"Expensive Knives for EDC?: The HEC Philosophy" by Nutnfancy

Published 2012-05-15

All Comments (21)
  • Yes. I would carry a $300 edc knife and USE IT. In an age of $800 cell phones that will be obsolete in 2 years, carrying a knife that is even half that cost, that will last 50+ years is not so crazy.
  • My wife wears a $7,000 diamond ring everyday, why would I not carry am HEC knife?
  • @EnPeeSee
    I switch between a Benchmade Mini Reflex and Zero Tolerance 0770CF for my EDC; both knives are in the $150-200 range, but I don't care if they're a little expensive. Life is too short to carry mediocre knives, and these knives are so well-made and durable I'm not worried about doing some serious stuff with them.
  • @krtekid1
    I carried a $150 benchmade on my last deployment...I have some real sentimental value connected with it now. Hell, I slept with that thing on my belt or in my hand. Now I'm edcing an Emerson, and I love it. It makes me happy that it's in my pocket, makes me happy every time I use it. When I get out of the infantry, these knives will always be tied back to the experiences I had with them, and if I ever don't want them I know my little brother or eventually my son would be honored to have them
  • @gbduncan1986
    EDC is where you SHOULD invest a bit more money. Why spend a ton of money on something like fine china? You make that huge purchase to make special events (rare) just a little bit more special. Why not make everyday events a lot more special. A box cutter will do the same job as my Spyderco Native 5, but it wont make me smile. A Bic stick pen will write the same note as my Franklin Christoph, but I won't feel any sense of pride in it. Invest in everyday special. Be happy.
  • @fishdummy
    Bought my first HEC this weekend! Benchmade 940-1 Thanks Nutnfancy
  • @mrkend69
    Why would a $300 knife be weird to carry? They aren't easily broken and they never go obsolete. Look in your other pocket at the piece of EDC equipment you carry. Drop that $600 iphone from your pocket or try to use it in 5 years....bet it won't work or you'll get a lot of funny grins.
  • @eddieking2976
    Was on my motorcycle the other day and actually found a Sog flash laying in the road. Took it home sharpened and cleaned it up. Works great.
  • I salute you in using sufficient light for the purpose. I see too many videos by others where they're skimping on the needed light. Bravo.
  • @JoshwaBurke
    Just wanted to let you know I thoroughly enjoy your philosophy of use and review videos. My wife just picked up a Benchmade knife and I'm going to pick up a Spyderco soon. Love the way you give your two cents to give me an educated decision for the gear I choose. Keep up the great work.
  • @kxridder125
    whats the point of buying a expensive knife if your not going to use it.
  • @cphogan88
    At one time I thought it'd be crazy to carry a knife that cost more than a $50 Kershaw. However, 5-6 years ago I bought a Benchmade 940, and have been carrying it ever since. The 940 is one of my favorite knives I own, due to 1st and 2nd type of cool. Since I bought that knife I've also bought a Spyderco Paramilitary 2, Spyderco Navaja, Endura, Delica, and a couple other Benchmades. I just bought a RAT Worx MRX that is my first auto, and it is quickly becoming my favorite knife I own. You definitely get your money's worth when you buy quality.
  • @TraceyAllen
    1st if I would not carry it, it is not worth having period. They are like guns the best one is the one you have on you. I carry a benchmade Elishewitz Striker. Been in my pocket since '96. I love it best knife ever. It will be retired this week, and replaced by a Emerson Jungle CQC-7. These are and will continue to be hard use knives. So to answer your question nutnfancy​ Yes I would and still do carry a expensive knife and use it. 
  • @Teachering
    "Value is in the eye of the beholder, Dude!" I'm so glad I happened on this video. You have a wonderful philosophy that can be applied to so many things in life that we as people value. There are things we hold precious that others might shake their heads at thinking there must be something wrong with us. For example, I love Fender Custom Shop Telecasters and spend a lot on guitar gear. Not only some of my friends, but even my wife doesn't understand it, though she puts up with me. I place a lot of value on these things; and, yes, sometimes the value is found not in cost but sentiment as you yourself have expressed. I began watching your video because I'm a newbie when it comes to folding knives and am eager to learn from experts like you, nutnfancy. I've come away from your discussion with so much more than I would have ever imagined. I love your enthusiasm and I'm inspired by all that you have to share with viewers like me. A sincere thank you!
  • @vcfan1586
    Loved the video nutnfancy! Really shed some light on this topic.
  • its only overpriced if something of lesser dollar value can achieve and or preform higher than the more expensive blade
  • @DecemDierum
    $120 and under is my price range. I am looking at the Benchmade Griptillian customized at $160. That's H.E.C. for me
  • @MrDidaxi
    I second each and every one of your points. Well said, well presented. Thx.