A BIG Zelda Remake Seems LIKELY to Happen!

Published 2024-07-30

All Comments (21)
  • @djjoycie27
    WiiU tech demo is the only way to go. I will say this until either the end of time or until Nintendo does it. One thing I would amend to the story is the part about the interlopers and Zant’s neck crack. Just add a bit to explain it better but not too much so we can still speculate.
  • @popzeus3000
    So many things to update in a Twilight Princess remake. Basically everything but the puzzles and dungeon/overworld layouts. They can totally update the combat, enemy behavior, character models, lighting, weather, and environmental physics and geometry. Along with the cut scenes getting a major overhaul, so should the NPC facial animations to make the story beats hit harder. They can stick with text dialogue if they improve the emotions and faces of the characters, but more voice work would be interesting for this game specifically. And one thing I think all the 3D Zelda remakes need is a contiguous overworld with no loading screens. I can deal with all the corridors if I never have to look at a loading screen just to go from Hyrule Field to Castle Town.
  • @archmdc370
    I happened to stop at an independent book store earlier to inquire about whether they had any Zelda Mangas. I wanted to complete my TP set. They looked it up for me and we found that September 24, 2024 (coming soon) a new box set is to be released of the complete Twilight Princess Manga. Perhaps this is a sign of things to come. Needless to say, I pre-ordered it. 😁
  • @-B74-
    I’m all for the remakes but I do see Wind Waker getting a remake too and having the explorable Hyrule that was left as concepts in the main game. I have a few more ideas of what they could add and how to implement them
  • I think it would be cool if they make a remake of the first zelda game as it was intended to be open world but there was limitations back then to do so
  • @Vector3Gaming
    The Wii U demo wasnt prerendered :) it was scripted, but not prerendered, and the fact that you can change the camera and time of day proves that. The whole point was to show what Wii U could render in real time, it was real time.
  • @abjames3098
    i remember when Twilight Princess released I was playing it on GameCube first and thought how is Nintendo going to top these graphics...how are they going to top this version of Hyrule Field and this version of Lake Hylia... ? How Zelda looks and how Link looks, how Link swims which was improved, on horse combat, on a canoe, etc.. but looking at it now the game indeed looks dated but the gameplay concepts within the game not so much... wolf form, magnetic iron boots, ball and chain, gale boomerang, double clawshot, spinner, twilight realm, puppet Zelda, temple of time as an actual dungeon, etc... so a lot of new items and ideas that were all fresh at that time and although I feel the game could use a full on overhaul I think BOTW 4K is more likely..
  • @jesseshaver2262
    Yes, it needs a full remake. The geometry needs a full overhaul
  • @DJIdroneabout
    I still got the wii twilight princess play it now and again through my wii u. I also think this Zelda game owes some of its ideas and success to okami which I think that the game also deserves a proper remake. it came out for PS2 then Wii a underated gem of a game
  • @RockerGamer2798
    You bring up some good points. For me, even if Nintendo brings TP to the Switch or Switch 2 as a remake or I’m fine with HD again. Your point is valid TP does have its flaws but even so, the game itself holds a special place in my heart. I’ll keep chanting “Bring it to the Switch! Bring it to the Switch!”
  • @MystifiedBeef
    If Twilight Princess or Ocarina of Time ever got remade like Final Fantasy VII one change I think that needs to be made is that any Pieces of Heart,Quiver,Wallet and Bomb Bag upgrades that were obtained from playing a mini game should be moved to a store or a side quest. Because locking rewards behind stuff like that is an outdated concept that was never really good to begin with and I would rather stuff like that be rewarded from exploration. I also want it to be that way going forward with the series in general.
  • @Peace1dy
    If they can update and make the WiiU tech demo a playable game I think it could sell just as much as BOTW on switch. This maybe much to ask but I would prefer they use it for a brand new game but open world like BOTW.
  • 12:59 agree with most everything but i cant imagine them pushing that much zelda in one generation especially if they are more involved remakes over ports. Would love nintendo to prove me wrong though!
  • um... yeah i think you completely missed the memo here, mate, sorry to say. twilight princess will never get a full blown remake, only remasters. the only zelda games that would get remakes are ones that are significantly scuffed in some way, that being oot, mm, the oracle games, the ds games, and maybe minish cap, though honestly i dont see it. zelda II is more likely to get a remake than twilight princess ever would, and zelda II is very unlikely to get a remake. also, aonuma teased ocarina remake/remaster... so... yeah, tp isnt happening, mate. also, the gamecube zeldas 100% will NOT appear on switch, and i honestly dont know why people think they will. these are mid-life switch 2 releases at the very earliest, and more likely to be late-life releases. it's far too early to update these games, and theres not really anything worth while to add to them that the hd ports didn't already. currently, the wiiu remains relatively accessible, as do the games. nintendo isn't going to bother releasing the game games every. single. generation. it's just not a reasonable thing to expect of them. EDIT: how braindead do you have to be to want some of modern zelda's worst content bloating the overworld in one of the best zelda games? i mean, seriously. also, the overworld in twilight princess isn't empty. why don't you actually go searching for things? believe me, you will find PLENTY of shit to do
  • @dylanbanning
    Wait, I thought that we'd be getting Ocarina of Time instead sense it was heavily teased by Eiji Aonuma and to be honest I'd much rather have Ocarina of Time over Twilight Princess anyway but that's just my personal opinion.
  • @tl2532
    Just beat Twilight Princess on the Wii. Hated it. The controls are preposterous. Probably would have been a decent game if the motion controls were left out.