Boeing is Evil

Published 2024-05-02

All Comments (21)
  • @raider360X_sot
    "Boeing whistleblower tragically crushed under comically large anvil"
  • @kevinvilla6140
    Just so we're clear, Charlie is neither depressed nor suicidal. And he has seen all of the Final Destination movies to know how to dodge death.
  • @80proofgaming81
    I know Josh personally, literally had a call with him last week. He was an extremely healthy man. No smoking, no drinking, he hit the gym daily after work. This is not a f***ing coincidence. An infection? Bullsh*t! He was astutely aware of Barnett’s demise, we even talked about it, and he was being careful. Thank you Charles for still getting his story out. I’ve been here since before 50,000 subs and it makes me happy to see someone I’ve supported for so long stand up for my friend better than even his own family can right now.
  • I recently had to take a course on whistleblower protocol/their rights at my company, and as soon as I saw “you will not be retaliated against” I straight up laughed.
  • @David_Last_Name
    So the guy who said out loud "I would never off myself" ends up supposedly offing himself. Then the young health nut dies of an infection so rare the doctor literally said he's never seen anything like it before. I assume the next Boeing whistle blower we find dead will be someone who does competitive marathon swimming found dead in their bathtub from drowning?
  • @lukasbrian8368
    "Sorry miss but I'm afraid that your husband has been diagnosed with 'Boeing whistle blower syndrome' unfortunately its fatal"
  • @sean8102
    Just saw a headline that ~10 other whistleblowers from Boeing just came forward. Hope they stay safe.
  • @boxoid5230
    the boeing hitmen are so goofy "yooo this guys a health nut lets give him like, the black death lol"
  • @jeffjeff2181
    Being a Boeing QA inspector is now one of the most dangerous jobs in America.
  • @procrastinates
    The fact that they apparently can't afford to use quality materials for maintenance, but they can somehow afford to hire assassins for anyone who speaks out against them, is crazy.
  • @docnathan3959
    Somewhere in the Boeing HQ: “Excellent work, Agent 47.”
  • @Frostbite08
    There are websites that let you filter out 737 Max planes when searching for flights. Things like that don't crop up for no reason.
  • @akaJughead
    Everybody's new slogan should be, "If it's Boeing, I ain't going."
  • @myyoutube0274
    A lot of people seem to forget that Boeing is a huge military contractor and not just some civilian airplane company.
  • @GamesCooky
    I actually didn't expect another whistleblower to die. Having one whistleblower die is one thing, but to have two whistleblowers die in such a short time. It's hard to believe it's a coincidence at that point.
  • @tgreaux5027
    dude Boeing is a major part of the military industrial complex, They have connections with a whole lot of mercenaries. They have killers on speed dial for sure. I’m a pilot myself and I would never fly a Boring plane as my daily. No way in hell.
  • @sydney5887
    They're already poisoning the third whistleblower
  • @elondust7164
    How was he not immediately put in witness protection, after the first whistleblower got OBVIOUSLY assassinated???
  • @Maltheal-0-
    If a Boeing whistleblower takes out an extremely hefty life insurance policy, maybe they’ll have some insurance agents protecting them from Boeing. Or over a million dollars for their family.