Mood Changes in MS

Published 2017-10-25
This video explores why and how people with MS experience
changes in mood, and provides the latest information on how these symptoms can be addressed—from physical activity, medications and counseling to self-management strategies.

All Comments (21)
  • We found out that my husband had MS a year ago. I've noticed the mood swings and him snapping episodes. I'm glad I found this video that explains a little more about the symptoms. I was really wondering if it was me or my daughter causing the episodes. This video came at the right time. I didn't know what to do or what to say. I now will try and have that conversation with my husband. Thank you
  • @IgN5P
    Many with MS get depressed many years before any clinical onset of the disease. Way more than the average person. Way more.
  • @sundaisycake3372
    BonBon 😆 I love that name. I’ll get my own therapy dog one day. I’m 30 just diagnosed last Christmas time. These success stories help me. I was a security officer then ran off of stress. It caught up with me now. But God has a bigger better plan.
  • @QBlackDeathQ
    We need to help one another, not just read each other's hurt, and stay silent. Multiple sclerosis affects us differently. . . I know! It makes us feel different, but we are all suffering, and we are all hurting from the same illness in different ways. Let's stick together! Please, let's try and help each other . P.S Have you ever noticed that people with multiple sclerosis seem nice? If so; have you ever heard the saying that not everything that shines is gold? Let us all be gold, and not foul's gold. Please let's help one another as It not only makes me happy, but all of us happy to know someone cares.
  • @Tns85
    Ms has totally changed the way I handle every day tasks.
  • @annettemccoy4046
    I'm sorry, my children said I'm grouchy and snap, I'm not aware of it. I'm sorryfor this. My MS has come on fast I feel worthless. Thank you so much❤️
  • I am now divorced because I couldn't get out of my depression... I was in an abusive relationship so I believe that my depression was caused by external factors but also by my MS
  • @munandstar
    I've been feeling depressed I didn't think it got to do with MS...ok I guess one more thing my family will not get
  • @salemtrinity444
    I fell apart at the doctor today when the nurse actually said she thinks I have ms. Well now can we start trying to fix it
  • I have an aunt and a dear friend that both suffer from this. All family and love ones that have MS need to be given love even if they are rejecting it deep down they know that there is one person that gets it and loves them fully without conditions and is there for them always is key to the person who suffers with MS. To my aunt and my dear friend I love you and won’t ever give up or abandon you. As for the people or family who don’t want to empathize with the person who suffers with this I tell them one thing...MOVE ON I LOVE AND SUPPORT YOU BOTH MY AUNT AND MY DEAR FRIEND. #alwaysandforever🧡🧡
  • This video came at the exact right time... I’ve been diagnosed for about two years and my life changed so suddenly and so drastically. I feel so guilty about not being able to do things my 7 year old boy wants to do. I feel like he thinks I don’t want to do them with him. I’ll never tell him that I’m not able to do them as he’s only 7 & I don’t need him worrying any more then he does already. I notice my level of patience is at times, VERY low. I seldom ever cry, however lately, I find I’m crying for days at a time. I feel so frustrated with myself. My neurologist has never made any issue of anything other then my physical symptoms, and even then- he doesn’t address the pain & changes that my prior “episodes” have caused. I feel like I shouldn’t even be complaining in this comment. I feel like I should be grateful I’m able to walk- and nothing else should matter. Yet I know I’m not myself and my son is probably seeing it the most. I have seen the same psychiatrist for over 10 years. I take medication for my A.D.D., panic/anxiety disorder & in the past I’ve taken medication for depression. Every medication I’ve ever taken for depression has had unpleasant or intolerable side effects. I take my injections on schedule bc I’m WAY to scared to ever think about not taking them. How is a person who’s legs have been affected by MS exercise when they’re barely able to walk the dog?!? It makes me crazy when people tell me to exercise. Every step I take hurts so badly. What exercises am I even supposed to do??? I feel like no one understands what they’re talking about. I know no one will ever likely read this, but if someone does and they happen to have a suggestion or idea, I’d be really grateful to hear it.
  • @susanwest3087
    Congratulations to Anne Marie for doing this video and having the courage to talk about her struggles. We are "sisters" belonging to the NYC chapter of the NMSS and helping out when needed. You have given me courage. I thank you
  • @KorrieJade
    It most definitely can cause depression and anxiety! I have depression and anxiety I definitely believe caused by my MS. I can usually deal with it and have good days . However When I get severe bouts of depression and anxiety which are uncontrollable and extreme mood swings very much like bipolar , and have had an MRI , I always have enhancing and new lessions in parts of the brain which are responsible for emotion and cognitive function. I can confirm these . Ask the patients.. we can confirm it . It is fact I was misdiagnosed as having BPD for a long time, it's not a nice badge to wear , Drs didn't take me seriously and told me everything was in my head too 😕
  • @ritaphipps751
    My Relapsing rrms has gone to secondary and take care of my husband. It's really taking a toll on me.
  • I love seeing someone I know in a video!! I <3 you AM!!! I cried a few times in this video....well done!
  • I have had MS for 40 years, of which the last 15 years have been secondary progressive. It is disappointing that there is still no treatment for secondary progressive MS. I have heard about research for treatments for secondary MS for years.
  • I’ve yet to be diagnosed, but I really need my hands back.
  • I was diagnose in 1989.Now I'm learning to first I was paralyzed in my rite side for 2 yrs.That put my short careers on hold .Medical Assistant.i was treated like a psych. Patient.Ignore until 8 yrs later when they did a spinal tab on md.
  • @dalenemarie
    I haven’t been diagnosed with Ms, but I have a lot of symptoms of the disease. One other symptom besides depression and crying easily, is my vision. I never know when this is going to happen, but suddenly my peripheral vision gets cloudy and I can’t see words if I’m reading or driving… with road signs. If I’m driving I pull over, and close my eyes, and in about 5 to 10 mins my vision is back. I usually have eye pain with movement or a headache. I went in to have my vision checked and the doctor found nothing wrong. I do need glasses for being near sighted. Sometimes it happens in both eyes or one eye. Have any of you experienced this?