Perfect Game of Pac-Man - Stages 255-256 - 3,333,360 Points

Published 2012-07-21
Thanks for a quarter million views, for whatever it is worth. (I do not monetize videos. This is all for fun)

This is me playing Pac-Man to achieve the maximum possible score of 3,333,360.

EDIT) Geez, some people just don't know nor want to look it up. The score only holds 6 digits and it rolls over three times at 1, 2 and 3 million points. I have videos at those key levels as well as videos of other levels on my channel and a page with some key links.

And yes, I am well aware of Billy Mitchel and many others that have done this before me, and on arcade machines to boot.

For everything on Pac-Man including why it glitches up on level 256, refer to the Pac-Man Dossier at…

I took my footage of the 2nd last level and the split screen for this video.

On the last level, you cannot finish it. You can only get the left half, the one key,and the 9 dots on the right side that reappear every time you lose a man.

Again, the score rolls over every million points in case you were wondering. I have other videos of that happening too on my youtube channel. I also have a partially made page with some of the videos at

Also, the ghosts follow a set algorithm (each one has a different one, actually) and can be controlled and influenced by the player. There is no trickery or tomfoolery here. The ghosts really are dumb, especially in a level that is horrendously broken to begin with; I'm lucky it is playable at all.

Sorry for disabling comments from time to time. I'm just getting too many people asking the same things already answered in this description and also I have no time nor patience to deal with troublesome users. Thanks for all the positive comments, though. If you want to reach me, I'm under this same name "Aaron Tokunaga" on Facebook. If you are only here to troll and/or are too ignorant to read the description or links before insulting me, your comments are subject to deletion and your account subject to blocking. You can shout "FAKE" all you want, but it isn't. Have a nice day.

All Comments (21)
  • @RJTheBikeGuy
    The final split screen was mentioned in Ready Player One, and I wanted to see what it looked like! Thanks!
  • @Dalton1294
    Here's why it happens: Pacman operates on an 8 bit processor and it can only go up to 255 (11111111 in binary) and 256 is too big for the processor
  • @williamcll
    I love how he has a complete understanding of the glitched areas.
  • @Eudaletism
    For those wondering, he died on purpose. Every time you die on the kill screen, the pellets on the right hand side regenerate, and you can eat them again and get more points. You don't lose points for dying, and you can't beat the kill screen anyway.
  • @Alpha-Trion7
    To those saying this isn't a 'perfect game'. Rofl! The only way to get to 3,333,360 is by losing lives. Those 9 dots on the right side will NOT reappear if he does not lose a life. They keep reappearing after each death. sigh
  • @RamblinRambley
    YOU DID IT! YOU HAVE THE HIGH SCORE OF THE DAY!! 3,333,360! Go for the World Record Now!! 999,990! lol
  • @RookBytes
    There is an Atari 2600 game called "YAR'S REVENGE" that I used to play for hours, days even. Anyways, I got to be so good at it, that I could not loose to the computer. Once I hit a certain threshold, the screen would do something similar to what you've got going on with your Pac-Man game. Where you have vertical static, Yars Revenge would have a horizontal band of static that went right through the horizontal and vertical center of the screen. I guess the game devs thought that would make it more difficult to play, but I really don't know. What I do know is that static never really got in my way; I could see through it and just kept on beating the damn thing. Good Times! Thanks for sharing this video Aaron, and helping me to recall a bit of my childhood that I would otherwise might not have remembered.
  • @archmiel
    Thanks for the feedback and I'm glad you enjoyed it. Someday I might want to try that on an actual arcade cabinet (there are retro cabs here with a ton of games on them, Pac-Man being one of them). It wouldn't really count for anything more if I did that (I'm not looking for TwinGalaxies recognition) but it would be nice to do that in a public venue, or at least the first 20 stages before the tedium starts setting in when all 9th key stages are the same.
  • @shayoko6
    Remembered pacman when talking about retro games and was curious how many stages it had. it blew my mind! is their any hard but beatable game that no one has cleared!?
  • @AlexR-ATG
    For all who are about to comment "this is 333,360" or something to that effect, do me a favor and look at the description. In fact, you might want to do that for every video on YouTube. You never know what kind of information you'll find there, and it might be important to make sense of the video.
  • @username0909
    Going to check that out. Thanks for the recommendation!
  • @archmiel
    Bwahaha, it's like saying Billy Mitchell didn't have a perfect game for the same reason. Learn the game before you criticize it so you don't look like a fool. It is not possible to beat the split screen level. The game ends there. You have no choice but to sacrifice your men and maximize whatever score you can get.
  • @seanludwick7141
    NICE JOB reaching the perfect score on pac man has always been a life goal of mine
  • @BentonL
    Awesome accomplishment dude. It might be an old vid, but to play pac man to that level takes dedication.
  • @TOM-C.
    A true master of the game sharing knowledge, thank you! 👍😎✌🗽
  • @JeremyReger
    Blood Pressure through the roooooof!   (663000 + 1220 + 540 (dots)) + (2459600 + 5000 (fruit)) + (204000 (ghosts)) = 3333360 Perfect Game of Pacman!
  • @FrostyF
    I declare you king of retro gaming!
  • @archmiel
    Having 3 or 5 lives set as the maximum in the system (dip switch) settings does affect the maximum possible score but Billy Mitchell is credited with an arcade high score of 3,333,360.