What the Bible REALLY Says About Alcohol

Published 2018-02-26
Setting aside our own opinions and just looking at the what the Bible actually says we will see that alcohol was intended to be a blessing from God for us to enjoy. We'll also see how dangerous and wicked drunkenness is. We'll even see what the Bible says about alcohol as a medicinal product and what the Bible says about alcohol or drugs being used on a hospice patient. This is what the Bible really says about alcohol.

Teacher: Mike Winger
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All Comments (21)
  • @888WulfDog888
    I became a Christian 20 years ago and stopped drinking. But I went through a really bad divorce that included my wife becoming pregnant to another man while we had four children who I ended up with custody of, then I started to drink again every second weekend, then my dad passed away at 61 years old and I started to drink even more. Fast forward 10 years and I was heavily drinking every day, I brought the body into disrepute and sinned against the Lord sexually with a number of women and made a real mess of fatherhood and exampled a bad and sinful way of life to my children. One evening about 4 months ago I was watching sermons on YouTube while drunk and one evening I made a decision that I was going to make a stand for Jesus. The next day I woke up and realized that the Lord had delivered me from alcoholism and other sins. He litterly took them out of my being, I haven't looked at pornography or even had the urge and the need to drink is completely gone. If anyone is reading this and loves the Lord at heart but is a slave to sin, do not give up, believe in Him and believe He is faithful to deliver you. It's not by your might nor by your strength but it's by His Spirit you shall be saved! He is the one who does the work, you just need to believe and be willing to walk with Him in His ways!
  • @jennroberts3837
    I drank almost every day Feb 1985 to June 2019 = 34 years. My evening drink became the highlight of my day and I didn’t think I could be happy without it. It bothered me that there are so many Bible verses about drunkards not inheriting the Kingdom of heaven...I went to bed every night in 2018 begging God to take away this craving so I could be able to have wine/gin in the house and not want to touch it. The preachers/believers I respect the most did/do not drink and urged others not to either(Billy Graham John MacArthur and many others) I wanted to be like that.... 16 June 2019 I went to bed alcohol free.... and haven’t drunk since. Still trusting God to help me every day...
  • What I've told my friends and family: Fire can be used to cook your food and heat your home, but you can also be burned to death with it... Decent analogy 😉
  • @jessyrichards6703
    I grew up believing alcohol to be a sin. I met my husband who grew up in a beautiful Christian family where moderate alcohol was enjoyed in Biblical way. We both tore the scriptures apart to find whatever was truth and side with that. It became clear that moderate alcohol wasn't only not a sin, but a blessing. After considering my personal nature to addiction I considered that I had temperament in other areas of my life, and felt God's blessing to partake as I read His Word. But before trying it I had to work through my thoughts about drunkenness. The world makes it sound like alcohol isn't any fun unless you get drunk, which of course forbidden by Scripture. My husband helped me understand that the truth is opposite. Drinking wine and it making the heart glad is the fun part, drinking too much isn't any fun at all. After years of partaking I agree with that. We see it as a blessing that must be in submission to God. That being said, our society doesn't support good principles in discipline. In my experience alcohol can only be part of my life with strict discipline. I've noticed a sort of discipline part of the Bible that doesn't seem to exist in most circles today. Approaching alcohol without discipline will lead to ruin. If I live thinking I'm immune to it, I'm being arrogant! That's why humble dependence on God has to go with the decision to drink.
  • @samzwell
    I was relieved out of drug addiction after reading the four gospels of Jesus Christ. I am 13 years clean with the grace of my Lord Jesus Christ.
  • @mike_AD
    Jesus delivered me from 6 years of heavy alcaholism INSTANTLY just by hearing a word from a preacher one sunday. Been sober 4+ years and will never have a sip again.
