Escapism is DEAD

Published 2023-02-07
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Gaming is Dying and Politics is Killing It. Escapism is one of the primary appeals of video games, we can forget the trials and tribulations of everyday life. But in clown world, we must be reminded constantly of progressive ideals.

#syntheticman #deadspace2023 #godofwarragnarok

0:00 Intro
2:58 Modern Politics, Gaslighting, and Gatekeeping
7:41 Forspoken
10:25 Far Cry 6
15:12 TLOU Part 2
19:06 Dead Space Remake
20:13 Good Escapism and Aimless Rambling

All Comments (21)
  • >makes a trans bathroom >person hanging from the ceiling What did EA mean by this?
  • @Albervid95
    Turns out the worst thing that could happen to videogames was becoming mainstream
  • In a totalitarian system an individual's desire for escapism is proof of their wrongthink. If you truly loved the Big Brother and his party you wouldn't feel the need to escape from their surveillance and control.
  • The industry died the second they started hiring based on sexuality and race instead of the most qualified. Just look at the staff photos of when games were awesome compared to them now.
    It's hilarious how people who complain about those of us who don't want sexual, racial and gender politics shoved in our face, tell US to ignore it when they're the one's who started this shit 🤣
  • @kevrms
    The only people who get mad at gatekeepers are the people the gate is meant to keep out
  • @SomeCanine
    Money used to keep normies out of gaming. Now, political ideology is keeping paying customers out of gaming.
  • @starfox300
    People always say "Why do you care? What does it matter?" Well if it didn't matter then why did the devs do it? It obviously matters A LOT to them
  • @DukeWooze
    I always said that people didn't complain about politics in games, they were complaining about blatant propaganda in games. For you people saying "Oh fAlLoUt hAs PoLiTiC iN iT" fail to understand that those older games allowed the player to make up their on conclusions\decisions of those politics. In other words stop treating you player base as children to be educated, come to them as adults and have a discussion, don't TELL them what to believe. Discuss it, debate it, and if you lose then readjust your own beliefs.
  • The more he tells the truth the more they hate him. Never stop fighting synth.
  • I miss when parents thought video games were evil and rot your brain....NOW video games are evil and rot your brain
  • @on_space.
    if someone is okay with race swapping, ask them if its okay to turn a black character to white if they say no then their arguement about race swapping is invalid
  • Most people rejected his message. "Games suck now." "Shut up!" They hated synth man because he told the truth
  • This is my ultimate gripe with fiction nowadays. ''That's perpetuating unrealistic beauty standards''. First time I read that, I knew fiction was dead. It was never supposed to be realistic. Realism should be implemented to supplement fun. If it doesn't, leave it at the door. The purpose of entertainment, is fun, not realism. I don't want to be faced with the madness of the masses in the one place I used to be able to escape from it. Edit: It's interesting how even when I point this out so clearly, people can't help but try to inject their woke venom into you to keep you from your escapism.
  • My father, a 1980s throwback to the Greasers from the 50s, a man who was out of touch with the times, in his own day. A man who has not touched a video game since one of his last remaining high school friends recommended DOOM... back in 1998: gave me an amazing tip about the purpose of vidya games. When times are good, people grow bored with thier hum drum life, and they seek adventure and dragons to slay. You want a challenge. Hard gritty stuff sells best in the best of times. But then, when life is kicking your ass, you are looking for respite. A place to forget the world and zone out. You want a chill game with a chipper attitude. Something to pick you up when you come home after a long day. Something casual that won't kick your ass like everything else in your life. Cyberpunk as an aesthetic was alot cooler when it DIDN'T mirror reality. Today, its just a painful reminder of our inevitable collapse. When you unplug from that game, you don't feel better... your not unplugging at all. Your just going from one person's hell back to your own.
  • You noticed, right? Every time we talk about something woke, someone posing as "moderate" appears from out of nowhere saying "you don't know what woke means", "can you define what is woke?", "you're using the word woke wrong" and other variations.
  • @Madchris8828
    Gaming youtubers who pretend to be centrists who are actually grifters who don't care about politics at all. A certain youtuber with the name raygun in his name comes to mind. Almost everyone from the GG days was either a hypocrite or not genuine at all.
  • A lot of the content creators that mock "woke politics" will also attack anyone slightly edgier than them, becausw they aren't principled. They just want to make low hanging fruit that gets easy clicks but doesn't challenge anything
  • @infernofox294
    The Marker is twisting isacc's mind, making him see truly horrific things