Completely Unexpected! JWST May Have Reached the Farthest Point of the Observable Universe!

Published 2024-07-21
What is actually the farthest point in the universe? The Big Bang, the edge of the universe or is it the light that emanated from the first star? The James Webb Telescope may now have reached the furthest point of the observable universe! This discovery was completely unexpected - and again we marvel at the incredible discoveries and new dimensions that this telescope is showing us. Scientists now have to face the truth and they are stumped!

All Comments (18)
  • @bigdawg7703
    It would be nice if the photos were labeled as JWST actual photos vs CGI.
  • Never think you’ve reached the end. We’ll just keep finding deeper space with the next innovation.
  • @Space_Library
    Einstein's theory of general relativity plays a crucial role in explaining the gravitational lensing effect observed by the JWST. How do these recent observations fit within the framework of general relativity, and could they potentially reveal new insights or necessitate modifications to the theory?
  • @mindblowtimes
    They should not use the term big bang until all confirmed. Look the size of the galaxies near the visible galaxies.
  • @SherillGauldin
    The curiosity and thirst for knowledge displayed here are infectious. It's a testament to the insatiable human appetite for understanding.🧡
  • In this video you (The SimplySpace) still talk about the Big Bang and the limits of the observable universe. Unfortunately, both views are now quiet a bit outdated and no longer correspond to the latest findings of modern cosmology... If we change the scale of the universe from the increasingly improbable Big Bang theory to a cyclical, repeating process, then what is currently happening in the universe and what we are discovering in this time is no longer so incredibly strange and inexplicable. The universe is logically structured and is in a permanent state of creative evolution. From one universe generation to the next, our cosmos is cyclical and constantly renews itself as its cycles expire, so the universe is infinitely large and timelessly eternal. We human beings have brains that make all possible and impossible processes more complicated than they really are, and so of course the universe appears gigantic and quite complicated to us. But for nature and its general consciousness, cosmic reality is a logical and natural matter – a completely normal process of development! 🌘🌗🌕
  • Universe might be a simulation, it did not exist. Everything goes through a great consciousness, therefore it has no end or beginning.
  • @rogeromeron5049
    More a testament to how little we actually know. A literal speck in the universe which lasts a literal blink of an eye in time thinks it can explain eternity. Nope we dont understand much
  • Why do you keep referring to the big bang when more and more evidence highly suggests the universe may be infinite with no beginning or end?
  • @CGMaat
  • Observation: We measure the age of these galaxies using red shift altering the wavelength of light. Question : If space-time also subject to change, akin to red shift but let's call it time-shift, this would change age calculations. Hypothesis: Maybe there is a general relativity constant! And that constant is Time-Shift.........?
  • @CGMaat
  • @lordleonusa
    1) lose the stupid AI narration, 2) the big bang theory has been disproven, get up to date!