Published 2022-12-21

All Comments (21)
  • @potat04
    Someone who got their balls stung by a scorpion will have a hell of a story and a terrible day all at the same time.
  • @kt9527
    I once got allergy tested for spring tree pollen, and my whole back became a single massive hive that could only be contained by a shot of cortisone and a very expensive trip to the local emergency room. So in case you were wondering, the entire season of Spring wants to kill me in the most brutal way imaginable.
  • @ajreukgjdi94
    My dad got so sick of McDonalds putting lettuce and ketchup on his cheeseburger when he said to remove them, that he would order "a double quarter-pounder with cheese, but I only wants onions on it." I think it worked once or twice, but then he got a regular quarter-pounder with onions on it. So he started saying "Only onion and cheese" on it. One day, they forgot the burger, so now he orders it with "Only onion, cheese, and burger."... I swear, one of these days they're going to forget the bun.
  • The chia seeds killed me because recently my mom ripped up her entire kitchen floor thinking she had bugs under the floor only to find out it was chia seeds that she spilt when she first moved in xD
  • I graduated HS when I was 17 yo, birthday in October. Day after graduation non bio dad said it was time to go out into the world and live my best life (actually it was GTFO of my house) At 17 you cannot get anything in your name. Rental, utilities, checking account, nothing. Lived in a tent with nothing for a few months, including a Michigan winter. Thanks dad.
  • 7:08 my glass patio table did the same thing a few years ago and my parents thought that me or my siblings broke it and they kept saying, “you’re not in trouble, we just wanna know who did it :)” when it just shattered on its own
  • @Mement0MoRi-
    26:35 i would literally flip over and die on the spot from fear, pain, and the thought of bugs crawling around inside me.
  • I feel like if Lexi would do this subreddit, she would just go "ohh i'm sorry..." half the time
  • 2:52 That isnt a clutch, its a parking brake. The placement is the first clue as a clutch peddle would be closer to the brake peddle. The second clue is that handle labled "brake" is the release. This is usually found on older cars because they were still figuring out the best places to put all functional controls. For example. My grandpas old Chevy van had not only the peddle on the floor like this, but also a button on the floor to turn on the high beams
    If there were a midwestern version of r/wellthatsucks it would be called r/welp.
  • @pj.me0w
    i listen to Emkay as background noise for doing stuff, so hearing jack laughing and saying "aha, hes in so much pain!" without context sounds.. psychopathic to say the least lmao
  • One time I went to the beach with my gf and some friends. The motionsickness meds I took for the carride down made me really sleepy in the sun and I ended up accidentally falling asleep for a total of 4-5 hours out of our 6 hour trip. My girlfriend, being more mature and responsible than I ever have any hope of being, consistently reapplied my sunscreen, even insisting that I roll over so I could still be comfy, but she could get my chest and stomach (I was wearing a bikini). By the time we were heading home, one of my friends had gotten a sick tan (spent about as much time sunbathing as I did), 2 of them got a little bit of sun to them, and one was completely unaffected. I, however, was so red and burnt that I was convinced I had sun poisoning. I couldn't wear proper clothes for days and doing anything was agony. Still, could've been worse and I thank my girlfriend for that greatly. Still have an awkward tan line from my bathing suit and it's almost Christmas.
  • 4:00 Robin: "How often does a roundabout have anything happen to it?" Me: guitar music intensifies
  • @frozendude707
    For the exploding melon, I think that can happen when it starts to decompose inside, like when it goes bad or it has been in a cold enough place that the cell membranes start to rupture. And for the shower door, it could be a slight manufacturing defect or previous damage, the glass is under high stress att all times so very small cracks can grow to the point they cause catastrophic failure.
  • 37:22 honestly my ex-girlfriend had the worst case of bed bugs ever known to human history and the bites were never that big and also never that bad. The infection in their house was literally to the point where you saw a bed bug literally every single inch of that house they were even in the kitchen. I absolutely hated going in there and it's one of the reasons why I broke up with her.
  • @poketronex
    39:15 I worked in a grocery store in a food prep dept, there was a warning paper for employees that you ALWAYS check the grapes for spiders and scorpions. The stores know full well it's possible for them to travel in the grapes, and the spiders can definitely be the kinds that can kill you.
  • Me making my kid stay home so she can focus on college and not have to worry about bills and work until she has a career. Seeing the poor kid with the bag... it broke my heart as a mother. Edit: I have over 60 plants in the house and an acre in the yard. I would cry if I missed the cactus bloom.
  • @TheXangelus
    I feel for the guy allegic to everything. I’m allergic to literally all trees, weeds and grass. Also allergic to all the goddamm pollens. So when I just sit in the damm Grass and even a bit of skin touches grass then that area gets covered in hives. Same as for touching or leaning against trees. When it’s allergy season I literally need to take methodically take of my clothes in the hallway and throw them directly into the washer. Then while naked walk to my shower (I had to put a curtain on my front door since it’s glass) and then take a f-ing shower so I don’t track the pollen around the house. I even have to carry an epi pen around after my nephew of 11 and me 20 wanted to show me something cool at the time. He gave the tree the hardest kick he could manage and then pulled on some branches for good measure and the thickest plume of pollen came down towards us and I was yellow from all the pollen. Let’s say that he learned his lesson because I had just enough time to alert my ant and call an ambulance. He never tried it again 😂. Allegies aremjust insanely dangerous.