Debunking the "contradiction" between James 2:26 and Ephesians

Published 2023-05-21
Essentially what I'm saying is that one that has faith will naturally have works and/or actions as proof of that faith, so faith without works is therefore meaningless, or dead, as James had described it. Ephesians on the other hand does not contradict this as many may erroneously believe it does, Paul is only saying that you are saved from having faith in the first place while James is saying that faith by default will have works. You are NOT saved by works alone, but because you had faith in the first place to conduct those works, God knows you have actions and works, but He does not save you because of that alone, faith was what had prompted you to do that. Same thing applies with people that have passions, but no works or actions to achieve that goal and dream, so therefore a passion without work is dead, much like faith without action.

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