CLUE - The Spice Boys [Patron Pick!]

Published 2023-02-11
Stumpt plays Clue/Cluedo! We must solve a dastardly murder!
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All Comments (21)
  • @abstround838
    Yeah, numbers are a game-changer. I think I'll be adding Ash's strategy to this, but my method: At the start of the game, any card is one of 13-14 possibilities (depending if you have 4 or 5 cards). The key is reducing the possibilities, particularly without needing to see the card. When you make a guess, the game automatically does these adjustments, no worry there. I use the numbers as markers when a card is shown - the first unused number is used for all three guessed cards in the revealer's column. As more cards are revealed, the boxes get Xed out or checked. If a box with a number is Xed out, I remove the numbers one by one and check the column. If that player's column only has one box with a specific number in it, that card MUST be in their hand. Check that box. If a box with a number is checked, remove all instances of that number from that column - you know which of the three they showed. Once you have 4-5 (for Stumpt, depending on player - look at the dots at the top of the sheet) checks in a single column, you know everything in that player's hand and can safely X out the rest of the column. Then come the more complex situations: If you have gotten to 4 or 5, based on the dots, and don't have boxes in that column that share a number, you can safely X out any box without a number - you know that those cards can't be in that player's hand. The number required to do this lowers by 1 for each check. If boxes overlap, you can do what I said above, but have to start from the assumption that as few boxes as possible are checked to remove all the numbers - If Green has 1 and 2, the Candlestick has 1 and 3, the Library has 1, and the Ballroom has 3, you can solve it with 2 cards (Green & Ballroom or Green & Candlestick). If you X out a card (for example, a Suspect) for all but one person, you know that either that person has that Suspect or that is the correct Suspect. If you've already solved the Suspect, that person must have that Suspect - so you can check them and work towards solving that person's hand. Remember to look for numbers as mentioned above.
  • So just some medical knowledge here. A walking stick does not need to be used all the time. Plum holding his stick in the air does not mean he doesn’t need it. For example my grandmother has a walking stick and only uses it when out. She can walk without it’s just for support. She still needs it even if she doesn’t use it all the time.
  • @babanaki8528
    Ash is the master of this game! I love to see him work this out! Can't wait for more!
  • @blackwell4701
    People say things are flavored with Herbs & Spices... Herb boys sounds AMAZING.
  • @2placename
    Love seeing y’all play again. I love to play along with you guys during it.
  • @LillaJag
    It is much easier to use numbers, then you can mark how many times someone have showed a card.. For example if player A asked about Mustard, Candlestick and Ballroom and player B showed those cards, I would marka one in player Bs colum for those cards. And the say a coutlet of rounds later Player D asks for Mustard, Dagger and Lead pipe and player B showed a card again I would mark 2 in those colums. Therefore Mustard has a 1 and a 2 in player Bs colum and therefore its highly likely that they have Mustard. Hard to explain but numbers is the most superior I think. Easy to keep track of Al the cards. Your system of ! and ? makes me confused and I would miss a lot of information..
  • @AceFuzzLord
    My strategy for marking the sheet, if I played the game, would totally be just using question marks and exclamation points. Exclamation for who asked and question for guessing
  • @JohnnySabu
    Man I love watching Clue. Definitely miss Rik on these.
  • @Kunstner1004
    I use the numbers to mark each guess, that way I can keep track of what was asked each turn. It took me ages to realize you could use the numbers and they were not just shortcut indicators 😅
  • @Ghiaman1334
    5:42 I only downloaded this game on Switch because of you guys, so that at least means I can answer! Because the videos are always from Ash's perspective, I use his system when not under time pressure (some random online games can be real laggy and not leave you with much time, or just have timers set real short I think, idk), so yeah, ? for first ask/response, ! on second, but sometimes third.
  • @SpiXRal
    5:36 i do it the same way that ash does it its a nice sytem to track who could have what
  • @herothebard
    So how I would use the clues is by marking 1-5 for what was suggested in each round, if I suspect a specific card I would put a question mark and if I was almost certain I would put an exclamation mark.
  • @Lysis99
    15:40 I was screaming "AAAAAAAAAASH! PUT A CHECKMARK THERE!!!" Funny how that small error broke so many answers later on. (We know for a fact the suspect around 19:00, and we then know which card Anna gave at 20:00)
  • @itmekai
    I seriously can't wait till y'all play some Minecraft with Aenne 😆 I do watch old Minecraft series. i mean all of it. But y'all should do one with Aenne.
  • @sonyal3212
    I use the numbers to label when someone gives a clue to mark which person, weapon and room they could have shown. It helps later when only 1 of them is the possibility.
  • @soniclyqaulan
    everytime i play this the sheets full with questions mark 😂
  • @pixelettee
    Whenever they mention Butt stallion, I have to say this. "Butt Stallion says hello"