GhostBusters the Video Game: The Movie HD - Part 2

Published 2011-05-21
Ghostbusters: The Video Game, edited and compressed into a 2hr 40min 'movie' edition.

Set two years after the second movie and featuring the voices of the original cast, in spirit we can actually consider this something along the lines of Ghostbusters 3.

Presented in High Definition 720p.

All Comments (21)
  • @TheaterPup
    "You're not pretty when you're possessed, Ray." Though he does always bounce back quickly! ;)
  • @RoodeMenon
    A genuine Ghostbusters 3 we will never see as a film thanks to reality.
  • @jamesjackson2107
    I'm glad this was made before Harold Ramis's tragic death. GB 3? It's right here!
  • I think my two favorite things about the game besides the voice acting are: The minimalist UI. Nothing is nagging or obtrusive or heck even visible for most of the game. It was still obvious after watching part 1 when you were pretty close to being incapacitated, but it wasn't the "bleeding out of your eyes" effect like in many modern shooters. Also it was neat to see the pack actually give visual clues to reloading, ammo, and active powerups. Very well done. Secondly, the sound design. It was a great balance between 80's movie sound effects/foley and modern synth effects. Especially during the cutscenes it sounded amazing, but even the combat sounds were immersive and not at all overly repetitive. The sounds of the different Ghostbusters getting up after being knocked down and sort of dusting themselves off and adjusting their packs, the holstering and unholstering of the gun vs the scanner, and especially the clatter of dropped equipment when someone gets tossed off their feet just screamed movie foley to me. WAY different than, say, Halo's offering at the time. --- Is there a multiplayer in this game? I'd love to use all those beams and toys and such in a small-team competitive ghost catching spree. Any of those multi-level, multi-room hotel or labyrinth scenes would be great for a 2v2v2v2 . . . . Straight up Luigi's Mansion crossover content too!
  • @plasmatic3223
    Seriously this really shoud've been GB3. The plot in this game is amazing!
  • I've been playing this game lately, and I'm currently at the museum. I remember when Peter jumped out at about 15:03 and it startled me. He may be my favorite character and all, but I was a bit annoyed, thinking I'd have to go rescue him. But no. He jumped out to scare me. So, I promptly switched to the slime blower and hosed him down with it. I felt a bit better after that.
  • @kaicreech7336
    Nice, smooth camera movements. Not a lot of gamers do that well.
  • You are seriously the best for putting this together. I'll never sell/trade this game, bustin just feels too good.
  • @D1Puck1T
    Thanks again for sharing this. Fantastic stuff.
  • @ectoonea
    I wanted to put the game in movie form but did not have the means. Awesome that you did!
  • @motioncaptureman
    Hey bryUK, Great job with the edit. I did the motion capture on this game and this brings back memories of a great fun shoot. I had a blast playing Venkman and doing the in-game moves of all the players.
  • @TheChej
    Wow, you did a great job on making this into a movie!!!
  • @GhostWolf130
    I liked how you captured the silent wispers in the game, i never noticed them at all until i saw this.
  • @TheFirebird23
    Brill! It's like I've just watched a good film. Thanks for this!
  • The Spiderwitch on the 13th floor is probably the scariest level, and boss in the game!
  • @BeyondEpiphany
    Amazing Editing my friend. Watching the whole thing through. Thank you so much for making this video! Plus, Free Advertising for the devs!
  • @MundaneRaptor
    "Smart Cool Guys?, How could they not tell Peck was under duress? He hates them... he was definitely trying to get their attention..."