My Clever Ways to MANIPULATE Tomatoes to Produce Early, Often, and Nonstop

Published 2023-07-22

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All Comments (21)
  • I heard a person comment on another channel that the you tuber only talked garden and no music or dogs they said, I knew they meant you. It’s sad though because they are missing the whole point. Let me say it for the record that you have the best, most educational and also the cutest co star of any and all channels. Keep up the great work and I will keep supporting you and the boss man. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • @jackieallgayer9362
    Put the alcohol in a travel, continuous spray bottle. Then just spray your shears in between cuts. It’s the quickest way I have found. Small enough to keep the bottle in your pocket as you travel around the garden.
  • For indeterminate variety tomatoes: 1. Prune plants to a single stem to train and support vertically. Pruned plants produce about 2 weeks earlier than unpruned. 2. Prune suckers, but in especially hot climates you might want to allow some to grow out to provide some extra shade protection to tomatoes. 3. For the suckers allowed to grow, prune them back to the point just after any flowers produced, so that you maximize airflow and sunlight while getting some extra production. Health and production tips for all tomato varieties: 1. Be sure to clean pruners with alcohol before use to prevent disease spread and help coagulate pruning cuts quicker. 2. Choose varieties mindfully. For more production,mix varieties that grow early along with ones that grow late into the season. You’ll find that both some hybrids and heirlooms will grow better for you than others. You can identify your best growers over time and fine tune your garden in the future to those varieties that grow best for you. 3. Sunlight and air are the enemies of disease. Remove any dried or diseased leaves to prevent disease spread and increase sunlight and airflow. 4. Use a thick organic mulch to keep a consistent level of soil moisture, reduce chance of blossom end rot, and combat weeds. 5. Top dress soil around tomato plants with a balanced or higher potassium (not nitrogen) fertilizer when they head into production to give the plant some additional food at this time. Water in fertilizer and then cover the soil back up with mulch. 6. Water tomato plants at the base. Aim to keep plants’ leaves dry to prevent disease. Plants can put more energy to fruit production when they are fighting less disease and dealing with less unnecessary leaf production.
  • @MrKevinStraub
    Pruning is necessary, yes. I would add this: twin your plants to have two main trunks. Treat those like two plants, continuing to sucker and tie them up as necessary. The yield was 8% more by weight. I compared singles to doubles, planted in the same place. The possible drawback, depending on the grower's purpose, is that twinned plants tend to yield the mature fruits in a tighter time window. If growing to process, this is a good thing. Also, be sure to shut your plants off from further growth, about 3-4 weeks ahead of your anticipated end of season. This is done by heading all leads that are actively growing, removing all flowers, and all tiny fruits that will not have enough time to develop.
  • @ForgingFreedomTV
    Isn’t the garden a fantastic laboratory?! I love what you’re doing and how you’re tracking your results. I try to do the same. I can feel your passion for what you’re doing. If we all continue to shower knowledge on each other in this space, we can all get better together. A rising tide lifts all boats as they say.
  • @nesforce7712
    poking a small hole in the seal on the iso alcohol container w a pin and using that as a sprayer for your blade will make the alcohol last a lot longer.
  • I have rooted healthy suckers from hybrid tomato plants and planted them as a whole new plant. Very productive!
  • @Bentleycord
    Wish your sweet yorkie could sit at table in hi chair with kids around to see him eating veggies....maybe it might encourage the kids that veg are great after all. 😅😅😅
  • @karenchristian9204
    When I saw your first video introduction I thought to myself “what is he so excited about?” Well, after watching the video and now the second one I know why you’re excited. Who wouldn’t be having a beautiful garden like yours. I’m simply blown away!!
  • @TheNewOption
    your energy is refreshing in this crazy world we live in.
  • @MarkoVurdelja
    This is the best show of yours that I've seen, and I've seen many. A serious show, without too much excitement, calmly, carefully told, everything explained, a real educational episode. I have not yet found a better explanation of growing tomatoes in the garden on YouTube. Thanks, I enjoyed it.
  • @jackiek4159
    Those tomatoes are absutely loaded! Blessings to everyone here! 🙏❤️🍅
  • @bethsands7665
    You and Tuck keep on getting better ! : more informative , productive, expansive , useful and innovative and awesome for us all, thank you. Your garden of life is abundant and glorious.
  • @TheCowthryn
    Videos like this make the world a better place. Thank you
  • @shelliclark9472
    I showed my husband your videos and he too really enjoyed them. Thank you, for all you do. Tuck is awesome. I love getting to see him enjoying the garden too. 💌🐾🌱🍅🐾🥕🐾just as it should be.
  • @lifestapestry2968
    Another tip for sweet tomatoes is to water them with diluted bicarbonate of soda as it reduces the soil acidity levels.
  • @mgguygardening
    Great video James! I prune to a single stem, I never thought about allowing suckers to grow until they produce a set of flowers/tomatoes and then trim them above that. That's a definite game changer!
  • @IronDruids
    A trick for huge production if you don't have many plants is to use a vibrating toothbrush. If you have one give the fruiting stems a quick buzz with the backside of it. It shakes the pollen from the male part of the flower to the female part and guarantees pollination. Went from a good amount via pollinating bugs to literally every flower growing a tomato. Mine are growing like grapes this year! Another tip so you don't waste time is pollen goes bad when the daytime temps are over 90 AND the nighttime temperatures don't drop below 70 or so (Probably google this lol).
  • @GaryLahair
    I have benefitted so much from watching all your videos! Keep them coming! 3yrs. ago on my first attempt at growing tomatoes and peppers was a disaster and resulted in 12' plants and no fruit. Last year after following your videos, my tomato plants thrived and fruit production increased 20 fold