  • @ThadCastle777
    I have struggled with alcoholism for 7+ years. There have been some very dark times, even needing surgery to fix my injuries. This video changed everything for me. I realized how negatively alcohol was impacting my faith and that I had been putting road blocks between God and myself. I cried, and cried hard watching this. I prayed to God to deliver me from my addiction, and to give me the strength to live the life he has planned for me, and it was so. I'm going on two weeks now without being intoxicated, a milestone I NEVER thought possible. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. God used this video to speak to me. ✝️
  • @alliswell-ei4fw
    I quit drinking for 2 months. Gave myself a cheat day and got so drunk for 2 days, abused my body and now I have regrets and going back on the wagon. For some people moderation isn't possible. I think I am one of those people.
  • I am married to a man that has never taken a drop of alcohol in his life. He told me when he was young if he never started drinking he would never have to worry about quiting. He was saved at 8 years old. He is a disciplined person in many ways. He loves the Lord. He never judges others for drinking, he is a remarkable Christian.
  • @hoyavp2236
    I’m coming to terms with my addiction. Please pray for me. I think I’m one of the ones that aren’t going to make it
  • @Aussboi
    I remember growing up in a church that condemned drinking as a sin. When a majority of the church was very obese and after church would usually gather at the local buffets to indulge in gluttony
  • @richardreads8675
    I was led by the Lord to quit drinking as a new believer at age 21, I seemed to fail badly at social drinking my 1st year as a believer. Often waking up the next morning realizing I had about 3-6 drinks more than I intended to and felt real badly about it. It was hard to let go of it as drinking was very ingrained in my Irish American upbringing , but I felt a strong leading from the Lord at the time. Recently, 35 yrs later, I've thought about trying to social drink again and even prayed about it, figuring I'm a bit older and maybe can handle it. One day it just dawned on me that He told me to quit drinking and hasn't said to go back to it. I take comfort in the scripture that says to not be drunk with wine, but to be filled with the Spirit. So folks like me have something from God to take that place, and to ask Him to fill me with His Spirit often. Kudos to those that can handle a drink in Christ (Im probably a little jealous ), those folks can probably take it or leave it. No need to be legalistic about it on either end, we have freedom in Christ. But I do suggest that drinkers examine themselves and watch what fruit it bears out. I suggest dropping it if it seems that temptations increase while drinking or you find yourself regretting anything you've said or done the night before, or if you often find your thoughts too obsessed with your next drink or social events coming up. I met 2 old Christians a few years back, one would give testimony about God delivering him from booze and even had a tape about him aired on the radio through Moody broadcasting , the other taught men for many years how to get and stay sober in a Christian rehab and was now elderly and retired. Both, as old men, got back into drinking as seniors. One would have the largest bottle of wine I've ever seen by his chair and sip all day long, stressing that it was medicine for him (pure nonsense) the other would talk non stop about where his daughter and he would be going for dinner the coming weekend. Not about the meal but about what he would drink. Totally obsessed and unaware.They were both patients of mine at the time (I'm a home health nurse) and I knew it was not a coincidence . I took it as a warning at the time(ten years ago), now I need to heed it .A book by Jack Deere(biography) called Even in our Darkness seemed to highlight how it played a large role in devastating his family. Very honest book and he doesn't knock alcohol. We have the God given freedom for it, but I think we need to examine ourselves very honestly also , alcoholism can be a very subtle, clever snake
  • I KNOW IT'S LONG, BUT YOU REALLY SHOULD READ THIS, Even though I was raised in a good holiness home and taught right, I stopped going to church and started mingling with the world at around 19, I started drinking just a little at first, just to fit in, I became an alcoholic, one night during a drunken stupor, I tried something called crank, it sobered me up and made me feel great, surely just doing a little bit here and there won't hurt me? The alcohol and crank eat a hole in my stomach, I spent over two weeks in erlanger hospital, they did emergency surgery on my stomach, called the family in because they wasn't sure I was going to make it, now I was liking how the demerol made me feel, when I was released, they gave me strong pain meds, I loved the way that made me feel better than anything else I had tried, Dad and Mom telling me, I should try not taking them, or at