[FULL STORY] My mother in law doesn’t believe in allergies and the price I paid for that was...

Published 2024-06-02

All Comments (21)
  • @YuugiArry
    The fact the children were almost taken from their parents but the woman who actually murdered the child faced no legal consequences is gross AF.
  • @flamelily2086
    My sister is allergic to eggs. When she was four years old my grandmother gave us homemade icecream made with eggs. She told my mother there was no egg in the ice cream because my gran wanted to prove that my sister was just a picky eater!. My sister ate the ice cream and then, almost immediately, vomited all over the porch! People who don't believe in allergies make me sick. It's not the business to try and prove that a person does not have an allergy.
  • @bonis6561
    this story always makes my blood boil whenever i hear it. the mother was so selfish and the fact that she never got any legal consequences is just wow.
  • @Other-eye
    My granny did something similar. Thankfully I was 17 and could tell what was happening. I got a bad shellfish allergy, throat close/ throwing up/shaking violently. In fact, I have to wear a medical bracelet. Went to meet up with her at Olive Garden (who are always great with my allergy) and I always get the same thing and she told me she already ordered it. I asked if she told them about my allergy and she said she did and they’ll change gloves and utensils etc. I take one bite of my food and swallowed and it was like within the minute my throat closed like a porthole and my stomach did a full Olympic gymnast routine. Grabbed my bag and ran to the bathroom, I knocked into a table on my way and heard my granny say “oh she’s just being dramatic” and I was PISSED. But had other things to worry about. Went into a stall and jabbed myself and once my throat opened, I just emptied my stomach and just kept going. I called my mom in the stall and in between puking my guts up, I told her I was having a reaction. And she apparently called my granny (her mom) to take my to the hospital but my granny TRIED TO DISMISS IT. She told my mom I was being over dramatic and doing that for attention. Idk if it was the restaurant or my mom that called an ambulance but next thing I know I got this big paramedic dude putting me on a gurney and said my heart rate was at 178. Oh, btw, the hospital was a 2 minute drive straight. Long story short: my granny didn’t tell them about my allergy so she could call me out for “faking” my allergies. I ended up in the hospital for 3 days just evacuating my stomach contents. We got settled with a $2k ambulance bill after insurance, and I obviously don’t talk to her any more. Also every year for my birthday, she sends me a gift card for a seafood restaurant 🙄.
  • @RBdrawz
    This makes me so angry that the daughter died not just at a young age, but slowly and very painfully Edit: I leave this comment for two weeks and it started an argument
  • @bodystacker4847
    “the difference between brilliance and idiocy is that the genius has their limits. The scope of human stupidity knows no bounds.” - Albert Einstein.
  • @bodhiswayze1892
    These stories always hit home, I had really bad asthma as a kid but my parents “didn’t believe” in inhalers. They tried homeopathy,acupuncture, & a lot of other things. I was so sick & nearly died on my 10th birthday-my incredible stepmum overruled my parents & got me to hospital on a nebuliser & got me inhalers- I couldn’t believe how much better I felt & how quick they worked. I’ve never fully forgiven mum & dad & I have the best step parent ever.
  • That mother is a monster. No excuse can explain her stupidity. She deserves to be charged with murder because it's what she did. She is responsible. The death of the child is horrible too. The gall of the mother to call and ask for forgiveness. Even if she begs on her knees until death takes her, she is delusional to think she would ever have forgiveness. OP must have so strong to have been able to go on and not be devoured by grief and naher toward her mother.
  • @GrrlRiot88
    I know a woman who lost her job in healthcare tangentially because of allergies. She worked as a caregiver in a senior home and there was this sweet little old lady who every day would get up, get dressed to the nines and wait by the lobby for her family to come visit. But they never did. It infuriated the caregiver. So one day she had enough, snooped around the records office (BIG no-no to begin with) and called the family. Turned out Gramma didn’t believe grandbaby had a nut allergy... then didn't seek help afterwards when the anaphylaxis kicked in. Family didn’t press charges, but instead put Gramma in a nursing home and left her there. Caregiver lost her job as soon as management found out.
