget. Blackrock was appointed to oversee the receivership of Ukraine.
  • Ukraine is already going to be paying back this debt for the next 200 years…. With Interest!
  • Meanwhile number of millionaires in Ukraine in 2023 has increased almost 2 times, the sales of luxury cars has increased with almost 20%
  • @avex3903
    but ukraine is winning on reddit so whats the problem 🤔
  • @dufifa
    What? This guy says about countermeasure of EU and money could be confiscated, but Russia did nothing agains EU, it's war with Ukraine! Logic left the room.
  • @andre8860
    Ukraine doesn’t have difficulties Ukraine is finished
  • @HoboGodfrey
    Zelensky and crew can give back the money they stole.
  • @operator9858
    if you have a bank that has a dispute between two customers do you 'ever' let one have access to the others funds even if you do believe they have a strong case without legal bearing to do so? no you do not. because you have a business to run. one based entirely on trust and these 2 arent your only customers and this wont be the last dispute in history. heck even the ongoing altercation is going to end one day. think the russians will ever invest their funds back into western banking instituions again? what leverage will we have over them then? how will we even track their finances? heck any time we have disputes with ANYBODY going forward whats going to be the first thing they do? pull their money out (if they hadnt already). am i wrong?
  • They said African countries were going to be own by Chinese in a few years ... while we all are watching ukraine being picked apart like a corpse for courting the u.s. n taking loans... the irony
  • I still maintain that not going through with the Istanbul negotiations was one of the stupidest decisions Ukraine has made in recent history.