Zombie House Defence

Published 2021-03-26
The marbles must defend the house from zombies until help arrives, who will survive?

All Comments (21)
  • @microphon1549
    STORYLINE 3 Red : Ok! Now my teams back! Orange : Youve fled to a house? Blue : No time to talk! Defend immediately! Zombies are coming! Blue : Hey! Why are you staying up and not helping us?! Olive : We are melee nerds. You popular gunners can go instead! You can shoot! Purple : Thats a lot of sense White : waits Rest of the Group : waits Yellow : All down to us after we deal with this. Lime : Your getting the supply crates? Blue : ... Cyan : Ayy mate! The next horde is coming! Yellow : Weve got machine guns and mini guns, this should be no problem. Lime : Get ready! Shooting intensifies Orange : The next supply crate is here! Blue : Grabs Blue : Alrighty! Ive got this down the road! Grab your guns and weapons, melee nerds! Red : Not really, im exhausted after all that shooting with Maroon. Lime : Silence Everybody : Silence Cyan : Alright everyone! Make sure to use the supplies like material, drink, food, weapons and other junk wisely! Yellow : Ill keep that on track! Lets build a wall! Blue : Thats a great idea. White : Defend!! Orange : Shoot! Shoot! Magenta : Theres no time to roam around and make jokes like you did. Orange : Sorry! Blue : Ok. Here they come guys! Red : Psst, hey Olive! When will we get some weapons?! Olive : I dont know. Theres a wall AND armed friends to protect us though, and weve got baseball bats. Brown : Shoots Purple : Ey! Weve completed the wave! Orange : Ill get the supplies.. Red : I think we’ve just got a pistol. Olive : I dont know. Im still stuck as the last melee nerd :( Yellow : Hey Olive! Sadly, the zombies chewed up my guns. So im stuck with the melee nerds. Blue : At least youve got Yellow to accompany you! Orange : Make the most of your energy... Purple : Heal up! Cyan : Im upgrading the wall. Get ready for the next wave. Red : Shoot. I can hear them already... Blue : Thats not good. White : Indeed, lets go! Olive : Yay! I got a minigun! Blue : Ive got the supply! Black : Darn. I just got a baseball bat. Better than no weapons. Green : Get ready and rest! The next wave will be a whole small-war! Cyan , Here comes the classics! Black : Got a shotgun! Wooo! Red : The hell is that type of zombie? Pink : Its a grouper zombie! Its big, durable and sticks zombies! It can easily get pass our wall! Blue : ...Its the classic zombies. Magenta : Thats pretty easy to fight with a machine gun. Red : Great. Im the last melee nerd. Purple : ATTACK! THOSE CLASSIC HORDE IS GONNA BREAK OUR WALLS! Blue : Weve got doors and we’re armed. Black : Agreed. White : Indeed. Lime : Shooting time! Red : Im exhausted... Pink : Same. Blue : Uh oh... Cyan : Shoot!! Yellow : Ok! Orange : Wait...whats that flashing light? Blue : Who knows?! White : Yeah. Red : Its happening once again!! Shoot it! Too bright! Pink : Alright guys...its a long wave here. We might DIE!! Lime : Dont be dumb, Pink! Blue : Ok, keep defending! Brown : THESE STUPID FLASHES!! Green : Supply crates here. Yellow : Someone built a turret on a wall. Magenta : Defense mechanism, Yellow... Blue : No more chitchat! Grab the supplies and make sure to save them!! Cyan, Pink and Magenta : Shoot! What the hell is this wave?! Its gonna destroy our walls! Red : Yeah! Theres also magic shooting! Lime : Who the hecc summoned a Necromancer?! Blue : Meh. Brown : Im injured... Cyan : Hold on! We gotta heal you! Green : Huh?! Injured? Thats gotta be a 999 in a lifetime! Lime : Thats crazy. Olive : Haha zombies! Cant get past me now! Shooting Intensifies once again Pink : Our weapons are almost chewed up. Olive : Go get the stuff in that hecking box! Blue : Im definitely not having that one for sure... Orange : Killer Zombies?! Blue : HUH?!! Rest of the team : Huh?! Red : Those things can chop you up in 1 hit. Magenta : Thats very scary... Blue : Ouch!! Everyone : Crap!! Purple : 3 of our teammates died due to the Killer Zombies. Yellow : NOO! Green : We do have something with our side... Blue : Just keep defending anyways. Lime : Another Sticky