  • @pingupleb8945
    I’m sorry but the audacity to take your daughter’s child, AND JUST MURDER HER ? Absolutely disgusting. No mother would do that. But “not thinking” part just makes no sense, she damn well knew that the child was fatally allergic to coconut. And she still did it. Horrible.
  • @Doggypaddle8
    Op talked to her mom on the phone 20min after she had noticed the kid was starting to have an allergic reaction & gave her benadryl. The only reason I can think of for her to not mention that at that time is that she wanted to show Op that the allergy wasn't that serious. The exposure to coconut was intentional, the result was not.
  • @DarnComputer
    I'm allergic to bee's, honey, bee's wax, basically anything made by bees. I tell everyone that i have ever lived with to make sure that they don't give me food that has honey in or on it. I was living with my mother for a short period of time when i was in my 20's, her boyfriend at the time was a pretty good cook and would make some really good food. One day they came into the room i was staying in and my mother said this is so good you should try this ham that her BF just made. I asked her does it have honey in it? she looked to her boyfriend that was standing outside the door he mumbled saying that he always used honey on his ham and that it was normal. I got angry because i had specifically told him several times that i couldn't have honey. I immediately got angry and asked my mother did you know there was honey in it? This man went on a tirade for over an hour about how allergies aren't real. I looked him dead in the face and told him i would never eat any of his food again because i was afraid he was going to kill me by giving me honey when he was told several time i can't have it. Side note, if i have something with honey in it and i notice the stinging in my mouth i can spit it out and wash my mouth out and usually be fine, but if i swallow it before realizing i get deathly ill and start projectile vomiting all over the place, and i am usually bed ridden for a few days. if its one bite I can usually manage it. so its not like if i tried a bite i would have died but i don't know anyone that wants to projectile vomit just to try a piece of food, but if they would have served it to me and the taste of the honey was masked and i ate a whole slice of ham i most definitely would have ended up in the hospital at minimum.
  • @wildheart82
    I would NEVER speak to the mother again. Ever. Perfect response: You can come see me when you bring my daughter back.
  • @SuburbanSavage
    I've read too many articles of people who either don't listen or believe in allergies and tragedies result. The one that always sticks in my craw is the boy who was allergic to peanuts and was mowing a neighbor lady's lawn and she wanted to give him cookies that she made. When he asked if they had peanuts in them, she said that if he didn't eat the cookies, he'd be insulting her. Being a child who seeks adult approval, he ate them and died. When interviewed by the police, she had stated that she knew of his allergy but wanted to prove him wrong because she didn’t believe in allergies. She felt that they were a "fad" because they didn't exist when she was a girl. This was in the late 80's or early 90's and nothing happened to the woman. However, the boy's parents were indicted for not supervising their son whilst mowing a lawn.
  • Seriously what the hell was wrong with her mother to "accidently" do that she had to have done that on purpose to try to "prove" her wrong like wtf ....
  • @MegaBlackViolet
    I don't believe OP'S mother for one minute. She knew better than to expose her grandchild to the allergen, but SHE knew best. Now her grandchild is dead, by her hand. I think OP'S response to her mother regarding forgiveness is right on target. She may forgive her mother someday, but they won't have a relationship.
  • @cindybubbles
    I know this story. This isn’t OP’s mother-in-law, but OP’s mother. Still a monster, though.
  • @crayterrr
    this is honestly one of the saddest reddit stories i've heard of...disgusting on the mothers part. i hope the family finds peace eventually😢
  • @RavenLynn.007
    That woman is a monster. She deserves to rot in prison and then in hell. That sweet little girl died in a horrifying way and very slowly. That's so so so heart breaking. The mother of that girl is so strong not to rip that monster apart for harming her baby. Ugh, I can't even. I am in tears just listening to this. My heart breaks for that mother and her family because there is a huge hole in all their hearts for their loved one who passed. So tragic.
  • @user-pf9yt7oy4d
    Learning that your child died a slow painful death b/c of your own mothers doing is the worst news any parent could get. My heart goes out to OP & I really do hope her, along with her family, is able to heal from that traumatic experience.