What Does Hell Look Like?

Published 2024-05-20
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All Comments (21)
  • @borobinson7005
    This just encouraged me to pray to God for the first time in my life I'm 36 🙏
  • @glocktown21
    When I was a teenager, I almost drown at the Beach during high swells and viscious riptide... I lost my board. I could barely come up for air as the waves pounded me and pounded. An angel, being, spirit, Man that came out of nowhere pushed my board to me... We locked eyes, he or it had no expression as I tried to thank him.. He disappeared under the waves... No one else was on the Beach that day. My friend on shore barely made it in.. said he saw someone else out there with me... but also too saw the Man or being disappear. I tried looking up and down the shore line... Never saw the Angel that saved me. I get goosebumps typing this even though it was over 30 years ago....... Believe in God and Angels.
  • @WmDuck-gj9mx
    My aunt was 2 years old when their house caught fire. It took several minutes while the house was raging before my grandfather found her in a closet hiding from the smoke. Later when they were out of the house she was asked about the experience. 2 years old remember. She said she was being protected by the man with wings!.WOW. I still am amazed at this.
  • I died following a back surgery and experienced God's grace and an in-depth conversation with the Lord calling me home. This occurred 7 years ago. I still share the details often and am presently writing a book about my experience. Thank you Jesus!☝️
  • @TheTibetyak
    My friend's twin brother passed at 26 years old with cancer. He had been a long practicing Christian. A few days before passing he was having conversations with deceased family members. In his last hour, he asked the family and nurses to close the window curtain as the light was too bright. (It was at night) He was seeing a large gathering of happy family members and that Jesus was with him - right there. It gives me shivers and tears because his family has absolutely undoubted assurance he was being swept away to heaven.
  • I was dying of cancer and didn’t know it. I knew I was extremely sick but doctors kept dismissing me. The two nights before I actually passed out at the VA I was struggling to breathe like a fish out of water. I’d take 4 to 5 cold showers a night to catch my breath. The night before I passed out and subsequently put in dialysis with a Creatinine level of 21, I saw the Passion of the Christ. It was emotional and it stirred my heart. Later as I lay asleep I suddenly felt some force pull my legs off the bed and drag me down an abyss. The further down I went the worse I felt. I had the spirits of anger,,rage, violence, depression, fear, surround me like a tornado, trying to strike me. As I felt no hope and desperation I cried out, Jesus if you’re real save me! I woke up upright in my bed..it was pitch black..I slowly touched my face to see if I was still alive…I then broke down and repented and cried like a baby in my father’s arms. I had the most peaceful sleep after that. I told GOD, I know I’m about to go through something but I’ll let you guide me from here on out. After a week of dialysis I discovered I had a tumor the size of a basketball growing out of my Aorta..what happened after that was a battle like I’ve never faced before but it was beautiful
  • So, one of my uncles that passed away about 10 years ago had an afterlife experience. This guy was a party addict and everything else addict and he was in his late 50s when the alcohol ate his liver. He went through several surgeries and and was on a liver waiting list which they took him off, because he kept drinking. So, about 2 weeks before he died he died in the hospital and was brought back after a long time. He called me shaking and crying which I had never heard him do. He said he died and came to and was alive and felt great. He was standing in a vast, open feild with tall wheat. There was a large hill in the distance and he said he could see someone was on top digging something up. So, he made his way to this hill and began to climb up the hill and suddenly it started getting dark. He said, from behind him down the hill he was climbing he heard sticks cracking and a large group of something approaching. He heard moaning and groaning and he told me he was hit with the worst stinch you could possibly imagine. He said this smell would kill a human on Earth. Then, from the darkness came these zombie type people and they began attacking and tipping him apart. He said he would run and get a little further up the hill and they would grab him and pull him back. He said they got right in his face and were then biting and ripping his face. He said after a long time he finally makes it to the top of this hill and he sees the person digging a grave and it's him. Suddenly, the zombies are gone and he us torn to pieces in total agony when suddenly Jesus appears in front of him. My uncle said he tried to touch Jesus, but he couldn't touch him. He said it felt like when you put opposite ends of a magnet together and they repel each other. So, he says Jesus looks down at him and asks " Why did you turn your back on me"? After this, I do not remember the rest of what he told ne that happened. I am absolutely certain it happened, because if you knew my uncle he just would not say something like that. It was almost the equivalent of Saul becoming a Christian. Edit: I don't remember what he said after what Jesus asked him, but I do remember my uncle said he was literally almost inconsolable and begging for his soul. I remember him weeping telling me he was begging Jesus for his soul, but nothing specific. It was an unexpected phone call to begin with.
