15 Things Dogs Love the Most

Published 2021-03-01
In this video, we will discover 15 things dogs love the most.

Your scent
A dog’s favorite smell is your scent.
And the more of your odor on something, the better. A dog’s sense of smell is much stronger than ours, and for them, a shirt covered in your scent is one of the most comforting objects in the world.
And this is why you may often find your dog lying on top of your pile of dirty clothes. Your clothing has your scent on it and dogs always want to feel closer to you.
Taking new routes
Dogs are curious and love nothing more than sniffing around and exploring. Your dog will be grateful if you stop taking them for the same walk every day.
Mix up your route once in a while. You can do this by simply walking in a different direction every now and then.
Checking their “pee-mail” and “social media”
Dogs urine marking is a serious business for canines.
By urine marking, your dog is leaving messages. Then other dogs come along and check the message and may leave a message of their own by urinating small amounts over or adjacent to the original spot. This is a unique form of communication where your dog will tell another dog if they sense danger. Or even let them know about their sexual availability.
Unlike humans who have to use social media apps to catch up on all their friend’s news, all a dog needs is a whiff of a very prominent vertical surface
For you to be happy
Your happiness is the most important thing for your dog. In fact, recent studies have shown that when we get stressed, our dogs get stressed, too.
Dogs can sense when we are happy or upset using their keen sense of smell and unique ability to read body language. When your dog notices that you are in distress, their attitude will adjust to your needs. And when you are happy, your dog’s behavior reflects the environment.
Pet them where they enjoy it most
How does your dog prefer being pet?
A study published in Journal of Veterinary Behavior found that dogs show more signs of stress—like yawning, freezing, lip licking, or elevated heart rates—when they are pet on the head, muzzle, shoulders or paws. Petting on the chest however, is associated with a decrease of heart rate, and is more calming to a dog. Nevertheless, many dogs are comfortable with any types of interactions—even with strangers—because they’re used to being around people.

A loving glance
Dogs love a loving glance.
Recent studies have shown that making eye contact while cuddling with your dog releases a love hormone in them known as oxytocin. Every time you gaze lovingly into your dog’s eyes, their levels of oxytocin go up. In fact, studies have shown that this action produces the same biological response as a mother looking at her child.
Going for walks over food
A study conducted in the UK aimed to identify the words and phrases that canines love to hear the most.
Believe it or not, 'walkies' scooped the top spot, with a dog's heart rate increasing by a whopping 36% every time they hear the word. Other words that make our furry friends the happiest are 'treat', 'get it', and 'fetch'.
Dogs love walks because they fulfill that old, inbuilt survival instinct to go out and search for food.
Seeing the world through the windows
Open some of your shades and blinds, so your dog can see what’s going on outdoors. Dogs can spend countless hours staring out a window and watching the world go by.
A challenging puzzle to solve
When you’re considering what toys to get your dog, include a puzzle toy that involves a challenge followed by a reward. Dogs are intelligent creature that need mental exercise, and they’ll act out if they are bored.
A favorite meal
Dogs don’t like it when you eat the best food, and all they get is dog food. Prepare a special meal for your furry friend every now and then, and let them enjoy their favorite dish.
Eating in Private
When your dog is eating, respect their bliss and let them be. Dogs don’t like eating in high traffic areas and they need their privacy while eating. Minimize dish handling and let your pooch enjoy their meal.
Running errands with you.
Anything’s better than waiting for you at home, right?
It’s good to get out, and there are so many places you can take your dog. Just remember not to leave your pet unattended in a parked car for any period of time.
Being accepted For Who They Are
There's great happiness in being loved as you are rather than being pressured to be what you’re not. That’s as true for dogs as it is for people. So, if your dog sniffs urine or poop, let them, as preventing them from their own nature can cause anxiety and confusion. Dogs hate constant correction from you and it is important that you love your dog just as he is.
Instead of leaving your dog at pet sitter’s home, plan a dog-friendly vacation. After all, dogs are our family members, and they certainly deserve a trip to a new place. There are many hotels that are pet friendly. If you have a small dog, air travel is easier.

All Comments (21)
  • @dannyg1195
    The best part about coming home every day is knowing I'll be lovingly greeted at the door. That never gets old.
  • @cherylb5680
    Whether you leave the house for 5 hours or 5 minutes the greeting is still the same...........never gets old! ❤
  • @guibox3
    If people had the love, affection and loyalty of a dog, our world would be a much better place.
  • @anabautista8071
    1. Your scent; 2. Taking new routes; 3. Checking their pee-mail; 4. Your own happiness; 5. Pet them where they enjoy it the most; 6. A loving glance; 7. Going for walks over food; 8. Seeing the world through the windows; 9. A challenging puzzle to solve; 10. A favourite meal; 11. Eating in private; 12. Running errands with you; 13. Being accepted for who they are ; 14. Vacation.
  • @daynescott1
    Not to be a downer, but I had to put my Doberman down two weeks ago. Hardest thing I have ever had to do. Please give your dogs extra love today. They are truly special and a huge part of your family.
  • unrelated fact about dogs you can always find dog with the same looks as your old dog but you can never find a dog with the same personality
  • Humans don’t deserve dogs I swear. They’re the most loving,caring animals that never get tired of being happy to see you! 🥺🥰🥰
  • @Kitti_B
    I just love when I lay down next to my little doggy and he looks at me so beautifully. We look at each other for minutes and it's one of the best feelings in the world :)
  • @GodofWarChuka
    Our pets. Dogs and cats and all animals are a gift from God! And should be taken care of, and treated kindly!
  • @user-vj1kg6kt4u
    Animals are gift from God. We must respect and care for them because they are Heavenly messages of Love!!!
  • @DogBeast221
    “Dear Lord, help me to be the person my dog thinks I am...”
  • @scaredyhart268
    When Im sad my dog tries to cuddle me and if that doesn't work, she brings me her favorite toy.
  • @sartemarkify
    Dogs are the most wonderful creature . I dunno but their love and loyalty is unmatched.
  • I sing gently to my dog when I brush her. Before I started singing or humming, she hated being brushed, now, with soft sounds she relaxes. Thanks for the great channel!
  • @johnnolty2037
    A dog is the only thing that will love you more than you love yourself!
  • @cs-kw9ju
    No matter how bad of a day I've had, once I see my little Daisy, everything is right with the world❤
  • @cocoz619
    Dogs are way more loyal than any human 💗 Love my fur baby 🐶