My MS story part 1 multiple sclerosis symptoms bad doctors american health care system insurance co

Published 2012-03-13
My MS story. dealing with: cronic disease, symptoms, bad doctors, judgemental people, health care system, insurance co, disability, social security, SSDI, SSI

All Comments (21)
  • @TheMarlon4400
    Thanks for sharing your videos! I think I have MS but I still deal with terrible doctors
  • @anniebella10
    i cant even begin to explain how it felt watching your video. ive been suffering with an auto immune disorder but finally getting in for an mri for ms. i feel your pain and it was nice to know im not alone when it comes to doctors not believing you..or just treating you with pain meds and steriods non stop but finding out the root of whats going on
  • Hi , I really find your words helpful. I was diagnosed 2 years ago with fibro but am now having many more symptoms including much weakness and pain in my right side. Cognitive and memory issues and some speech problems. Balance and so much clumsiness. Headaches as well but seem more severe on my R side also sharp shooting pains. My doc refuses to refer me for an MRI. Crazy I think so your words are very helpful. I need to advocate better for myself. Thanks so much
  • @banlindane
    I went years without diagnosis and also didnt have health insurance at the time so had to wait years for MRI and dxed in 2003. I don't take any of the conventional medications, I decided on low dose naltrexone. We all have to be our own advocates and do what we think is best for ourselves. Hope you make a part 2 and sending you a hug : )
  • @chockpea
    I enjoyed your video. I have similar symptoms especially like you said about the TV dinner lol.  These so called Dr's drive me nuts, do they not think if you only have 3 lesions it might be because you have got to it early? Keep us up to date buddy.
  • @tbhv
    Hang in there bud- thanks for sharing your story. 
  • @SchmumpkinII
    I don't have MS, but I have spastic quadraplegia and hydro cephalus. I had a stroke in evolution twenty years ago. One shont I have stopped working due to the muscles in one of my eyes having swollen and pressing on my brain making the shont not work. What I admire about your story is that you did the research based on your symptoms and will get some of the help that you need and deserve. Doctors told my folks I'd not live past 3 months or have an IQ higher than 30. OOPS? :)
  • @circlebabe
    I was 16 when I was Dx 29 now.. I was Dx very quickly.. Only to have my illness advance to disability much faster even though I stated meds a month after my first instance of optic neuritis. Bern dealing with lack of health insurance all my life.. Finally going to the mayo clinic after my ins kicks in on the 15th. I had year of feeling great to pretty unbearable currently. This illness is most destroying in the false sense of security it gives in remission
  • @emmalouward
    Hi, im Emma diagnosed with ms Nov 2004, ive moved in to progressive, ive been in touch with Swiss medic, yep they say stem cells & I believe they are way forward, I am petrified of making the move, theres an awfull lot of scams out there, im not sleeping, on my mind all of the time,obviously not doin my ms much good. do I go to SERBIA aagh or not? I was very eager then a few friends put a downer on it & I am really lost, please help, any one.
  • @mscantstopme8910
    That numbness and tingling in your face hits home. I had that. I was paralyzed and the entire left side of my body I couldn't feel or move!! It was crazy.
  • @timelesstunes2
    I sooooooooooo understand what you went through ! I too have been going through this for 6 years now. They never found a lesion on my brain though. One neurologist said you are just depressed and have neurological issue but I don't need to see you again. Another ran blood work and after 13 tubes of blood in one sitting called 3 weeks later to say nothing showed up in your bloodwork and I don't need to see you again. Regu;lar dr's have said, it's a sinus infection,or you have a bad tooth. HOW DOES THAT MAKE THINGS SO YOU CANNOT WALK? I experience exactly what you do and more yet they refuse to figure this out.
