Why are Indians more successful than Chinese in America?

Published 2019-08-18
Do you agree with my argument? Comment below and let me know what you think!

All Comments (21)
  • @manojqaengineer
    I worked with chinese, they think indians are smarter and Indian thinks chinese are smarter. Both of them have their share of success stories.
  • @Tulasidharv
    Good side is China grew faster because more of Chinese students return home and pursue their own path bringing prosperity to their mother land.
  • A few people or country outside of India understand India, because India has - 1) Europe's diversity 2) China's scale 3) US's drive and ambition 4) Africa's hope India has so many things at once, which is why you need to be in India to truly appreciate it.
  • @kindface
    Reasons: 1. Language - Indians are far more proficient in the English language than the Chinese are. 2. Entrepreneurship - higher percentage of Chinese choosing entrepreneurship soon after graduation than being employees 3. Home country appeal - better opportunities beckoning in China. 4. American establishment preference for Indians over Chinese - there’s geopolitical baggage. Conclusion: It is what it is but I wouldn’t worry about it. It doesn’t mean that one group is doing better than the other but rather that one group is more visible in America than the other.
  • @GTXBOY1650
    We Indians decorate others house and forget ours
  • @_-6912
    You said “ Indian brothers and sisters “ , you have touched my heart brother! Love from India!
  • @DmoneyS44
    I am Chinese born and raised in America, i have great respect for the Indian people. I am in contact with a lot of indian immigrants and i see my parents in them
  • @santv8995
    I am an Indian in US and I have worked with several Chinese nationals in the past and continue to work with them now. I have always felt that my Chinese colleagues were more detail oriented, very hard working, never took short cuts and were always very humble in their approach towards others. The only thing that kept them from growing faster was their communication. If they overcome this problem they will be equally or may be even more successful than Indians in US.
  • @ashwin.mane03
    Indian's grow up in a multilingual & multicultural environment. This not only makes them mentally sharp but also respects & accept new culture/people easily. Indian's considers the impact on the surroundings due to their actions. The world accepts Indians because of the Democracy at the homeland.
  • @booksandtea1663
    I am an Indian but I would like to thank you for this thoughtful and compassionate look at the modern Chinese experience in America. I respect the brilliance and hard work that so many Chinese students have and I hope they achieve the good lives they deserve.
  • @CarsandBikes
    I have worked in Silicon Valley for decades as an American. I have Indian and Chinese friends in the tech industry. One thing that I have observed is that Indians are more interested in management roles. Chinese are more interested in being the model employee. Indians also have a head start on the language - English. So it's easier for the educated ones to adopt quickly.
  • @meetmakwana02
    I was very happy when he said "Our Indian brothers and sisters......" Yes, we all are brothers and sisters.
  • @SuperAghori
    Well spoken and always appreciate the people who identify their issues instead of ignoring them.
  • @simpli5208
    Great topic to discuss. My personal view here in the hope it will help someone. The reasons I agree: 1. English proficiency 2. Able to relate to American culture and create relationships. Reasons you missed: 1. Confidence. Many Chinese candidates I work with are reserved, afraid to speak their minds even when they are right. When they do speak out, they double guess. Reasons I don't know: 1. Indians also have the habit of hanging out with only Indians (if they have a choice (i.e larger companies with more Indians) , they will only hangout with the folks from their Indian state) So I am not so sure about Indian university students 'buddy up' better than Chinese. My knowledge of American culture and ability to relate comes just from exposure to American TV SHOWS, movies and other media. For curious people: My wife (from mainland China) and I (India) discussed this at length. I have been in leadership roles in the USA for many years and interviewed and hired many people). I have also lived in Singapore and other parts of Asia for number of years.
  • @milindmore7093
    I wish more Indians return and make their country successful and prosperous.
  • @073nauni
    As an Indian, I appreciate what Chinese people have done for their country in almost every field through immense hard-work and contribution eventually making it a superpower. RESPECT. 🙏. PEACE. ✌️
  • @manassurya2019
    For most Indians in America, returning to India is not an option, because we don't have cities like Shanghai or Shenzhen, where you can continue to live a first world lifestyle. Indian cities like Mumbai or Bangalore are improving, but are still far behind western cities. Chinese on the other hand don't miss America as much if they move back to advanced Chinese cities.
  • @lex6794
    Either way Asians are the most successful race in America. Imagine if India, China, Japan, Pakistan etc. all could get along or cooperated more like Europe does. Asia would be unstoppable. 🇮🇳 🇨🇳 🇵🇰 🇯🇵