  • @erikg3941
    Keep fighting to be with God. We’re in a spiritual battle. Your mistakes are not you, Gods love is very powerful. He will never turn his back on you. That type of love is one you don’t want to let go of. You are not alone, God is with you. 🙏
  • I lost my way from God for decades. Somehow I found my way back. Once I accepted him again life became better. I feel stronger. I have made so many mistakes and treated people badly. Ego and manipulation ruled me. Now I am disgusted by my past but it must have happened for a reason. I am so thankful for God’s mercy and love. It’s never too late. Live your life through peace love and positivity
  • @user-ef2ix7nt3e
    I was baptized yesterday. Christian Church. This is a powerful video clip.
  • In 1995 I had a common back surgery. During that surgery I had a reaction to the Blood that I received and my heart stopped. I was dead for 5 minutes. I can remember being in the hallway watching people run in and even saw a crash cart being pushed in. I went into the room where they were and as soon as I stepped in it turned Black. It was so black I could feel it. Then I started falling. I was a paratrooper in the Army and I know what falling is. I was picking up speed and felt the wind. I started spinning and tried to get it under control but couldn't. I know I was heading down. And it kept getting darker. Then all of a sudden I opened my eyes to a lady patting my hand and sitting in a chair. She said," your awake, we almost lost you". She stood up and walked out and within moments a nurse came in. I asked about the nurse that was sitting with me and wanted her name to thank her. She told me that no one was in the room with me. Just a few years later I was saved by the grace and mercy of my Lord Jesus Christ.
  • @tiger751
    Went through something similar, people, when I say I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, I mean this in the most literal sense. I pray none of you reading this gets to experience this. You want to talk about loneliness, not being able to see anything, you don't know if you're even physical, ethereal, violence you do not want to remember but you're forced to...... Dammit, I'm crying just writing this.... I don't want to go back there. I'd rather not exist at all than to be in such darkness
  • @bjjbrawler1
    I work in the medical profession. I had a patient that looked disturbed. He was a fifty-something biker type (not that motorcycle guys are bad by any means) with lots of tattoos and VERY dark eyes. He may have been schizophrenic but I don't know for sure. He had health issues and needed an MRI... and then asked me if I knew what was causing all his problems.... I replied "no, what's been going on?" He went on to tell me he "sold his soul to the Devil, and he has already been to Hell." I asked him what he saw there and he said "It was dark, hot, and smelled worse than u can imagine, and there was neverending screaming." I will always remember that, weather or not he was sane or crazy.
  • @Coastal_one
    Back in 2010 I was fighting an opiate addiction I got myself into after a reconstructive surgery of my wrist. It got bad and dark wicked fast. I remember kissing my wife and children one night fearing if I fell asleep I wouldn’t wake up. 14 years sober this October. Early on I had nightmares of doctors trying to strap me down, laughing saying you’re not gonna be clean no more. My wife would wake me up soaked in sweat. I prayed many a nights through it all. 🙏🏼
  • I was blessed with a varied NDE. My husband was out of town. I feel asleep and instantly saw him, we spent time together in a very bizarre setting. It was intensely vivid throughout our conversation. I remember it still 6 years later. I got a call around the time he normally woke up, but it was his sister's phone. He passed away but somehow came to say goodbye and prepare me for this crushing blow. My mom passed a few months later, so without Yah allowing him to say goodbye, I would've been in much worse shape. All praise and glory to Yahoshua HaMasciach, He is so merciful and loving. Be blessed all, take comfort in Jesus Christ being true along with everything He told us. Draw close to Him and don't despair over death, death is just an enemy who is also already defeated!
  • I can’t thank my parents enough for taking my brothers and I to church every Sunday. The impact it has made in my life is beautiful.
  • @redi6518
    I'm not someone who cries about very much. But something about the power of this message. I'm sitting here on my front porch with tears pouring down my face. When you hear real truth you not only feel it. You literally just know it with all of your being.
  • I was raised, nominally in an evangelical family. I really did not care for how cheap and common it all seemed, how without compassion many people were to outsiders. However, I never really lost my faith, however, nominal it was. Later in college, I met people who told me 'they were on FIRE for God' which bothered me because I couldn't find my way to where they were either. The pandemic was rock bottom. I was out of the country, both of my parents nearly died in 2021, and I was in total isolation abroad (lockdowns). One night I started watching these descriptions of NDEs and most of them are remarkably similar. I started attending a conservative Anglican church, got baptized... Honestly my faith is as strong as its ever been, I still have to put effort in, none of this comes easily but I do believe in the Lord, the giver of life, my creator...I believe that he loves me and that I will stand in his presence in the next life.