  • @Megzm6
    Still no answers and they won't do a neck MRI cause it isn't authorized. They won't send me to a rheumatologist either because I am not acute enough. I don't get it how acute do I need to be on deaths door to get an explanation for the nerve symptoms? I thank you for sharing your story it has inspired me to keep going and pushing drs to get answers. :)
  • @sleekcartim
    @SchmumpkinII wow sorry to hear about your health problems. guess you showed them! I was naive about how little docs really know. EVERYONE should research the hell out of their condition, DONT let your doc put you down for doing so! Docs are very sensitive about patients diagnosing themselves, their ego gets in the way when you question them. dont be afraid to nicely quiz them. If you are a long time patient of them they should know all about your condition (mine DONT)
  • @sleekcartim
    some of it is that simple. stress makes us sick & sick makes us stressed, so it's a vicious circle
  • @babygurl37664
    ive been told for years by 4/5 drs they thought i had ms and ive had my mri's with no lesions im 34 i can barley walk i can barley brush my own hair i still dont have a dx i was digging  through someof my medicalrecords the other day and found a ct of my cervical which shows sclerosis in my c5  this ct was done in 2010  im getting to where i cant see good and all i can do is sleep its putting me in a depression i just wish the drs would tell me something
  • @tonyurmate
    Hi. I have had many symptoms for many years starting with a tingling on my nose. since that I have had many symptoms that include waking up with up with numb hands and loss of balance. My first symptoms started back in 2006 and I went to a neurologist in 2007 who found I had no reflexes in my lower limbs. but the MRI was ok. and since that I have had many symptoms that include numbness and tingling  and many tests with my heart and blood pressure that were OK  To this day I am confused and I would like answers 
  • @brittaroth3780
    Hi! I had a story almost the same as you had! It all started with severe migraines and dizziness and balance problems in 2009. My primary doctor sent me to a neurologist. This guy did some testing like touching my nose with my fingers and stuff like that and after only 10 minutes, maybe less, he told me to see a psychatrist, cause of my psychological problems. He thought I was faking all this! He has never seen me again! I saw another neurologist (he was said to be famous for his knowledge about MS!) and this man did some testing, including VEP's of my left leg, that was the worst one of both, which came back normal, almost normal so to say. And so he said that he didn't want to "torture" me with a spinal tab and sent me home with some migrainemedication. He also never saw me again! My primary doctor was helpless in some ways, but he really tried to help. He knew I had to work (I was a busdriver then) and needed good health and sight for my work, which both was bad, so bad. My left eye was blurry and I saw everything through a fog. Ok, he sent me to another neurologist, after my pain got so bad that I couldn't work anymore. This neurologist didn't hesitate for a minute and admitted me to the hospital right away, where I had all tests done, including a spinal tab and all that stuff. And when the young docotr came into my room the next morning and sat down on the side of my bed I knew that this talk would change my life forever. And it did. I was diagnosed with MS October4,2012., almost 3 years after first exacerbation. They instantly gave me Tysabri. which was my medication for 4 years, but aas I am being JCV positive i had to stop that DMT and now I am still discussing with her for a new one. My MS is secondary progressive and I need to use a wheelchair for outside activities and longer distances (shopping). The migraines are much better, but still there, bearable pain though mostly. My walking is terrible and cogfog and forgetting things, names and stuff make me mad. When I started to have Fatigue as well I was retired from onem inute to another. I miss my work, I miss my passengers and I miss a lot of money ;) I know what you are going through! stay strong! It is ok to be weak sometimes, but advocate for yourself and it will get better somehow. There is always a way to walk on..... greetings from Germany, sincerely Britta
  • @aaroninks7592
    You know i woke up one day with my left leg numb no pain but my hip took all the toll, i let it be thinking i slept the wrong way, i started feeling numbness for about 4 days in my face arms and hands i was freaking out (neurologist)he gave me anxiety pills went away and did an MIR on brain it was clean no lessions. a year later and is still there my leg i cant feelin it still mostly from knee down to me foot. mri was done one the entire spine... guess theyre normal a few bulging disc and herniated disc discover but no lessions that suggest ms.... a few weeks i was already thinking my leg will always be fucked but recentl my right foot started to feel same as my left foot... that really turn my attention again and finally when my right hand started to feel numb now more than ever i feel i might have ms seen 2 neurologist my regular doctor and none tell me whats wrong they say i have a pinched nerve now i asked them for an answer i took physical theraphy did nothing two different times, chiropractor and nothing reliefs this now i had asked them for a lumbar puncture and a blood auto immune disease test and iguess after this i will give me some peace and to say i do have 4 cervical minimal disc bulgins i wanna think thats whats causing my hand to go numb i had reveral symptoms but but no eye problems what do you think its been a year
  • @Megzm6
    I don't notice any weakness just morning stiffness. The only other odd thing is the tingling in my head and face sometimes and pain behind my eyes shooting pain . As I said some of the effexor masks the pain . I think it comes and goes. One minute I will feel almost normal then bam I feel radiating type pain burning stabbing. Sometimes my muscles jump. I forgot I have cp too a mild form of it so that may have something to do with me as well as I get older stuff happens with that.
  • This is bazaar because I think I may have it on my back. There is like this spot below my left shoulder that feels exactly how you describe it.