The PS5 is Overrated Overhyped and Sucks

Published 2024-02-21
Come at me Sony fanboys get mad XD

All Comments (21)
  • Most of the games that are on the PlayStation 5 can be played on the PlayStation 4 at a cheaper price with not much graphical changes at all
  • @Dense_10
    Totally agree. A giant and "all powerful" console with no games to play at all lmao. What do we have? Spider-man 2? Yeah that's pretty much it. Now they are talking about bringing PS games to PC. Like why even buy the console anymore for the 30 fps? PS4 had so many exclusives like Infamous, Last of Us, Uncharted, God of War, Days Gone, Horizon, etc. and now all we are left with is a piece of plastic.
  • Sony's insistance on making AAA games are prolly the biggest contributors to the lack of 1st party games. If it takes 6+ years to make a game and they're all unloaded within a short timeframe, you've got another 6+ year wait for more AAA games]
  • The best eras were the PS2 era PS3 era and PS4 era. The PS5 is mediocre at best Sony became to greedy in the PS5 era and not to mention the subscription price increased and games to. It sucks what has Sony become nowadays. And constantly doing remastered games that we played years ago. And charging You like 10 dollars to upgrade of a game you already have.
  • @mr.electronx9036
    My chimp brain says, PS2 is the king. Gimme a banana or i go brrrr
  • @unchi1999
    Bye PS5. I'm now gonna stick with my PS1, Sega Saturn, PS2, Dreamcast, Gamecube and even my Original Xbox till the day i die because Retro Gaming has a MUCH better Master Race and Games than Modern Gaming does.
  • The PS5 looks like how we imagined future gaming consoles in the mid-late 2000s when we speculated what the PS4 and Xbox 720 would look like lol.
  • @johnnyvegas459
    Watching this after my controller broke twice been struggling with the stick drift for months and now ive just woke up to it not working.
  • @leeg798
    I used to play my ps4 constantly. Since I got my ps5 slim. It’s rarely on. Bored asf with it. No good games out, controller is too chunky.
  • @RinzlerAkira
    On a daily basis, most days out of the year, people aren't playing first party exclusives, but rather third party cross platform games. PlayStation is in first place because it's culturally and socially the cool console train to be on. In short, It's a dog pile. People go where their friends go. The vast majority of PS gamers aren't the thinking kind of people. PlayStation’s so called "Fire" walking simulators are overrated, but PS users will always march in lockstep and bow at the feet of Sony no matter what they do. And I couldn’t agree more, the PS5 is one of the ugliest consoles ever made. The size of the console is a product of poor design. Not to mention the lack of an easily removable/ upgradable ssd, or cross save capability and having to buy your games again anytime there’s a remaster. And the dual-sense controller is an ergonomic abomination, combined with the lack of backwards compatibility for older consoles, or dualshock controllers that can’t be used with the PS5. Also, the success or Helldivers is almost entirely do to PC gamers. There’s a lot of misleading information to how well it’s actually doing on PS5.
  • Here is a small essay that l typed(and saved on my notes)MANY TIMES ON PLENTY TIMES to why this consoles S U C K S!!! : I don't understand why people seem to prefer this trash ps5(ps4 pro 2.0 but worse with less features)!!!! It is unnecessary too big to fit anywhere,no games,no features or anything else good besides "games",every useless accessory like headphones,tv remote,controllers and ps portal are WAY TOO EXPENSIVE.The console can't do stuff the ps4 can and that's just too wrong!!! Also who tf thought it's cool to make an only digital version of the ps5???!!! Furthermore it is ridiculous that A MILLION DOLLAR COMPANY is SO LAZY and SO GREEDY to do plenty of awful decisions like one of the biggest things,not including backwards compatibility which xbox has done it for years!!!! If ps5 copy and pasted ps3 with a few improvements and more features to today's standard then it would be the perfect console and with backwards compatibility!!! Or imagine if you could change the home screens from older consoles and more customisation options like in ps2 and you can choose some default colours or have live wallpapers or ps4 themes but actuall good ones.And of course make some actual good games or even hire fans who make amazing games,projects anf actuall good ui!!! If they would do that l would actually pay even 600 euros but since ps5 is doing less than the ps4 then ain't no way l pay 550+ more euros for a console with less features and less games and with almost nothing new to the table... I don't believe that ps4 is dead for real and is still alive.... The best experience that l have even today is with the legendary ps2 and ps3 console/games which are also more cheap to buy than a ps5 remaster/remake game. I pity Sony and especially the people who believe that the ps5 is good.... Such a shame that Sony has fallen as a company because the ps4 was a big hit and did a lot of cool stuff until the ps5(ps4 pro 2.0)came out....
