He Beat A Super Grandmaster In 9 Moves!!

Published 2024-07-20

All Comments (21)
  • A super GM falling for that was wild! 😂 Proves it happens to best of us cause we are human at the end of the day.
  • @NJDJ1986
    this is a rare moment of Nelson covering GMs recent games! and congrats to Fabiano too!👏‼️‼️
  • @ckq
    This is why we need better ways to measure how dynamic positions and therefore games are. This 9 move game had more action than most 90 move games
  • @ppr2005
    Same line happened with GM Nijat Abasov and he won. Edit:Abasov won,I earlier thought he lost
  • @psircos
    Very cool game. You have to wonder if this was previously thought through, or if it was simply opportunistic. Both are possible, as it was a GM game. I had a similar situation yesterday (im my lowly 1149 elo). Got my KN is a good position, threatening a King/Rook fork. His Q was guarding the pawn at point of fork. Not only did he not see it, he moved the queen to a square where i could now fork the king and Queen! Bet he'll pay more attention next time
  • @dashtheorytv
    Makes me feel much better about all my blunders knowing super GMs sometimes resign in less them 10 moves too!😂😂
  • @pgress1867
    cool… what happens if black takes the pawn on c6 instead of the rook?
  • i might be crazy, but i am almost 100% sure i saw the same thing in a GM game before
  • @hmonsta1189
    In response to the title: He's a Super Grandmaster himself.
  • I have seen the sequence Rxa7 Rxa7 c7 before, so I eventually knew what was coming.
  • @yb3604
    one of the nicest traps i've seen fabi is so brilliant
  • @Totylogy
    The title: Fabiano beats a super grandmaster in 9 moves😅
  • @kurzackd
    3:13 -- in case anyone's wondering, the CORRECT move for Black in this position was... Nxc6 . Had Firouzja played that, game would have been almost equal. Instead, he blunders HORRIBLY with the taking of the corner Rook... .
  • This makes me feel a lot better as an 1200 rated player. Even grandmasters aren’t perfect.