Siblings Podcast EP 3: Horror Encounters

Published 2023-03-25
Hi korang, wanna hear something spooky? Tune in to 4lepak podcast where three siblings and our new special guest share their terrifying horror encounters that will give you goosebumps. Get ready to be spooked as we take you on a journey into the spookiness, and recount our own bone-chilling experiences with the paranormal. Don't miss out on the scare of a lifetime, if you like this episode please give us a thumbs up, share and if you haven't already, subscribe to our channel to get updates. Thank you for your love and support, sincerely from 4Lepak!

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All Comments (21)
  • @cloudygal4644
    Balqis needs to be in every episode. A fan from SG. She has so much wisdom and authenticity that many can connect with her. Pls be back ok and continue just being you.
  • much better than last episode. seram topic always save the day. tpi it went from seram to seram comedy last minute so lawak la๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ hopefully future episode maybe more guests? pija priority one..maybe a special episode for budak2 kecik like maman,pija camtu and topics : good and bad bout their older siblings ke apa...would be interesting. or a trivia game episode? where dahlia/amin vs aliff/balqis..imran or marissa or pija jadi quizmaster..something like episode friends (season 4/ep 12) camtu.. ok thats all i can think of..good job guys๐Ÿ‘ see you next episode
  • @Lieshajoe
    Omg this is sooooooo much much better. On the last episode i didnt watch sampai habis cause macam serabut sikit. But this time way better and funnier. Missing balqissssss
  • @faradamia
    we really need Balqis in every episodes ๐Ÿฅน!!
  • Remember the tagline guys!! BORAK SAMPAI KOYAK. Nothing is wrong with episod 2 last time . I love you guys โคโค
  • @miqddady
    Balqis need to be herself which is a bitchiy and sassy ( in a good way ) so the podcast will be perfect with everyoneโ€™s characters. Good luck ABDA (alip balqis dahlia amin) !!
  • @megarts9527
    Imran punya sound effects sumpah takda kena mengena langsung dgn cerita seram ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ best best and more proper from u guys. Perhatikan Maman. Risau kecik lagi tuu
  • Love this podcast, dorang ni kelako. We need more from you guys and everyone want balqis back ๐Ÿ˜‚
  • @faradamia
    best gilaa episod ni , pasal improve tu pun okee tak rude langsung untuk episod ni ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป
  • @syazwanyoe
    Pale otak sleep paralysis selalu ๐Ÿ˜‚ aku kena sekali dua pun rasa ini akhir nyawa aku, like mcm dahlia kata dia tarik dari bawah ke atas. Itu kan sama mcm tarik nyawa but one different tkde wajah makhluk. Please bayar payment balqis, we need someone yg true identity haha
  • i ada satu experience ni back in my asrama day dulu, time tu i think umur 15yrs old kot. Hysteria tu benda normal kan berlaku kat asrama. I kadang2 pernah kena jaga orang yang kena, but about the sleep paralysis part tu. Sumpah can relate with dahlia, i pun pernah kena, my friend pun pernah (but she lagi worse). So ada this one night ni, I tidur with my friend sharing one single bed mcm tu. She sleeps first, and then baru I. Tiba-tiba, I woke up with a very LOUDDD screaming voice coming from my friend yg tidur bebetul sebelah I. She apparently terkena dengan benda tu, like she cant move tapi she said that the ghost hempap dia. Boleh imagine tak tengah tidur dengan aman tenang tetiba u terkejut dengan jeritan yg kuat tu, dahlaa sebelah u je. I pun bangun mengejut while tengok my friend mata bulat besar tengok I. Sumpah time tu I was shaking teruk and satu badan cold like ice. Kawan I tu sleep paralysis sambil nangis menjerit je. She cant talk etc. So i bukak lampu and panggil orang minta tlg sambil shaking macam orang apa tu bcs I was in shock. Then the rest is history...
  • @aboutceceee
    hi dahlia and 4lepak, i also selalu kena tindih dulu. lepastu i ada cerita kat kawan i and dia suruh i tidur bersilang kaki lepas baca doa so on. kaki kanan atas kaki kiri. Alhamdulillah now much better. hope it helps ๐Ÿค๐Ÿป
  • @hudafauzi4690
    after this please invite adik pijaaaaaa pulakkk !!!!!!
  • @abmyxz09
    Aku nak request tetamu lepas ni marissa pulak, lps tu mak korg, lps tu ayah korg lps tu hafizah.. ha, ok x idea aku ๐Ÿ˜