Pennsic War SCA Battle Combat

Published 2014-08-22
Order "The Pennsic War: A Video Documentary" and "Return to Pennsic," covering the 1991 and 2011 Pennsic Wars, from Watch This Space at
This is a highlight reel of battle action on the field at Pennsic War 43 in western Pennsylvania, the biggest annual event of the Society for Creative Anachronism. If you want the feeling of being in a medieval battle of this scale, with up to a thousand fighters on each side, this is the biggest game around. The weapons are made of rattan and most blows are full-force (except for thrusts to the face). one blow to the head or body is a kill, one blow to a limb and you must fight without that limb. Blows to the hands and the knees and below are not allowed and not counted. No punching, kicking, or grappling.

The armor is required for protection, and, for the most part, is styled after historical analogues, with some license allowed for safety.

The footage was all shot by myself with one camera over two days. I moved around to get different vantage points and edited it for effect.

The music by Ken Weissman is from my documentary "Return to Pennsic" available on and at

For more info about the SCA, go to

To find out more about medieval armored combat in the NYC area, go to

All Comments (21)
  • @thunderwolf1983
    My mother and I are in the same group and I am training to become a knight and my mom participated in a battle just like this one last year
  • How the fuck am I just finding out about this? I've lived in Pittsburgh for four years and I'm now just seeing this. I can't fucking miss this thins year, looks like the most epic thing ever
  • @bodazaphfa
    THIS....IS....FUCKING AMAZING!!!!! Just put in my order for a full kit today with Andre Sinou and Icefalcon Armory. I’ll have it in 3-4 months. I’m so stoked!!!
  • @knightlykin1499
    Wow, this is badass. Can we make this a national sport? Forget the NFL, this is legendary. Imagine, instead of High School football teams, we'd have High School knightly orders. And it'd would fit perfectly because the footballs teams are always given chivalrous names haha
  • @justinsilva1991
    Might be nerdy but there's not another feeling like it. It really is an awesome experience and those aren't foam, that's solid rattan and those men and women out there are swinging hard enough to take someone's head off. Pennsic is amazing.
  • @cpm9747
    Someday I will have enough money to attend Pennsic...someday.
  • @kistler1994
    WHOA this is awesome! How can you differentiate between friend and foe once the 2 sides mash up in a conglomerate of carnage?
  • @coryhooper8895
    this looks like so much fun. anyone have an estimate on how mucht he armor for this costs? perhaps i can save up enough to attend one day!
  • @Camulus777
    I love it because i get to make that shit for some of these guys.
  • @gggk9245
    ya know, having a banner bearer for each unit would be extremely helpful to be able to tell what's going on, not just for the audience, but for the the fighters as well. It might even help stop this from becoming a mosh pit (i.e. just find the banner belonging to your side and rally around. You could even customize it depending on unit and color coat it depending on kingdom to help with cohesion). It was done historically too.
  • @Roaming-Rob
    Hi! My name is Robert and I'm a film student who is doing a short documentary on my friend who is apart of the SCA and I was wondering if I could use parts of your video for my class assignment so I can better show what the SCA is. Thank you!
  • @jamiewulfyr4607
    C'mon! A weekend of this has got to be a great laugh.I'm British but maybe one day....
  • @HomeworkH8
    My friend mentioned this over Xbox, then I see this. I'm surprised this is an actual thing