Preparing For WAR | Self Reliance | At The Range Podcast

Published 2023-10-29

All Comments (21)
  • Can we stop pretending that someone is an authority on this shit just because he was a seal? How can he say a bunch of vets can't stand up to a large force when the largest military in the world has been dick punched by illiterate insurgents with a working knowledge of explosives and guerrilla warfare in just about every large scale war since Korea?
  • The Spartans employed a tactic of putting new guys next to veterans called the reed and staff, believing that both men would fight harder, the new guy to prove his worth and the veteran to be extra vigilant knowing his battle buddy is green. Steven Pressfield’s “Gates of Fire”
  • @cconder19
    Does not matter if they would have “decimated” Hamas or just defended themselves, the point is that everyone should have the ability to defend themselves from bad guys of ANY kind… foreign or domestic. Government should never have the ability to take away our right to self defense.
  • @pauljacobs9543
    I completely understand how retired military personnel could be offended by non- military civilians buying military style equipment and training, but as a retired LEO, I can tell you that I want those people out there. Same mindset when someone told me they have a pistol on them and they told me they have a concealed carry permit. I knew they were on my side… I’d much rather have someone who may not be 100% tactical, but I’d rather have someone willing to send rounds down range by my side, than someone who will throw hands up and let themselves be taken hostage or killed
  • @jmsmeier1113
    I was an active duty Marine from 1979-1985. I’m an old man today, I’m not as strong as I once was, I don’t have the same level of endurance, I haven’t trained at USMC levels for decades, but my understanding of battlefield movement is still crystal clear, I have been in firefights and my reactions have been proven, and lastly I’m still the same miserable bastard at heart that I’ve always been. As the saying goes, you may very well best me but you’ll know in no uncertain terms that you’ve been in a fight.
  • @surfrbrian
    Let this be a lesson to all that think we don't need to have the 2nd Amendment.
  • @raifcluster
    The Israelis were not only unarmed, but they faced an enemy with rifles and RPGs. BUT, there was at least one kibbutz with a three-man militia team who managed to kill a large number of the attackers. They were older guys, overwieght, out of shaped, but well-trained and geared up. It was reassuring to see what a few motivated guys can do in the face of such evil.
  • @TrevanDotCom
    Love how that Navy Seal is taking younger guys under his wing and training them. I would kill for a mentor like that.
  • @cullenmiller8170
    I don’t believe this country will come together in an emergency. The government taught people to be victims and rewards them for it. If you don’t fall in line and act like a Lemming you’re considered a threat to the government and need reprogramming. I came to this country almost thirty years ago and I’m horrified at what has happened.
  • @DF-DefendFREEDOM
    It is offensive the arrogance of military or former military to have mind set that they are the only valuable fighters. It is 100% true that former war fighters are better skilled, however each citizen has RIGHT to do their best what ever level they are at to defend their families and their nation. They also have RIGHT to use armor and battle equipment to aid them in that defense. As a vet I know that numbers aid the battle. In Israel numbers, even unskilled numbers would have saved lives, THAT IS WHAT IS IMPORTANT, not arrogance of skill level. Battle is not a pissing test for who is better, it is who wins the fight. I want American and the Constitution to win by survival of Patriots. Screw the arrogance…
  • The only thing I learned in 2020 is during the midst of the chaos, cops retreat.
  • @johnqpublic2718
    As a father with 2 kids under 5,.I really appreciated this discussion.
  • @martymonaco1255
    Gentlemen, this video, beyond a shadow of a doubt, is the absolute BEST video I've ever seen. I am 66 and never was in the service nor LE but, I do feel that I would be of some value to the freedom cause. Yes, I would be taken out early (I get that) but, like the one guy said, I could take out at least 2 of the bad guys. I, too, have been stocking up with supplies and armament to keep me and my family and my neighborhood safe(r). I would love for you ex-military to know that we, the untrained, want to help as much as we can in any capacity as we can. We, too, are Americans first. Uneducated and untrained in the military ways but, have the American heart. Pray to God we don't need to defend our country that way (although it looks more and more likely) but, I would hope that you folks would help and allow us folks be of some service. Thank you all for what you said in this video. It really meant a ton and that you believe we common folk would be worth something. I have been struggling with this in that I know very little compared to friends and family that have been in LE or the military. I AM and AMERICAN, damn it! And, I plan to die that way. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!
  • @dwrutsgnt4225
    Being retired military I think it’s important for everyone to be equipped and trained, body armor, armed to the teeth
  • @thefrogking481
    Protect the country? The country is lost. This is about family and love of brother.
  • @sam2943
    I saw an interview with a guy that lives in Israel and he said about 2% of the civilians are armed. He lost his permit to carry because he didn't wear a C19 mask when taking his daughter to school and an administrator challenged him. He refused to wear a mask. The administrator called the cops and told them she felt threatened. The cops pulled his permit. He is trying to get the permit back.
  • @musicgroopie1
    Desert Storm veteran here. I'm almost 60 and I can still shoot straight. I'm in decent shape but to damn old to run, so I will stand my ground in my home and fight it out till death. Remember the Alamo!!!!
  • @hartsickdisciple
    We need people to first accept that something like this can happen in the US. Unfortunately a large percentage of the population won't wake up until it's happening to them. Then we have the people who don't understand that in such a situation they'd need to be willing to go mobile. I have friends who think they're going to fortify their homes in the suburbs and hold out for months or years. All it takes is an enemy setting the neighborhood on fire to end that. We need more people to see themselves as fighters and defenders in a situation like this. If anyone doesn't understand why they might need an AR-15 at this point, IDK what to say.
  • @jamesstaggs7591
    Larping is literally what the military does to train. It should be promoted for multiple reasons. A prepared and ready militia is one. I also think it could be a great outlet for people who feel like they lack purpose as you said. Preparing is a great purpose in itself because then when true purpose arrives, you are in a position of strength mentally. A prepared man with his mind made up and confidence in himself is a woeful foe indeed.