Can You Really Get Rich in the World's Only "Cash-Based" MMO?

Published 2020-08-13

All Comments (21)
  • @PeopleMakeGames
    Hey! If you're new to People Make Games and finding us through the YouTube homepage or some other recommendation, do take a look at our other stuff. We upload short gaming documentaries -- just like this one -- every few weeks. Thanks :)
  • @r3ked272
    "Is your game gambling?" "I fell off my bike"
  • @Foomandoonian
    "Is your game gambling?" "Isn't everything a gamble when you think about it?" "So your game is gambling too?" "No."
  • @TheJackB987
    "Is it gambling?" "I can't admit that or we would be legally classed as gambling."
  • Everyone talking about all of the mental gymnastics in that interview but can we mention how he went full force with the questions and didn't hold back at all, I appreciated a lot.
  • @SnapCrakleD3ath
    I can't wait in 2 years to be mining virtual coal in vr for $2 a day
  • @enex5647
    I liked the interview. Q: "Is the game gambling?" A: "Yesn't."
  • @Azeria
    You know what else is a skill-based game? Poker.
  • @thatguy7155
    "Is your game truly a gambling game?" "No, It's more like risking to earn money" "So it's gambling then?" "you keep coming back to that"
  • @wsjudd
    Jesus, this developer interview is so tough to watch. You can really see the cogs turning in his head - "how do I not admit that this is gambling..?"
  • @goahnary
    "Is your game gambling?" David gulps with anxiety. His self-tanning lotion had stained the button-up he had on in the club the night before. He wishes he had gotten some sleep. He began to think he was ill prepared for the occasion... He took a deep breath and said, "Well, life's a gamble really...". There it was. He had done it! crisis averted.
  • @elerielouie3160
    "Do you consider Entropia a gambling game?" "No, absolutely not, it's just *legal term extremely relevant to the gambling industry*"
  • The developer being interviewed should get a gold medal for mental gymnastics because damn
  • @Spaceman_u
    "Is this gambling?" "3 weeks ago I broke my collar bone because I took the bike instead of an car so that was a gamble which also means it's a skill"
  • @taggerinc2652
    My spidey senses went crazy the instant the developers rep came on the screen. I never had a clearer sense that someone is lying in my life. He was tap dancing so hard. He absolutely knows EXACTLY what he's doing. Skirting the laws as close as he possibly can. "Responsible gaming" = responsible gambling.
  • @lucase.2546
    When I watch developers of these kinds of games talk, all I can hear is, “We’ve handed you a time-bomb, and it’s your fault if it goes off.”
  • @MainEventHeel
    "It's not gambling but we changed the minimum age to 18."
  • @HoundXXII
    At first I was like "this is cool, I bet he's going to softball like every other interviewer" Then I was like "holy shit this madlad is the most savage fucking straight to the point and finding the truth guy I've ever seen"
  • @glibjibb
    "Is there a gambling element to the game?" "No! Life's a gamble. I fell off my bike."
  • @jayvis123111
    The interview really shows us how little this ceo thinks about the human beings that they prey upon using their game, it's really just amazing.