I Have Cancer. Let's talk about it.

Published 2024-07-01

All Comments (21)
  • @lindybeige
    Glad to hear that everything is being taken care of. Bounce back, and one day we shall game.
  • @PixelMatteson
    "My annual physical, my first in about 8 years." I feel called out. Okay I'll make the damned appointment.
  • As a cancer patient myself, I would advise stretching that window of going to the doctor to people 36 and older. I have stage 4 kidney cancer which was found rather routinely when I was 42, after hiking in Europe. I was given 5 years to live and am now beyond that, but had I caught it a littler earlier, it would be a simple matter of them taking my kidney and then checking every 5 years or so for the rest of my life. Now it has spread to my lymph nodes, lungs, spine and brain. I know this radiation treatment he speaks of, for I have had it twice myself, and an extra special one for the first round of tumors in my brain. It is a good thing that I was in good shape already when the cancer first began and that I am still young and strong enough to deal with the medications. Please GET CHECKED! Also, I think this my first ever comment on YouTube, so thank you for being honest and using your platform to bring awareness. It does mean a great deal!
  • @DanteRavenkin
    My heart dropped when I read this video's title on the Facebook group, and I'll admit I got teary eyed as I watched this video. But I am SO glad you're on the mend, Professor. Thanks for sharing and trying to make sure your viewers get checked as well!
  • @jasonwall4349
    This IS what an influencer should be. Someone with a platform, who provides entertainment and INFLUENCES us to be better, get checked out, and stay healthy. Thank you, Ill make my dad get an appointment.
  • @Karrde25
    Fuck cancer. We stand with you, Professor.
  • I don't often post. Well done for using your "influence". I beat cancer twice, once as a boy and once I'm my 40's. Men always need encouragement to go see the doctor. Thanks professor.
  • Thank you, Professor, for all that you've done. Because of you, my love for this hobby was renewed, and through you and Kelsey, I got to play my first game of Shadowdark with my daughter. I never thought that would happen, so thank you, and I hope you make a full recovery. My fiance is a cancer survivor, and this hit home. I will be making sure to inform my doctor to check mine on the next exam. Stay safe, and may all your future medicine rolls be 20s.
  • @jewabeus
    Right there with you. I'm 51, I'm old, nothing & I mean NOTHING is better than hearing the doctor say everything is okay in that regard. Y'all listen to Professor DM. He knows.
  • I'm so relieved it was caught early. When I read the thumbnail, I thought the worse was about to come. I wish everyone to roll high Constitution saving throws!
  • @guystapp2149
    We love you Professor DM! I've had a scare over this a few times myself. Glad you will be with us for a long, long time to come. Dungeoncraft is the BEST channel!
  • @davinw6058
    Thank you professor! I am 49 year-old male hospice nurse. I have had the unfortunate honor to take care of a number of men who died from prostate cancer. Thank you for having the courage to talk about this! If I never have to take care of another pt dying of.protate cancer I would be very happy. Cheers to your hopeful remission!
  • I am one of your subscribers over 50 that has been dealing with my prostate issues for 7 years now. My Father also dealt with it & my younger brother just went through Prostate cancer treatments himself...successfully. This is probably the most important video you will make this year, maybe in awhile. Your vulnerability & insight are a token of why you are loved. True to all your videos when you have a great point, the visuals here should help the ill informed. Good luck kind Sir, I got your back along with the rest of your crew!
  • Gotta be honest I saw this thumbnail first thing this morning and I was fuckin worried. Still am, but I'm glad things are more than likely all cleared up. Thanks for the reminder to all of us to keep up on our health and safe travels to Ireland!
  • Wishing you well on your recovery Professor DM! I agree with those close to you, you are an influencer. You are a great model of rational and logical thinking and I have always appreciated your willingness to look at all angles and perspectives. Can’t wait to see more!
  • I’m so glad you’re getting fantastic treatment, Professor. We’re with you in your road to recovery!
  • @kilruf
    Thank you for the video. I definitely need to have my PSA check. My dad had prostate cancer several years back. He did the radiation pellets treatment. He's still here going strong. Wishing you the best and looking forward to more videos when you are ready to release them. Take your time!
  • I'm really sorry to hear you're going through this. I'm super happy to hear that you caught it early!! Hopefully we can get a game in soon :)