195 Countries Major Religions | Major Religion Of Countries

Published 2024-07-04

All Comments (21)
  • @popcorn14374
    Most countries by religions Christan 118 Islam 57 Buddhists 10plus Athiests 5 plus Non religion science believe 5 plus
  • @philipewan3121
    Doesn't the term "irreligion", as used here, cover two different phenomena; "western" rejection of the belief system(s) that historically prevailed in one's country, and East Asian continuance of a historic norm of having a personal synthesis of beliefs (possibly from more than one tradition) rather than a formal religious affiliation?
  • @pwsod
    Wish we could have the English spelling and meaning of the word Islam
  • @Crude_Templar
    I’d like to humbly make some points of criticism and correction, and aside from these, the video is generally well done. One, the use of the terms Islam and Irreligion compared to the terminology of Christian, Hindu, and Buddhist are highly inconsistent as they name belief systems on the former, while followers of such belief systems on the latter. Moreover, the use of “Irreligion” as a religious following would be erroneous as such is more of a belief system rather than a religion itself, basing it as the rejection of religion. On the contrary, most countries mentioned with the irreligious category do have majority religious affiliations, such as China predominantly following Chinese folk religion (a combination of Buddhism and Taoism with a Confucian worldview, which is collectively termed as Chinese folk religion) at roughly 80% of the population, Japan with 70.4% of its populace following Shintoism and 69.8% following Buddhism due to the Japanese people largely following multiple religions simultaneously (similar with China and other countries), and lastly Mongolia with 51.7% being Buddhists. While Czechia and the Netherlands does indeed have a majority of atheists and religiously unaffiliated being 39.8% of Czechs and 67.8% of the Dutch population, it would be better to consider those actually following a religious affiliation in the slideshow (as was specified to focus on religions and not necessarily belief systems). Such would be exemplified with Czechia’s largest religious following of 11.7% being Christian (almost entirely Roman Catholic at 9.3%) and the Netherlands having around 30% of their population also following Christianity (17% being Roman Catholics). There are more countries listed that do have religious majorities behind the religiously unaffiliated, such as 37.3 of the population of New Zealand having a Christian affiliation (Anglicanism being the largest Christian following), 16% of North Korea’s population following Shamanism, and 32% of South Korea’s population following Christianity (Presbyterianism being the largest Christian following).
  • If God's are fiction, then human and other creations also fiction, we need to justify on our statement, your statement is like no. Head sand tail
  • @user-zk4wl6ht7z
    МашаАллах! Альхамдулиллях! Ислам это истина! АЛЛАХУ АКБАР!
  • @mahmedakan
    لا الہ الا اللہ محمد رسول اللہ علی ولی اللہ