  • @ketanahire984
    Yall just switch to pc and if u can afford a ps5 that means u can definitely afford a decent gaming pc as well benefits u get on pc is that no need to pay ps plus subscription to play online u get a lots of discounts on steam as well as on epic games and also epic side by side gives away some AAA games for free yall can do many more things on pc rather than on console and lots of modding too on the pc which doesnt makes gaames boring
  • The PS5 is everything the PS4 should've been with all the power coming from it and easy to take apart to clean and so on. But there is a really big problem... The problem is that the PS5 is a 9th gen console and these game companies keep catering to 8th gen consoles, instead of giving 9th gen consoles some games strictly made for 9th gen. The PS5 is near perfection, it's just missing a lot of new games to experience the raw power of it. Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart was decently fun at best. I truly hope 2024 and 2025 is gonna give the PS5 the justice it so deserves! (Even though it's very likely GTA 6 is probably gonna over shadow each game in 2025)
  • I got a PS5 as my first PS console, and while I liked it at first cause I played so many of the PS4 games I missed (many from the PS Plus Collection which no longer exists), other than that this generation has been absolute garbage for Sony. Not to mention that they killed off themes, as someone who's a customization nut, that's such a slap in the face. Actually got a PS3 recently and went to town on downloading themes just for that reason.
  • @ghostlywinds5334
    The price is just overkill. I dont mind it for said graphic boost and a speed up, but other than that, it's technically a hey i can play my ps4 games on it. Though no offence, I've not seen many games for ps5 Design wise, it looks like a radiator. Rumour is they're doing a ps5 slim, and im unsure how if the design will look better or look like a folder binder. LOL But added info you should check smashJT I believe he did a video on the PS5 being on its said death bed?
  • It's really simple realities of game development. Games take way too long to make and therefore cost too much money. We would get amazing sequels 2-3 years after release during the 7th generation of consoles (3 Mass Effect games in 5 years one of many examples). Entire series were able to run their course over a single generation. Those days are gone with 5+ years being the seemingly bare minimum for game development. This in my opinion has sort "ruined" gaming and why 7th generation of consoles and gaming was peak era (it also changes the types of games that are made with fewer risks and more chasing trends). It's going to be difficult to have console exclusivity like in the 7th generation with these gaming development realities . Spider-Man 2's breakeven of 350 million dollars required like 7.2 million copies (at full price). I do think it hit that mark, but that's risky and has to be an uncomfortable gamble for Sony to be making for every single one of their big IPs. Sony still has many talented studios making good to great games but everything is simply too damn long/expensive. Lastly, it's not all doom and gloom, PS5 has at least 60 million units sold, selling about as well as the PS4 did, the PlayStation brand is very strong despite the "0 games" (although like I said, console exclusivity is probably dead as we know it). Shawn Layden (former PlayStation CEO), said when games cost 200 million dollars, console exclusivity is your Achilles heel. He said games need to be made cheaper and faster, can still have large creativity and entertainment scope, but the costs have to come down
  • @eli2955
    Too Many Sony Ponies Here 😂. It’s not Personal It’s Just Business as usual 😎😂💵
  • @kyed9536
    Sony refund us for the faulty controllers ( every 3rd one has a stick drift)