least cut back, and only take them when I REALLY needed them, but I had the perfect excuse right? I mean look at my stomach, I'm cut from my chest down below my belly, I continued to go back to the doctor to get refills, way after I was healed up, I practically had to beg for them, and lie to the doctor that I was still in pain, until he finally cut me off, so I went to the streets to find them, and paid extremely high prices, so now I'm an alcoholic and dope addict, My Dad came to me one day and prophesied to me, with big tears rolling down his face, he said son,I have a message for you, God told me to tell you, if you didn't straighten up, stop your wicked ways and get back in church, destruction is on your trail, and when it happens, it will be almost more than you can bare, I didn't listen, I knew it was true, because my Dad was a great man of God ( I had seen God work miracles through him before) it didn't happen right away, but when it did, It was almost more than I could bare, I lost everything I ever had, got in trouble with the law, and was looking at prison time, by this time, Dad and Mom had both passed away ( Dad died like 2 months after Mom died, married for 62 years) while I was in the drunk tank or holding cell, withdrawing, and begging God to save my soul and let me die, I meant it, ( couldn't kill myself, I already had tried, but the thought kept coming to me, if you pull the trigger, you're going to hell) so I went back to what I KNEW would work, I prayed like never before, I took awhile, it wasn't just a 2 or 3 minute prayer, but I didn't stop praying until God had mercy on me and heard my prayer, INSTANTLY, in that little jail cell, God saved me, the withdrawal was gone, sickness all gone, and for the first time in a couple years, I WANTED TO LIVE, I received another miracle, I didn't do one day in prison, I never had another craving for alcohol or drugs, that's been over 5 years ago, I'm still in church, I lead singing, I'm still shouting the victory, and so can you
  • I became an Alcoholic and all of these negitives were actually my experiences. I had a family member get in my face and it was the best thing he could have done and later I thanked Him profusely., I have (in one month) been alcohoil free and sober for 10 years. No more waking up and hitting the whiskey bottle. My son has a sober dad again.
  • @fiwarelli
    I'm so tired of failing, but I never give up. Now I’m on the first day of not drinking anything again. Last time I lasted many moons. I hope this time it last forever. I have been dealing with if it’s ok to drink or not. I thank you for the hard work you have done with your Bible study. I’m one of those that make problems when I drink. So, when you said everything that you did about drinking too much, and that alcohol makes issues in your life, then you should never drink. hope that the Lord can strengthen me, so that my walk can be glorifying God. Trying to be Christian and not sin is the hardest thing I have ever tried. I used to think that Christians was weak and silly. Now I understand that they are the strongest people on the face of the earth. I wish I had a priest or pastor I could speak with, or a church, preferably both. Home in Norway the churches are destroyed. Not materialistic destroyed, but it’s a waste land of dead Church communities, most churches where I come from don’t even have a dedicated priest. The church doors are closed most of the time, else then when there is some kind of event. Lucifer has done grate work in Norway, destroying our Christian values, culture, and communities. These ministries that share there content online is a blessing. I’m just rambling on, if someone read this comment, God bless you. Thanks again for sharing these teachings. Be blessed in Jesus Christ almighty name. Amen. I hope I get saved one day.
  • @CrabRackune
    God bless you my brother. I needed this video. I'm an alcoholic that has been getting drunk almost every day since 17 yrs old. I'm 35. Thank you soo much for taking the time to give this speech! I needed it!
  • I was just blown away by the realization that the Old Testament says that bread is to strengthen the heart, and wine is to lighten the heart and the New Testament informs us that Jesus is our bread and wine. So good!
  • @naphtal
    God has freed me from a lifetime of criticizing everyone who drank alcohol.
  • I grew up in a German church where beer was what you had with meals. At our church picnics and dinner there was beer. I don’t remember anyone ever being drunk. It’s just the way it was. So I grew up viewing beer and wine as not sinful in and of itself, but never something that you set out to get drunk with.
  • @keithsparling5537
    I am a recovering alcoholic that struggled for decades, terrible.... roller coaster ride life. And then I opened my heart to God and ask him to come into my heart, and do what he must to help me...I am sober today....alive! Most of all I am humble, and greatful to my Father and my Savior. Thank you Father. You can do this too! Hes waiting for you, no matter what...