Zombie?! Blue : Yep.. Cyan : The sticky zombies are op. Blue : Haha! Die zombies! I have the high ground with my bazuka! Red : Gooo! Yellow : Im on your side now! Blue : Huh? Black : Flame-Throwup!! Magenta : Why are we grouping here?! Green : I dont know, White : Give me a moment of honor. Blue : Defend...please. Shooting Intensifies Orange : Did Purple just commit die? Purple : AAAAAAAAAAAH!!! Cyan : He’s dead now. Yellow : Thank god we’re armed to defend ourselves... Blue : Well...really, keep attacking! Orange : We are dead!! Red : No! I cant die! Lime : Ive got this guys! Cyan : No matter you died on a tower even with a machine gun. Black : Supply crates coming once again! Olive : Great...but are you sure we can survive once again even with the Killer Zombies?! Yellow : I dont know. Shivering Noises Orange and Black : Howdy! Welcome to your dead, zombies! Blue : That means theres another wave incoming. Magenta : I really hope theres no Killer Zombies in it, or we’re chopped up.
  • @bloonpopperx
    AWESOME! Ideas: golden box - Containing OP items Blue box - If marble gets to the blue box it can choose to take more ammo or upgrade the gun Potion of strength - makes marble stronger Magic books - these books can upgrade the gun. ( Basically it makes the gun better) Armor - armor can protect marble from few hits from zombie.
  • @user-qt9lr5xq3g
    Idea: 1. people can take various supplies (cartridges, grenades, clothes, first-aid kits, flashlight) but it becomes more copper and jumps lower, but can throw an object and cause a little damage to zombies. 2.weapon needs to be re-cut, and if there is no cartridge, beat it like a cold weapon when a person becomes a zombie, he keeps his inventory, if you kill him, he will pull out everything that he had 3. add darkness (and that people can't see anything in it)
  • @ZillaSupreme
    Bonus points for adding the moon from Majora’s mask!
  • @f2progamer80
    I think the Phychos and the Liches have been buffed. The Phychos (the knife wielders) seem to have more hp,while the Liches can remove a marble's weapon and force them to use melee if their projectiles hit them.
  • Suggestions: Special rocket launcher that shoots Homing missiles. Marble can use supplies to craft medkit amd heals when dying or heal almost dead marble at any time. Mine: marbles can place them next to wall if zombies dont manage to jump over tt explodes dealing strong area damage. Crying zombie should boost other enemies. Enemy idea: Rage zombie: Health: high Damage: normal Speed: normal Special: When killed turns into enraged When enraged: Only half of health Fast speed Huge damage Can also fatigue enemy for 5 seconds making him move and shoot slower. Marbles Can use supplies to equip Armor. Armor reduces damage but doesnt last forever. There are tree types. Basic: Reduce 25% HP: 100 Military: Reduce 45% HP: 175 Legendary: Reduce 70% HP:315 Marbles can Also get a pet: Pet(Wolf): Acts like a minion Follows owner. Attack nearby zombies. High speed, average health High damage. Regenerate slowly health when not attacking or being attacked.
  • @kamomohilda7954
    Nice! Another marbles defence gameplay! Marbles have more resources to operate now and most of all, they finally have a way to escape from unlimited zombie hordes! Nice new game balance!
  • idea for the zombie city: when the marble survivors are near the end, i suggest to place a M2 Browning near the end (near the escape boat) the idea is that the survivors need to defend their position against a huge horde of zombies using the heavy machine gun before escaping. it will make the video more thrilling to watch and more epic
  • Idea: Dagger: It's a trowable item that can kill up to 2 zombies at once when throwed. It will remain on the ground after killing a zombie and can be picked up by any marble. It can also be used as a small sword. Also I think it'd be super cool if marbles could also climb to the roof in a desperate attempt to survive
  • @kaung2680
    cool animation i alway watch your video i am big fan of MAX MARBLE
  • @bramwagener7881
    the evil rising in the background kinda freaking me out😰