How we put up our Shade Cloth in our Veggie Garden | Southern Latitudes

Published 2024-05-06
Lots of details on how we put up a 30% shade cloth to extend our growing season through the heat of summer!

#shadecloth #garden #gardening

All Comments (11)
  • Thank you for sharing this. This is on my to- do list. I’m paying more attention, and it’s at the necessary point for parts of my garden.
  • I think it looks awesome! I'm going to see if I can do something similar. I want to protect my plants from the harsh sun - and I have in the past - by putting up hoops around the plants, but I want to also give the gardener (me) some of that. Nice job!
  • Yes yes yes! I just moved to the South from Seattle. Nothing needs this much sun 😂‼️. I am a single mom and in my garden planning I definitely have included shade cloth, for the plants and for me! ❤ New subscriber, always looking to see different ways people utilize the stuff, YouTube got me.
  • @Fl-Mamabear
    We put up our 40% shade cloth yesterday. We use pop up canopy frames as the supports because they are easy to take down in case of hurricanes. Yours looks fabulous.
  • Awesome job! It looks great! I've been thinking of using one I have... we cut it in half though... lol! It was purchased for another purpose..😂 but... now I'm thinking of implementing it.
  • I have the same issue here in Georgia. It was so hot the plants went dormant to preserve their energy. Me not knowing this in time, I had only a small bowl or two of veggies for the entire season. I found out in late August what the issue was, I cried because I put in so much time and money. I told myself I would not grow anything else, but the next summer I still continued to try. I had mediocre results because I wanted to plant in the ground, the soil here is clay. I tried the no dig method which the cardboard attracted so many bugs that ate the roots of my plants, so last year was mediocre. This year I have some things in Greenstalk's some in grow bags, some in a cheap greenhouse from Amazon and some in ground and shade cloth to cover them all. Something will grow one way or another. I refuse to give up now, there is something that excited me when I was able to go get cucumbers and tomatoes from my own garden. The taste is very clean and fresh, nothing like store bought food.