THE WOLFTIME IS COMING?! Orks & Space Wolves!

Published 2024-06-26
This may come across as random ramble but I feel something big is coming with Space Wolves and Orks, I've heard some rumours but I think we're going to have an event that is going to change everything!

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All Comments (21)
  • I suspect if we get a Ork storyline it will be Armageddon being invaded by the Orks we will have Space Wolves and Armageddon Steel Legion fighting them back. We can then have a chaos invasion of World Eaters.
  • @StormDunakin
    This is why Yarrick is no longer dead. How can you have a war on Armageddon without Yarrick? Watch him get a new model and rules again in 11th.
  • @ZiGGi03
    I hope Russ comes this year . After reading the Hearsay when I was younger and now over 220 Audible books later I still can’t get enough . I can’t wait for Russ’s return .
  • @RevanR
    4:26 damn, Valrak is more orkier than I thought. His obsession for membership Ulanor is something I always overlooked
  • @herkamer6390
    Watch, Tau gets the update and a new character will be named Val'Rak and leads a force called the Reclaimers of Foi'el. Even have a model of him in a new battlesuit without a helmet with him wearing a hat in the likeness of a foiled hat and standing on a roof as his "tactical rock." FOR THE GREATER GOOD!
  • @danmcginn6131
    Valrak channeling his inner Allen Iverson..."I mean, I just wanna talk about factions!"
  • @reginlief1
    Give those vikings some dwarf friends who also hate orks! I don’t see why we’re saying GW have ignored the Tyrannic War when the start of the edition and the first narrative book was all about it? They’ve done some story on it, and will continue to do so each edition. Like every other narrative element so far…
  • I’d love those ork diplomats to make a return. To engage in treaties with the imperium ( doomed to fail, ofcourse ). Perhaps to join against a tyrannic war. I heard there’s one going on atm.
  • @jaegerbomb269
    That's great. Now show us the Blood Angels and Horus Heresy Marine Infantry. 😆 🤣
  • I honestly hope this rumor is NOT true for once... As an Ork player, we really don't need another big refresh right away. Stormboyz & Flashgits are fine. I don't want to lose out the ability to so easily kitbash the old multi-part Boyz + Lootas/Burnas + Warbikers + Warhammer Fantasy Orks, etc... kits Really, the only things we're screaming for are new Tankbustas and a few characters. (...namely, new Wyrdboy, Mad Dok Grotsnik, Boss Zagstruk, Captin' Badrukk, generic Warboss w/options, etc...) For the love of god, give those poor Dark Eldar bastards some love!! All they ever do is lose models & options every time they get a codex, half their range is unavailable/made-to-order Failcast, and even some of their "current" kits are looking a little long in the tooth...
  • @alphaleigpyne
    I'm always here for the foils' bizzare prediction on new 40k miniatures release. The new war for Armegaddon should have new Steel Legion guardsmen if it's going to be a last war. I thought "Let'a get scrapping" was a Foilrak quote whenever he goes out to shop for a new roll to replenish his hat.:_PurgingFoilRak::_PurgingKek: (I know, it's Orks quote)
  • @HwK89
    Wow. Orks vs Space Wolves. How creative 🙄 GW should totally make a box set out of that, we' ve never had that before 😒😒
  • @horatio_
    0:01 regular viewers? I just found out you make YouTube videos
  • @Logan-xl6yl
    The novel Wolftime set this campaign up perfectly
  • @Voltron5000
    The mobile game Tacticus is having a big event mid July called "The Lion and The Wolf" Very interesting