Mixed Economic Signals: Unemployment Rises, Manufacturing Booms

Published 2024-07-18

All Comments (17)
  • Economic does affect our way of living and stability, thank you for providing tips to have a cushion to fall on and watching and keeping us informed
  • The economy at this time is very uncertain for many of us. The up & downs in economic markets and unemployment affects those who are try to keep afloat during these times. With such uncertainty many things are increasing and making it harder for the average income earner to afford daily living expenses. Many can't afford invest in stocks, bonds etc. It's the daily living paycheck to paycheck. But I'm optimistic that things will stable out in the economy. People will once again be able to contribute to their future plus have enough to sustain their daily living. Great video on what's goin on with the economy. Thanks LuckScout.
  • Our financial education continues; it's looking topsy turvy ):-
  • You can't trust the economy on one hand there is many jobs openings. On the other hand people are being laid off. or terminated. If the employer pay more by the hour and cut employees pay so by this proplr get back unemployed for lack of work and hours.
  • @MsExquisite
    🤑🩸Thank you for another amazing video on the Economic Crisis! I be telling people all the time that we all a paycheck away from being homeless! I pray and hope the economy bounce back soon!🩸🤑